AFL s Old and New all !!

Would it be possible for you to post the code for the band indicator and the buy sell arrows in the price chart?

That band at the bottom of the price chart catches better swings.
is this one you are looking for ?

// TSI - Trend Strength Index  Indicator

function TSI()
Ratio   = abs(Close - Ref(Close,-10)) / ATR(10)  ;
Result  = MA(MA(Ratio,10),100);
return Result;
Would it be possible for you to post the code for the band indicator and the buy sell arrows in the price chart?

That band at the bottom of the price chart catches better swings.

Nope. This is what I have been looking for. Comments annotated on the chart.
hmm ok ..i did read that you asking for ribbons
if you have all of the formula that it is in the foto,
then you can PM me the formula or post it here and i will do it for you.
But if you don't have it i will think later and i will make a similar one

P.S but please insert the formula in # (wrap code) try to do that every time you post any AFL

@ munde_77 GR..9........ :console:


Well-Known Member
PnF (Point and Figure) AFL

//AFL P&F Chart for Amibroker Indicator window. Based on High/low prices.
//Based on code in AB help files
//Reverse is 2 boxes.
//Graham Kavanagh 30 Sep 2003


//Size for P&F boxes
boxsize=IIf(C>=0.01 AND C<10, 0.05,
IIf(C>=10 AND C<20, 0.10,
IIf(C>=20 AND C<30, 0.15,
IIf(C>=30 AND C<40, 0.20,
IIf(C>=40 AND C<50, 0.25,
IIf(C>=50 AND C<60, 0.30,
IIf(C>=60 AND C<70, 0.35,
IIf(C>=70 AND C<80, 0.40,
IIf(C>=80 AND C<90, 0.45,
IIf(C>=90 AND C<100, 0.50,
IIf(C>=100 AND C<150, 0.75,
IIf(C>=150 AND C<200, 1.00,
IIf(C>=200 AND C<250, 1.25,
IIf(C>=250 AND C<300, 1.50,
IIf(C>=300 AND C<350, 1.75,
IIf(C>=350 AND C<400, 2.00,
IIf(C>=400 AND C<450, 2.25,
IIf(C>=450 AND C<500, 2.50,
IIf(C>=500 AND C<550, 2.75,
IIf(C>=550 AND C<600, 3.00,
IIf(C>=600 AND C<650, 3.25,
IIf(C>=650 AND C<700, 3.50,
IIf(C>=700 AND C<750, 3.75,
IIf(C>=750 AND C<800, 4.00,
IIf(C>=800 AND C<850, 4.25,
IIf(C>=850 AND C<900, 4.50,
IIf(C>=900 AND C<950, 4.75,
IIf(C>=950 AND C<1000, 5.00,
IIf(C>=1000 AND C<1100, 5.50,
IIf(C>=1100 AND C<1200, 6.00,
IIf(C>=1200 AND C<1300, 6.50,
IIf(C>=1300 AND C<1400, 7.00,
IIf(C>=1400 AND C<1500, 7.50,
IIf(C>=1500 AND C<1600, 8.00,
IIf(C>=1600 AND C<1700, 8.50,
IIf(C>=1700 AND C<1800, 9.00,
IIf(C>=1800 AND C<1900, 9.50,
IIf(C>=1900 AND C<2000, 10.00,
IIf(C>=2000 AND C<2100, 10.50,
IIf(C>=2100 AND C<2200, 11.00,
IIf(C>=2200 AND C<2300, 11.50,
IIf(C>=2300 AND C<2400, 12.00,
IIf(C>=2400 AND C<2500, 12.50,
IIf(C>=2500 AND C<2600, 13.00,
IIf(C>=2600 AND C<2700, 13.50,
IIf(C>=2700 AND C<2800, 14.00,
IIf(C>=2800 AND C<2900, 14.50,
IIf(C>=2900 AND C<3000, 15.00,
IIf(C>=3000 AND C<3100, 15.50,
IIf(C>=3100 AND C<3200, 16.00,
IIf(C>=3200 AND C<3300, 16.50,
IIf(C>=3300 AND C<3400, 17.00,
IIf(C>=3400 AND C<3500, 17.50,
IIf(C>=3500 AND C<3600, 18.00,
IIf(C>=3600 AND C<3700, 18.50,
IIf(C>=3700 AND C<3800, 19.00,
IIf(C>=3800 AND C<3900, 19.50,
IIf(C>=3900 AND C<4000, 20.00,
IIf(C>=4000 AND C<4100, 20.50,
IIf(C>=4100 AND C<4200, 21.00,
IIf(C>=4200 AND C<4300, 21.50,
IIf(C>=4300 AND C<4400, 22.00,
IIf(C>=4400 AND C<4500, 22.50,
IIf(C>=4500 AND C<4600, 23.00,
IIf(C>=4600 AND C<4700, 23.50,
IIf(C>=4700 AND C<4800, 24.00,
IIf(C>=4800 AND C<4900, 24.50,
IIf(C>=4900 AND C<5000, 25.00,
IIf(C>=5000 AND C<6000, 30,
IIf(C>=6000 AND C<7000, 35,
IIf(C>=7000 AND C<8000, 40,
IIf(C>=8000 AND C<9000, 45,
IIf(C>=9000 AND C<10000, 50,
IIf(C>=10000 AND C<11000, 55,
IIf(C>=11000 AND C<12000, 60,
IIf(C>=12000 AND C<13000, 65,
IIf(C>=13000 AND C<14000, 70,
IIf(C>=14000 AND C<15000, 75,
IIf(C>=15000 AND C<16000, 80,
IIf(C>=16000 AND C<17000, 85,
IIf(C>=17000 AND C<18000, 90,
IIf(C>=18000 AND C<19000, 95,
IIf(C>=19000 AND C<20000, 100,
IIf(C>=20000 AND C<21000, 105,
IIf(C>=21000 AND C<22000, 110,
IIf(C>=22000 AND C<23000, 115,
IIf(C>=23000 AND C<24000, 120,
IIf(C>=24000 AND C<25000, 125,
IIf(C>=25000 AND C<26000, 130,
IIf(C>=26000 AND C<27000, 135,
IIf(C>=27000 AND C<28000, 140,
IIf(C>=28000 AND C<29000, 145,
IIf(C>=29000 AND C<30000, 150,
IIf(C>=30000 AND C<31000, 155,
IIf(C>=31000 AND C<32000, 160,
IIf(C>=32000 AND C<33000, 165,
IIf(C>=33000 AND C<34000, 170,
IIf(C>=34000 AND C<35000, 175,
Box = LastValue(boxsize);
HX = round((H/box)*10)/10;
LX = round((L/box)*10)/10;
RH = floor(HX);
FL = ceil(LX);

