hello from mumbai
i have a well thaught plan
i have invested 90000 for intra day and my aim is to make it grow 100 folds in 100 months for that i would like you to visit
for compound intrest calculator
with the help of this calculator to achive my goal i will have to make a net profit of 4.614017997 % ( say 4.75 %) Monthly on my capital
that is in jan 2010 i must have profit of rs 4369.31
i am very happy i did achive :clap: net profit of rs 4283.92 in jan on my first month i had to pay rs 3188.12 as brokrage
i have not traded in feb. so for as i am waiting my new tading a/c with networth to be opretive
my feb target is 4581.43
and march target will be 4803.85
i will let u know when i start trading through http://www.networthdirect.com/

i was able to do tading on monday 22 feb
I started with 2 gram gold in form of gold bees 1652 per unit
i did intraday and had
net profit just rs 44.93v(monday 22 feb)
my most time was spent in knowing and exploring their soft ware
i think they have some bug in one button
when u upon net position window and if you want to square up some part of your posion you cant put order through atleast i could not do so networthdirect.com will have to see and explain
so for so good my target for feb is still not achived i have 3 more days to achive my feb target of 100times in 100 months please email me [email protected]
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