Need help with zinc.

Hello guys, a very happy new year to you all.
My name is Wasim and am new to trading. I am starting with a minimum investment of 10000, and i believe i can only trade in zinc mini or lead mini.
Please help me out with your guidance.
Thank you.
thanks a lot for replying friends, really appreciate it.
its gonna be my first day at trade tomorrow. Hope its profitable to all of us. Inshaallah.
wat type of guidance u need ?
Thanks for replying Mr Raaja,
Any help would do, like what strategy to use, how to go about with the home work.Is it the same as trading in equities?, What is the best time to trade during the day(like when the london market opens or the us market opens.).
Thanks again.


Active Member
Thanks for replying Mr Raaja,
Any help would do, like what strategy to use, how to go about with the home work.Is it the same as trading in equities?, What is the best time to trade during the day(like when the london market opens or the us market opens.).
Thanks again.
good time to trade zinc is morning 10 to 11.30 am, and from 1.30 pm to 3 pm
and from 5.30 pm to 6.30 pm, and from 7.30 pm to till closing these are good timings which i used to trade in commodities. It is same as equities, and 1000 +/- variation per one point movement in zincmini, and 5000 movement +/- in one point movement in zinc main. For strategy first use break out strategy at first, means, watch previous day closing lvls, and look current day price lvls.

if current price crosses upside from previous day's price level then enter long with keeping 1 point as stop loss

if current price crosses below from previous day's price levle then enter short side by keeping 1 point as stoploss . These strategy is only for newbies, success rate is 70 -80% in trending mkts, in choppy mkts this strategy don't works

hope u got atleast some info from this msg. Have a profitable trading days.

Thanks & Regds,


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