Important Levels for commodities for the day


Active Member
June 11th,2013
Important Levels--- Trend------------------- Level1 Level2 Level3
Aluminium----------- Down-------------------- 112 110 107.9
Copper---------------- Down-------------------- 419 414.4 414
Crudeoil--------------- Up---------------------- 5646 5577 5388
Gold-------------------- Up---------------------- 28,289 27,932 27,368.00
Lead-------------------- Up---------------------- 127 124 122.7
Naturalgas----------- Up---------------------- 226 225.6 222
Nickel------------------ Up---------------------- 876 865 853.8
Silver------------------- Up---------------------- 44800 43780 43700
zinc--------------------- Down-------------------- 110 108 107.4

How do you trade these levels?
The above Levels are the crucial levels for the above scrips for the day. The trades are initiated near to these levels as per the trend. When a scrip goes near or above these levels and starts to trade above or below trade is initiated. When a scrip breaks resistance and trades above for significant time it becomes support, similarly When a scrip breaks Support and trades above for significant time it becomes Resistance.
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Active Member
Trend of copper is down as i have mentioned in my 11th jun report .............USDINR is playing havoc with commodities positions, till this volatility is there please trade safe.


Active Member
June 12th,2013
Important Levels--- Trend------------------- Level1 Level2 Level3
Aluminium----------- Down-------------------- 110 108 107
Copper---------------- Down-------------------- 415 413.9 407
Crudeoil--------------- Up---------------------- 5573 5473 5405
Gold-------------------- Up---------------------- 28,209 27,744 27,445.00
Lead-------------------- Down-------------------- 124 122.7 121
Naturalgas----------- Down-------------------- 224.5 221 215
Nickel------------------ Down-------------------- 855 852.6 832
Silver------------------- Up---------------------- 44200 43760 43100
zinc--------------------- Down-------------------- 108 107.3 106

How do you trade these levels?
The above Levels are the crucial levels for the above scrips for the day. The trades are initiated near to these levels as per the trend. When a scrip goes near or above these levels and starts to trade above or below trade is initiated. When a scrip breaks resistance and trades above for significant time it becomes support, similarly When a scrip breaks Support and trades above for significant time it becomes Resistance.
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sir, i read in many places that silver will go down side up to 40000 or 38000. do you think this news is right or just rumors ?
if news is right then how many days will it take to achieve that target? i am short term invester so should i go in buying in gold and silver or wait for some time? please help me for buying call in silver and gold.

and yes i bought silver lot at 44600. what to do now ? should i have to wait ?how much?


Active Member
sir, i read in many places that silver will go down side up to 40000 or 38000. do you think this news is right or just rumors ?
if news is right then how many days will it take to achieve that target? i am short term invester so should i go in buying in gold and silver or wait for some time? please help me for buying call in silver and gold.

and yes i bought silver lot at 44600. what to do now ? should i have to wait ?how much?
Hi, Silver has been in selling mode from around 61000 levels, only if it closes below 42700 do i see more selling so that could be a important point if it should come to your other levels. On the upper side it can retrace from 47000 to 52000 for a pullback to this fall. I dont trust anyone other than what the chart says the trend is. You are with the trend..... i am available on yahoo IM elwave.comex at


Active Member
June 13th,2013
Important Levels--- Trend------------------- Level1 Level2 Level3
Aluminium----------- Down-------------------- 108 107.8 105
Copper---------------- Down-------------------- 416 413.7 408
Crudeoil--------------- Up---------------------- 5625 5523 5428
Gold-------------------- Up---------------------- 28,142 27,667 27,514.00
Lead-------------------- Down-------------------- 124 122.7 121
Naturalgas----------- Down-------------------- 223.6 221 216
Nickel------------------ Down-------------------- 848.8 831 808
Silver------------------- Up---------------------- 43900 43720 42900
zinc--------------------- Down-------------------- 108 107.2 106

How do you trade these levels?
The above Levels are the crucial levels for the above scrips for the day. The trades are initiated near to these levels as per the trend. When a scrip goes near or above these levels and starts to trade above or below trade is initiated. When a scrip breaks resistance and trades above for significant time it becomes support, similarly When a scrip breaks Support and trades above for significant time it becomes Resistance.


Active Member
June 14th,2013
Important Levels--- Trend------------------- Level1 Level2 Level3
Aluminium----------- Down-------------------- 107.5 107 105
Copper---------------- Down-------------------- 413 412.9 404
Crudeoil--------------- Up---------------------- 5622 5545 5448
Gold-------------------- Up---------------------- 27,947 27,549 27,479.00
Lead-------------------- Down-------------------- 122.5 122 119
Naturalgas----------- Down-------------------- 224 223.2 218
Nickel------------------ Down-------------------- 844.4 826 803
Silver------------------- Up---------------------- 43650 43600 42800
zinc--------------------- Down-------------------- 107 107 104

How do you trade these levels?
The above Levels are the crucial levels for the above scrips for the day. The trades are initiated near to these levels as per the trend. When a scrip goes near or above these levels and starts to trade above or below trade is initiated. When a scrip breaks resistance and trades above for significant time it becomes support, similarly When a scrip breaks Support and trades above for significant time it becomes Resistance.


Active Member
June 17th,2013
Important Levels--- Trend------------------- Level1 Level2 Level3
Aluminium----------- Down-------------------- 107.3 106 104
Copper---------------- Down-------------------- 412.2 412 404
Crudeoil--------------- Up---------------------- 5718 5657 5623
Gold-------------------- Up---------------------- 27,959 27,596 27,584.00
Lead-------------------- Down-------------------- 123 122.3 121
Naturalgas----------- Down-------------------- 222.2 218 212
Nickel------------------ Down-------------------- 842 837 819
Silver------------------- Up---------------------- 44600 43670 43500
zinc--------------------- Down-------------------- 107 106.8 105

How do you trade these levels?
The above Levels are the crucial levels for the above scrips for the day. The trades are initiated near to these levels as per the trend. When a scrip goes near or above these levels and starts to trade above or below trade is initiated. When a scrip breaks resistance and trades above for significant time it becomes support, similarly When a scrip breaks Support and trades above for significant time it becomes Resistance.

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