need your help pleas

Copy the following text as say-- ema 8 30 cross --and put file in
amibroker custom directory.

a=EMA(C,8) ;
b=EMA(C,30) ;

Buy = Cross( a,b );
Sell = Cross( b,a );
//Short = Sell;
//Cover = Buy;

AlertIf( Buy, "", "MA cross BUY", 1,1+2 );

AlertIf( Sell, "", "MA cross SELL", 2 ,1+2);

Then open view- alret output.
Then open analyses-automatic analyses window. import above file.---by using 'pick'.
then tick all symbols
fillup from and to dates and tick it
tick --scan every[min]
check--settings to suit your requirements
tick scan
Now you will get outputs.

hi guys i need the same help in stochastic oscillator, i need a formula that will alert me for a BUY/SELL SIGNAL.


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