// initialize first element
j = 0;

Reverse = 3; // reversal requirement

PFC[j] = FL[0];
PFO[j] = PFC[j] + 1;
down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar.
up = 0;
swap = 0;

// perform the loop that produces PF Chart
for( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )

if( FL <= PFC[j]-1 && down) //continue down
PFC[j] = FL;
PFO[j] = PFC[j] + 1;
if( RH >= PFC[j] + Reverse && down) //Change direction to up
swap = 1;
PFC[j] = RH;
PFO[j] = PFC[j]-1;
if( RH >= PFC[j] + 1 && up) //Continue up
PFC[j] = RH;
PFO[j] = PFC[j] - 1;
if( FL <= PFC[j] - Reverse && up) //Change direction to down
PFC[j] = FL;
PFO[j] = PFC[j] + 1;
swap = 1;
if( swap )
swap = 0;
if( up )
up = 0;
down = 1;
up = 1;
down = 0;
delta = BarCount - j-1;

PFO = Ref( PFO, -delta );
PFC = Ref( PFC, -delta );

// High-Low range sets the height of the P&F bar
H = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)>Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(HHV(PFC,1),-1)-1,Max(PFO,PFC))*Box;
L = IIf(Ref(PFC,-1)<Ref(PFO,-1),Ref(LLV(PFC,1),-1)+1,Min(PFO,PFC))*Box;
O =

