Data from 5paisa (TTAdvance) to Metastock RT

Has anybody been able to import data from the 5-Paisa software (TTAdvance) into Metastock RT? If so, please guide me how to do it. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
I'm trying to. However I've not been able to concentrate on it for a while now.
They keep changing thier exe's so often, the methods I use are obsolete by the time I've disassembeled it. By the way I'm a registered user of thier software and It's good for intra-day but severely limited when you are a day-trader as well as a longer term trader. I hate not being able to see the context of my trades these days
Sorry guv.
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The graph (of the selected scrip) is stored in \TTADVANCE in the name of TAdata<Symbol>.dat. It contains the data at the interval selected in the graph. If you select 1 min, then the data gets updated at the end of every minute only, the time stamp is the beg of that 1 min. Stops with data at 3:28 (containing data upto 3:29:00. Also misses the beg data when NSE trading starts, for about a couple of minutes. This is about the max I could see.
in the dat file in /TTADVANCE, what is sequence of data (like open,high,low,lastprice/close,volume etc)....can't make out from the file you uploaded on 4shared...
Convert data from 5paisa (TTAdvance) to Metastock RT


Attached is utility that converts data from 5Paisa (TTADVANCE) to Metastock format.
You will need .Net framework 2.0 or later to use/run this application.
You can get .Net framework from

Currently utility will convert all data from TTAdvance dat files in one go (and does not do it incrementally as quotes are appended to .dat file). I don't have Metastock or 5Paisa so couldn't test this. If the conversion works I can incorporate the continuous conversion as 5Paisa downloads the quotes. So let me know if this works then I can incorporate automatic incremental conversion

Download software from

cheers :)
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Active Member
I've downloaded, installed and run your s/w. On running it gives the message of completing the conversion of data from TTAdv; but when I run MS I can see only the scrip codes but no chart. Any solution.



Active Member
I've downloaded and run your s/w. On running it gives the message for completing the conversion of TTAdv data; but when I run MS I can see only the scrip codes but no chart. Any solution?
