meta stock installation problem

> I hope that anybody can help me out of follwing isue I have and
> couldn't understand at the moment:
> 1. I've installed MS 8.01 Pro with eSignal as Datasource
> 2. Starting MS Pro starts Equis Data Server
> 3. Immediately after starting DS I get following message:
> "DBS Data Manager (WINROS.EXE) could not be found. It must be run
> before ..." - of course becasue it is not installed.
> Logically I would assume that the installation routine installs
> neccessary files for using with eSignal (DBC Signal).
> What I am doing wrong? Do I need an additional module from
> in order to use it with MS?
> Btw. I have an account for eSignal MarketCenter. So I would
> to configure my Login Datas and that tha connection to eSignal
> automatically.
> I appreciate every help. Thanks.

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