// the difference between Open AND Close should be set to box size
// the sign decides if X or O are plotted
C = O + Box * IIf( PFC > PFO, 1,-1);

GraphXSpace = 2;
Title ="No Jscript " + Name()+ " PF HiLo, H: " + H+ ", L: " + L+", Box: "+
box + ", Reversal: " + reverse;

Plot( C, "P&F Chart Close", IIf( PFC > PFO, colorBlue, colorRed ),

hbar1 = H ;
hbar2 = Ref(H,-2) ;

lbar1 = L ;
lbar2 = Ref(L,-2) ;

Buy = IIf( hbar1 > hbar2 AND PFC > PFO ,True,False);
Sell = IIf(lbar1 < lbar2 AND PFC < PFO ,True,False);

x = Buy;
y = Sell;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

PlotShapes(shapeSmallUpTriangle * Buy, colorGreen, 0, L, -12);
PlotShapes(shapeSmallDownTriangle * Sell, colorRed, 0, H, -12);

" Last Bar " + LastValue( BarIndex()-2 );

AlertIf( Sell, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav", "Sell", 2 );
AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Ding.wav", "Buy", 1 );

Filter = 1; /* all symbols and quotes accepted */
//filer = Buy OR Sell ;
AddColumn(x,"Buy Above" , 1);
AddColumn(y,"Sell Below", 1);
AddColumn(hbar2,"Hbar-2", 1);


_SECTION_BEGIN( "Point & Figure w Values adj" );

GraphXSpace = 5;

SetChartBkColor( ParamColor( "BackGroundColor", colorBlack) );

//GraphColor = ParamColor("GarphColor",colorLightGrey);

GridColor = ParamColor( "GridColor", colorLightGrey );

Scaling = ParamList( "Scaling Method", "Traditional|Percentage|AVG True
Range" );

if ( scaling == "Traditional" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 );


if ( scaling == "Percentage" )

Box = Param( "Box ", 1, 0.2, 10, 0.1 ) / 100 * LastValue( C );


if ( scaling == "AVG True Range" )

Box = Param( "Box", 1, 0.3, 5, 0.1 ) * LastValue( ATR ( 20 ) );

shiftChart = 0;

shiftLastClose = 1;

shiftGrid = 7;

shiftPriceAxis = 2;

Reverse = Param( "Reverse", 3, 1, 5 );

j = 0;

PFL[0] = Box * ceil( Low[0] / Box ) + Box;

PFH[0] = Box * floor( High[0] / Box );

direction = 0;

for ( i = 1; i < BarCount; i++ )


if ( direction[j] == 0 )


if ( Low <= PFL[j] - Box )


PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low / Box );




if ( High >= PFL[j] + Reverse*Box )



direction[j] = 1;

PFH[j] = Box * floor( High / Box );

PFL[j] = PFL[j - 1] + Box;






if ( High >= PFH[j] + Box )


PFH[j] = Box * floor( High / Box );




if ( Low <= PFH[j] - Reverse * Box )



direction[j] = 0;

PFH[j] = PFH[j - 1] - Box;

PFL[j] = Box * ceil( Low / Box );





delta = BarCount - j - 1;

direction = Ref( direction, - delta );

Hi = Ref( PFH, -delta ) + Box / 2;

Lo = Ref( PFL, -delta ) - Box / 2;

Cl = IIf( direction == 1, Hi, Lo );

Op = IIf( direction == 1, Cl - Box, Cl + Box );

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor , stylePointAndFigure |
styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );

Last = Ref( LastValue( C ), -( BarCount - 1 ) );

Plot( Last, "", colorRed, styleNoLine | styleDots, 0 , 0, shiftLastClose );

// selected value

Value = IIf( direction > 0, SelectedValue( Hi ) - box / 2, SelectedValue( Lo
) + box / 2 );




