Crude Oil Trading


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Suppose Now crude trading @ 2155
Pre condition:
1. head=long, Tail=Short

1. coin toss is head and crude is also in up trend should I go long?
2. coin toss is tail and trend is up SOH.. vice versa

I meant decide trend before opening. not every 30 min. toss every 6hrs, morning session and evening session. This toss may sound like a joke, but concentrating on trading only one direction really helps.
Nowadays I m deciding one direction and trading only that in equity cash scrips, and for the first time, will surely win 60 day challenge.
paper trading the same in crude since more than 2 weeks, with good results.

if by some other methods u decided that crude is in uptrend, then no shorts.
if that other showed confirmed reversal , then only shorts.
best entry pt is when rally is ending and decline is starting( for shorts).
if u know mph/mpl

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