Hello everybody, Shifting from Trend to FchartsSE


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

I am trading and investing since last 5 years.

I am mainly interested in secondary markets and MFs.

I have been using Trend by Reliable.co.in for the last 5 years. I want to change since that software is made in MSDOS and the data downloader is made in Windows. It really sucks since I have to maintain windows and I am a linux user. It does not work under Wine in linux.

So, I was looking for other software and I found FchartsSE and this forum.

It is nice to be here and I have downloaded/installed FchartsSE and Getbhavcopy. I have also downloaded and imported data upto 31-12-2008. Thanks to the members on both the sites who have written nice instructions.

I want to know how to manage stock splits/dividends/rights/bonus in FchartsSE (I do not mind buying FChartsPro or AMIbroker for that). :mad: I could not find any info on this. I shall be thankful if anybody can point to a thread if it is already there or any body knows how to do that.



Well-Known Member
maybe some menmber could provide you with an upto date database..
Lots of fchart users here

and me a trend user too :)
Though I use amibroker most of the time
There are some habits that continue, thats why trend has survived on my hdd :)
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