Looking for a mentor in option trading

hi oldtrader,

I have not done any backtesting neither i believe in backtesting (this is my personal opinion). What I have shared is my exp with the stgies and mostly with one directional index stgy in particular. It worked along with my chart reading skills as i am able to hedge my position on eod basis. So peace of mind is there for me.

How good or how bad one thing is, depend from person to person. You may have not got value out of it, may be not useful for you. But for me its a good investment of 5k.



Active Member
i think it is worth paying 5k for Dilip shaw's course. pretty good for beginners with little knowledge about options trading and he will guide you for one year. i am also new to option trading. learnt everything about options from zerodha varsity and other websites. now planning to take his course for an in depth knowledge and understanding of options trading. paying a min 5k/month, even 1 lakh plus to greedy stock tips advisers and top rated advisers is simply not worth and absolute waste of money. from other sources i found out he is seasoned trader he is helping us understand and his service is there for one year. information that you acquire from a derivative strategy book are basic and someone guiding you based on real time market data, the strategies to adopt for a whole year is kind of second step to improve our skill and gain confidence. all the best. :thumb::thumb:

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