Please Help me about change background color

If time between 093000 and 155900 I want to change background color to green and not in time range 093000 and 155900 I want to change background color to grey.

Best regard


Well-Known Member
If time between 093000 and 155900 I want to change background color to green and not in time range 093000 and 155900 I want to change background color to grey.

Best regard
This should work

tn = TimeNum();
 timecond = tn >= 0093000 AND tn <=0155900 ; 
 Plot( timecond, "", colorGreen, styleArea|styleOwnScale,0,1);
timecond1= tn >= 016000 AND tn <=0092900 ; 
 Plot( timecond1, "", colorLightGrey, styleArea|styleOwnScale,0,1);

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