PlotGridLines = ParamToggle( "PlotdGrid", "Yes! |No", 1 ) ;

if ( PlotGridLines )


begin = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );

end = LastValue( BarIndex() );

period = end - begin + 1;

if ( begin < end )


ScreenHigh = LastValue( HHV( cl, period ) );

ScreenLow = LastValue( LLV( Cl, period ) );

top = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenHigh, end, screenhigh, 0 , 1 );

Bot = LineArray( begin - shiftGrid, screenlow, end, screenLow, 0, 1 );

Plot( top, "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel , 0, 0, shiftGrid );

//Plot( bot, "", gridColor,styleLine|styleNoLabel, 0 , 0 , shiftGrid);

VerticalGrid = IIf ( BarIndex() >= begin, IIf( direction == 1, screenHigh,
screenLow ), Null );

Plot ( VerticalGrid, "", gridColor, styleStaircase | styleNoLabel, 0, 0, 1

format = 8.2;

for ( n = LastValue( bot ); n < LastValue( top ) - 0.5*box; n = n + box )


Plot( bot , "", gridColor, styleLine | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftGrid );

text = NumToStr( LastValue( bot ) + 0.5 * box, format );

xposition = BarCount + shiftPriceaxis;

yPosition = LastValue( bot ) + 0.27 * box;

PlotText( text, xPosition , yPosition, colorBlue );

bot = bot + box;

Graphcolor = IIf( direction == 1, ParamColor( "X_Color", colorBrightGreen ),

ParamColor( "O_Color", colorRed ) );

PlotOHLC( Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, "", GraphColor ,

stylePointAndFigure | styleNoLabel, 0, 0 , shiftChart );




NumLine = Param("Num Lines",2,1,20,1);

function sort(inlist)


//sort inlist


for(i = numline * 2; i>=0; i--)


for (j = 1; j <= i; j++)


if (inlist[j-1] > inlist[j] AND inlist[j-1] > 0)


temp = inlist[j-1];

inlist[j-1] = inlist[j];

inlist[j] = temp;




//inlist now sorted

return inlist;

//Support and resistance levels.

//using RSI

//Load into Indicator Builder

//Sensitivity of the levels can be changed with the variables

//Can test different numbers live with the Param function ctrl-R with open pane

RSIperiod = Param("RSI p",2,2,30,1);

EMAperiod = Param("EMA p",5,3,10,1);

Percent = Param("ZIG %",3,1,15,1);

HHVperiod = Param("HHV p",6,2,10,1);

NumLine = Param("Num Lines",2,1,20,1);

//Base = RSI(RSIperiod);

//Base = EMA(RSI(RSIperiod),EMAperiod);
//base = CCI(14);
Base = DEMA(RSI(RSIperiod),EMAperiod);


//Plot(EMA(C, 10), "EMA-10", colorRed, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale);
//Plot(EMA(C, 20), "EMA-20", colorBlue, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale);
//Plot(EMA(C, 50), "EMA-50", colorBlack, styleLine|styleThick|styleNoRescale);

pp = (H + L + C)/3;
//Plot(EMA(Ref(pp, -1), 3), "EMA pp", colorWhite, styleLine|styleNoRescale);

red = green = 0;
for( i = 1; i <= numline; i++ )


ResBase = LastValue(Peak(Base,Percent,i));

SupBase = LastValue(Trough(Base,Percent,i));

Plot(ValueWhen( ResBase==Base, HHV(H,HHVperiod) ), "Resist Level", colorRed,
Plot(ValueWhen( supbase==Base, LLV(L,HHVperiod) ), "Support Level", colorGreen,
red = IIf(resbase == base, 1, 0);
green = IIf(supbase == base, 1, 0);

r1[1] = 0;
s1[1] = 0;
for (i = 1; i <= numline; i++)
resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, i));
supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, i));

r = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod)));
s = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)));

r1 = r;
r1[i+numline] = s;
//r1 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod)));
//s1 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod)));

r1 = sort(r1);
"R1-1: " + WriteVal(r1[1], 1.2);
"R1-2: " + WriteVal(r1[2], 1.2);
"R1-3: " + WriteVal(r1[3], 1.2);

