Newbie here

Hi all,

I am new out here. Hope to learn a lot from the veterans out here. :)
Hi loosingstreak,

As your name suggests, one will lose money initially in trading. But don't give up your hope, for the money lost initially should be taken as money invested to learn the art of trading.

Yes, you can learn a lot in this forum. Go through as many old and new threads, as possible. To start with, visit the thread "Teach a man to fish" by Saint, which will be more useful to you and enrich your wisdom on trade.

Wish you best of luck,


There are many really good threads after you complete 'Saints' ,go thru those ,then paper trade,before plunging.
Best of luck
Thanks insta. :) I guess the primary lesson the market gives is how loose and keep coming back.:D
It's not for a joke, my dear loosingstreak,

After loosing nearly 300k that started from Black Monday to last June, I'm still on the look out for more study materials to master , if not understand atleast, the "Art of Trading", with a hope and ambition to recover the money invested so far and make more than that, if I succeed in mastering the trade !

You seem to be much interested in learning, I saw you in some other thread.

Wishing you happy learning and trading,

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