free Metastock historical data (EOD)

I download bhavcopy.csv daily and open it in excel, there I rename column named SYMBOL as TICKER,SERIES as PER ( and replace the values in this column to D),delete columns LAST, PREVCLOSE,TOTTRDVAL. I rename TOTTRDQTY as VOLUME and TIMESTAMP as date. Then I create a column named TIME ( and put values of 00:00:00 in all the cells of this column), and create another column called O/I ( and put value of 0 in all the cells of this column). Save this as an excel file.

Now open the downloader of metastock and click the convert button. In the source file type, pick excel, and select the excel file just saved. In the destination file type, select the type as metastock, and click the other buttons as required. In a few seconds, the data gets convertedinto metastock form. If there is any eror message, then the reason could be incorrect renaming of the column titles, or incorrect data in the columns where data is required to be changed.

I want to seek one information from the experienced members of this forum about metastock (as well as amibroker). Can someone tell me how to import intraday data ( after end of the day) in these two softwares. Can someone give me a step by step method. I Am sure that amibroker accepts intraday data, but is it possible to import intraday data in metastock EOD (10).

Thank you in advance.

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