// find nearest three resistance lines (values above current high)
near_r1[1] = 0;
j = 1;
for (i = 1; i <= numline * 2; i++)
if(r1 > SelectedValue(H))
near_r1[j] = r1;
j = j + 1;

"Linregslope of Close: " + WriteVal(LinRegSlope(C, 3), 1.2);
"\nCurrent High: " + WriteVal(H, 1.2);
"\nNearest Resistance Levels:\n";
"R1: " + WriteVal(near_r1[1], 1.2);
"R2: " + WriteVal(near_r1[2], 1.2);

// find nearest three nearest support lines (values below current low)
near_s1[1] = 0;
j = 1;
for(i=numline*2; i >= 1; i--)
if (r1 < SelectedValue(L) AND r1 > 0)
near_s1[j] = r1;

"\nCurrent Low: " + WriteVal(L, 1.2);
"\nNearest Support Levels:\n";
"S1: " + WriteVal(near_s1[1], 1.2);
"S2: " + WriteVal(near_s1[2], 1.2);

// Test
resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 1));
supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 1));
sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod));
res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod));
"Resbase: " + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2);
"SUpbase: " + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2);
"Supp1: " + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2);
"Res1: " + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 2));
supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 2));
sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod));
res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod));
"Resbase2: " + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2);
"SUpbase2: " + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2);
"Supp2: " + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2);
"Res2: " + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

resbase = LastValue(Peak(base, percent, 3));
supbase = LastValue(Trough(base, percent, 3));
sup1 = ValueWhen(supbase==base, LLV(L, HHVperiod));
res1 = ValueWhen(resbase==base, HHV(H, HHVperiod));
"Resbase3: " + WriteVal(resbase, 1.2);
"SUpbase3: " + WriteVal(supbase, 1.2);
"Supp3: " + WriteVal(sup1, 1.2);
"Res3: " + WriteVal(res1, 1.2);

// End test
"Base: " + WriteVal(base, 1.2);
WriteIf(red, "Resistance", "");
WriteIf(green, "Support", "");


Title = Name() + "; " + Date() + ": Support & Resistance Levels using RSI: " +
EncodeColor(colorGreen)+ "Support Levels are Green; "+EncodeColor(colorRed)+
"Resistance Levels are Red: "+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+"Number of lines of each
="+WriteVal(numline,1) +
EncodeColor(colorRed) + "\nEMA-10: " + WriteVal(EMA(C, 10), 1.2) +
EncodeColor(colorBlue) + "\nEMA-20: " + WriteVal(EMA(C, 20), 1.2) +
EncodeColor(colorBlack) + "\nEMA-50: " + WriteVal(EMA(C, 50), 1.2) ;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", colorTeal),ParamColor("BgBottom",

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g,
Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C));

Hh = HHV(C,1) ;
Ll = LLV(C,1) ;

Hh = Ref(HHV(C,1),-1) ;
Ll = Ref(LLV(C,1),-1);

//Plot(Hh,"1 Bar High",colorGreen,styleLine);
//Plot(Ll,"1 Bar Low",colorRed,styleLine);

IIf(C > Hh, colorBrightGreen,
IIf(C < Ll, colorRed,

Buy = C > Hh;
Sell = C < Ll;

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );

PlotShapes(shapeUpTriangle* Buy, colorGreen, 0, L );
PlotShapes(shapeDownTriangle* Sell, colorRed, 0, H );
"Jeevan's Advice: "+WriteVal(0);
"Bullish if Closing Above : "+WriteVal(Hh,1.01);
"Bearish if Closing Below: "+WriteVal(Ll,1.01);
"Current Close : "+WriteVal(Close,1.0);

