Ncdx Trading Tips

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Mareeche said:
The roller coaster movments in guar can make even the toughest stomachs queasy..Its more fun watching the prices than trading in this.. :)

I am totally agree with you...... :D
Thats y i always advise small traders to stay away..
sh_suhan said:
Anybody who can provide the outlook for Chana and Tur?? Looking forward to your valuable tips.

Tur looks very good in long term. so hold on if u have long position.. for chana nothing can b said.. market is moving both ways .buy when market takes a beating of 30 40 Rs and leave on 15 to 20 Rs profit. that should b the trading strategy in chana..
oct ncdx support is around 1805 1815.. in these levels u can enter with a buy.. with a stoploss of rs 1787.
Thanks again for your insight. I had taken a position in Chana at 1805 last Friday..should I book profits. The news I have is that it has a strong resistance at 1870 level and if it crosses then 1900 can be reached. All depends on the rains in Rajasthan. Generally Mid September to October is the month when the demand is huge for Chana.

Pls. correct me if I am wrong. Looking forward to your comments.
sh_suhan said:
Thanks again for your insight. I had taken a position in Chana at 1805 last Friday..should I book profits. The news I have is that it has a strong resistance at 1870 level and if it crosses then 1900 can be reached. All depends on the rains in Rajasthan. Generally Mid September to October is the month when the demand is huge for Chana.

Pls. correct me if I am wrong. Looking forward to your comments.

Its very unfortunate :mad: that chana has taken the guar pattern.. it has left its own strength.. moves totally on guar movements.. if u r using odin or if u analyze intraday charts of both guar and chana.. u will find that movement both r exactly matching...
therefor guar is a totally un predictive commodity.. i think u can book @ least 50% profit of your holdings @ this level... Rain update is that rains has covered full rajasthan and north india... therefor one can expect a dip.. (but nothing can b said for sure on guar) :confused:
Give us the latest tips, also let me as I am new comer in commodities trading, how I have to start trading.

ncdx said:
1>sell Tur Aug @ 2075 Levels 2010 Expected In A Week..
2>buy Urad Sept @ 1975 Levels Exit @ 1915
3>buy Chana Sept @ 1920 -25 Exit @ 1945
4>buy Guar Seed Sep @ 1590 Exit @ 1645

On This Thread I will only b advising On Above 3 commodities only becoz these are my trading areas..and i do not trade in any other commodity... :)

Your Coments Are Welcome... :)
diamond said:
Give us the latest tips, also let me as I am new comer in commodities trading, how I have to start trading.
U can read the thread " A COMPLETE GUIDE IN COMMODITY TRADING". i hav written this for starters..
sh_suhan said:

It seems that Chana is gaining some ground. What is the outlook for Urad and Tur...any trading calls?

Many thanks

some cartels of large operators has crashed both urad and tur... thats all beacuse of bad management of fmc and ncdx+mcx. with penalty going from 3% to 0.5% (without any reason.. smell of huge corrption on high levels behind this).. buyer is left on no mercy... it has becom sellers playground.. operators crash markets on last days of settlments and took the money away.. small investor left behind cheated... there is a total nonsance is going on on the exchanges... some one should complaint these manipulations to the highest levels of government.. :mad:

There was no strong reason for tur and urad to come down so heavily..infact becoz of heavy rains pricec should shoot up or remain stable...its all heavy manipulation and nothing else..
i am feeling very upset over it... :mad:

after settlement it has seen that prices shoots up prettty sharply.. so wathout tomo..
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