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Active Member
A little after joining Traderji, I came across the following post from the man himself.
It was then for me one of the most educative texts I had come across here, and helped me in a significant way attain some semblance of maturity as a technical trader. It at once made the broad subject of volume crystal clear.

It’s impeccable for content, and for style of expression, a subject also close to my heart, absolutely marvelous.
Dear AMITBE Sir,

I am so glad to see your posting. There were innumerable posts you have done in the past which surely will deserve some mention. You were the person I used to look up to when I joined the Traderji community. Your words were so much worth, even now, that I often feel to go through them again and again. Sadly these days I and certainly other Traderji community are missing the services of you greats.

Thanks for showing up yourself.

A little after joining Traderji, I came across the following post from the man himself.
It was then for me one of the most educative texts I had come across here, and helped me in a significant way attain some semblance of maturity as a technical trader. It at once made the broad subject of volume crystal clear.

Its impeccable for content, and for style of expression, a subject also close to my heart, absolutely marvelous.
Hi Amit,

You can find more here:


and here




Sad to say,but to this date nothing has helped me on this site,there were in my initial days in 2006,a few threads which I read and appreciated.

But this site has given me a very good friend and a few well wishers.And thats a totally different matter altogether.
Since you have used a singular in friend & we dont communicate much, I hope atleast I am in the well wishers list...


'I did this', 'I did that', 'my system gives a signal here', 'my signal gives a signal there', 'I bought here', 'I sold there'...

That was my mindset until I began to make profits. I had read Saint's posts before even registering, probably thousands read. But the importance of this statement repeated 100s of times in his posts I could only appreciate after becoming profitable:
A mind that stays in the Now,removing the "I" from the trade
Often I put it on my desktop as a warning. I just can't describe how immensely it helped me. Removing the 'I' is among the first steps to become spontaneous with the markets. Only after that you can 'see' the market and it's limitless opportunities and your limited knowledge. Then comes the first step- being aware of exactly how little you know.

Thanks Saint.

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