//prepared by Vinod k. iyer
pShowtradeLines = ParamToggle("Show 1000 H/L Lines", "No|Yes", 1);
pShowRangeLines = ParamToggle("Show Day H/L Lines", "No|Yes", 0);
SetChartOptions(0,chartShowArrows|chartShowDates|C hartWrapTitle|chartHideQuoteMarker);
Limit=Param(" Trade Till (Hour)(Min)(Sec)",153000,103000,153000,100);
since=(TimeNum() >= 095959 AND TimeNum()<= Limit) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
since1=(TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= Limit) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
autoHL = ParamToggle("AUTO 1st Hr H/L?", "No|Yes", 1);
FHHL=Param(" Manual High Value",0,0,10000,0.01);
FLLL=Param(" Manual Low Value",0,0,10000,0.01);

inv=Param("INVEST CAPITAL", 25000,1000, 1000000, 500 );

PlotOHLC(Open,High,Low,Close,"", IIf(CCI(14) > ((Ref(CCI(14),-1)+Ref(CCI(14),-2))/2),colorAqua,colorBrown) , styleCandle|styleThick);
Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), IIf( C > O, ParamColor("Up Color", colorGreen ), ParamColor("Down Color", colorRed ) ), ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram ), 2 );



FH_Range = (TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= 100000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
FH_Prices = High * FH_Range;
FH_Marker = BarsSince(FH_Range>0);

//Find number of bars in 60 minutes
Num_Bars = 3600 / Interval(1);

isAll = True;
isRth = TimeNum() >= 084500 AND TimeNum() <= 100000;
isdRth = TimeNum() >= 084500 AND TimeNum() <= 160000;
aRthL = IIf(isRth, L, 1000000);

aRthH = IIf(isdRth, H, Null);
aRthLd = IIf(isdRth, L, 1000000);
DayH = TimeFrameCompress( aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh );
DayH = TimeFrameExpand( DayH, inDaily, expandFirst );
DayL = TimeFrameCompress( aRthLd, inDaily, compressLow );
DayL = TimeFrameExpand( DayL, inDaily, expandFirst );

FHH1 = Ref(HHV(High*FH_Range,Num_Bars),-FH_Marker);
FHL1 = TimeFrameCompress( aRthL, inDaily, compressLow );
FHL1 = TimeFrameExpand( FHL1, inDaily, expandFirst );


//line plot basics
Bars = BarsSince(TimeNum() >= 084500 AND TimeNum() < 100000) ;// AND DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum());
x0 = BarCount-LastValue(Bars);
x1 = BarCount-1;
DayHline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayH),x1,LastValue (DayH),0);
DayLline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(DayL),x1,LastValue (DayL),0);
FHH_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHH),x1,LastValue(FHH),0);
FHL_Line = LineArray(x0,LastValue(FHL),x1,LastValue(FHL),0);
btpline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(btp),x1,LastValue(b tp),0);
stpline=LineArray(x0,LastValue(stp),x1,LastValue(s tp),0);
rrr=IIf((since & perc<=(fhl*1.5/100)),perc,0);

Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines,DayHline,Null),"",colorYe llow,styleLine|styleNoRescale);
Plot(IIf(pShowRangeLines,DayLline,Null),"",colorYe llow,styleLine|styleNoRescale);
Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,FHH_Line,Null),"1000H",II f(FH_Range==1,Null,colorBrightGreen),styleDots|sty leNoRescale);
Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,FHL_Line,Null),"1000L",II f(FH_Range==1,Null,colorRed),styleDots|styleNoResc ale);
Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,btpLine,Null),"sell",IIf( FH_Range==1,Null,colorBrightGreen),styleDashed|sty leNoRescale);
Plot(IIf(pShowtradeLines,stpLine,Null),"cover",IIf (FH_Range==1,Null,colorRed),styleDashed|styleNoRes cale);

dy=ParamToggle("NR calc for", "RT SCAN|EOD SCAN", 0);

//nr7 / nr1 /nr8
nr8=(Ref(nr7,-1) AND rang==LLV(rang,8));
InsideBar = Inside() ;
nri=(nr7 AND InsideBar);
TGN7=nr7 & G;
TRN7=nr7 & R;
TGN8=nr8 & G;
TRN8=nr8 & R;
TGN7i=nri & G;
TRN7i=nri & R;
dy1=IIf(dy==1,(gn7 | rn7 | gn8|rn8|gn7i|rn7i),0);


Buy=IIf((since & perc<=(fhl*1.5/100)),Cross(H,fhh) | Cross(C,fhh),0);
Short=IIf((since & perc<=(fhl*1.5/100)),Cross(fhl,L) | Cross(fhl,C),0);

readyb=IIf((since & perc<=(fhl*1.5/100)),Cross(H,(fhh-(fhh*0.5/100))) | Cross(C,(fhh-(fhh*0.5/100))),0);
readys=IIf((since & perc<=(fhl*1.5/100)),Cross((fhl+(fhl*0.5/100)),L) | Cross((fhl+(fhl*0.5/100)),C),0);
Filter=Buy | Short | dy1 |readyb |readys;

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,shapeNone),colorWhite,0,L,-25 );
PlotShapes(IIf(Short,shapeDownArrow,shapeNone),colorOrange,0,H,-25 );
AddColumn( IIf(readyb, 82 , IIf(readys, 82,01 )), "RDY", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(readys,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );
AddColumn( IIf(Buy, 66 , IIf(Short, 83,01 )), "GO", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(Short,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );
//AddColumn( IIf(dy==0, 82, IIf(dy==1, 69,01 )), "E-eod & R-RT", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(dy==1,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );
AddColumn( IIf(dy==1 & gn7, 55, IIf(dy==1 & rn7, 55,01 )), "NR7", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(dy==1 & rn7,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );
AddColumn( IIf(dy==1 & gn8, 56, IIf(dy==1 & rn8, 56,01 )), "NR8", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(dy==1 & rn8,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );
AddColumn( IIf(dy==1 & gn7i, 73, IIf(dy==1 & rn7i, 73,01 )), "NR7i", formatChar, colorWhite, bkcolor= IIf(dy==1 & rn7i,colorDarkRed,colorDarkGreen) );

red=(since1 & (C<O | C==O));
green=(since1 & (C>O | C==O));
Candles=Cum(red + green);
periods= Param("Periods", 10, 2, 100 );
function ChaikinVolatility( periods )
return ROC( EMA( High - Low, periods ), periods );
since5=(TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= 153000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
Candles5=(since5 & (C<O | C>O | C==O));
HaClose0 =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3);
HaOpen0 = AMA( Ref( HaClose0, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh0 = Max( H, Max( HaClose0, HaOpen0 ) );
HaLow0 = Min( L, Min( HaClose0, HaOpen0 ) );
CondB=Haopen0<Haclose0;CONDS=Haopen0 >Haclose0;

//Compress= Param("Compression",3,0.20,100,0.10);
since15=(TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= 153000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
Candles15=(since15 & (C<O | C>O | C==O));
HaClose1 =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3);
HaOpen1 = AMA( Ref( HaClose1, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh1 = Max( H, Max( HaClose1, HaOpen1 ) );
HaLow1 = Min( L, Min( HaClose1, HaOpen1 ) );
CondB1=Haopen1 < Haclose1;CONDS1=Haopen1 >Haclose1;

//Compress= Param("Compression",6,0.20,100,0.10);
since2=(TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= 153000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
Candles2=(since2 & (C<O | C>O | C==O));
HaClose2 =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3);
HaOpen2 = AMA( Ref( HaClose2, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh2 = Max( H, Max( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
HaLow2 = Min( L, Min( HaClose2, HaOpen2 ) );
CondB2=Haopen2 < Haclose2;CONDS2=Haopen2 > Haclose2;

//Compress= Param("Compression",12,0.20,100,0.10);
since3=(TimeNum() >= 090000 AND TimeNum()<= 153000) AND (DateNum()==LastValue(DateNum()));
Candles3=(since3 & (C<O | C>O | C==O));
HaClose3 =EMA((O+H+L+C)/4,3);
HaOpen3 = AMA( Ref( HaClose3, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh3 = Max( H, Max( HaClose3, HaOpen3) );
HaLow3 = Min( L, Min( HaClose3, HaOpen3 ) );
CondB3=Haopen3 < Haclose3;CONDS3=Haopen3 > Haclose3;

Title= EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Date() + " Tick = " + EncodeColor(5) + Interval()+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(O,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteVal(H,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(L,format=1.2) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colo rRed))+ WriteVal(C,format=1.2)+
EncodeColor(55)+ " Change: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colo rRed))+ WriteVal(ROC(C,1),format=1.2)+ "%"+

EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(V,1)+EncodeColor(colorYellow) + " Lotsize: "+WriteVal(Lotsize,1)+" Lotsize/2: "+WriteVal((Lotsize/3)*2,1)+" Lotsize/3: "+WriteVal(Lotsize/3,1)+ WriteIf(rrr, " Range% "+(rrr)+" ","")+"\n"+
Comm2=("heikin 5m : ")+
WriteIf(LastValue(Condb),EncodeColor(colorBrightGr een)+"+Up",
WriteIf(LastValue(Conds),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))+"\n"+

Comm2=("heikin 15m : ")+
WriteIf(LastValue(Condb1),EncodeColor(colorBrightG reen)+"+Up",
WriteIf(LastValue(Conds1),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))+"\n"+

Comm2=("heikin 30m : ")+
WriteIf(LastValue(Condb2),EncodeColor(colorBrightG reen)+"+Up",
WriteIf(LastValue(Conds2),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))+"\n"+

Comm2=("heikin 1Hr : ")+
WriteIf(LastValue(Condb3),EncodeColor(colorBrightG reen)+"+Up",
WriteIf(LastValue(Conds3),EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))+"\n"+

Comm2=("Trend: ")+
WriteIf(Greens>Reds,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "+Up",
WriteIf(Reds>Greens,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"-Down",EncodeColor(colorLightYellow)+"< Flat >"))+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorRed) +
WriteIf(Reds, "Reds: "+(reds)+" ","")+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) +
WriteIf(Greens, "Greens: "+(greens)+" ","")+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorRed) +
Comm2=("Red Range: ")+
WriteVal(Os, 1.2)+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) +
Comm2=("Green Range: ")+
WriteVal(Ws, 1.2)+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorRed) +
WriteIf(ChaikinVolatility( periods )<0, "Chaikin: "+(ChaikinVolatility( periods )
)+" ","")+"\n"+
EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) +
WriteIf(ChaikinVolatility( periods )>0
, "Chaikin: "+(ChaikinVolatility( periods ))+" ","");

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pattern Alerts");
SRbS = ParamToggle("S/R broken","Off,On",1);
SRcS = ParamToggle("S/R confirmed","Off,On",1);
PjabS = ParamToggle("Price just above/below","Off,On",1);

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pattern Parameters");
PlotP1P2 = ParamToggle("Plot P1/P2 Shapes","Off,On",0);
P1Shape = Param("P1 Shape Typ",35,0,50,1);//default 35
P2Shape = Param("P2 Shape Typ",37,0,50,1);//default 37
Parallellinesswitch = ParamToggle("Plot Parallel Lines","Off,On",0);
DisRange = Param("Plot Parallel Lines Trigger",300,0,1000,20);

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pattern Styles");
Style_SL= ParamStyle("Support",styleLine+styleThick,maskDefa ult)+styleNoRescale;
Style_RL= ParamStyle("Resistance",styleLine+styleThick,maskD efault)+styleNoRescale;
Style_PHL= ParamStyle("Parallel Support",styleLine+styleDashed,maskDefault)+styleN oRescale;
Style_PLL= ParamStyle("Parallel Resistance",styleLine+styleDashed,maskDefault)+sty leNoRescale;

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pattern Selection");
AscTs = ParamToggle("Ascending Triangle","Off,On",1);
DscTs = ParamToggle("Descending Triangle","Off,On",1);
STs = ParamToggle("Symmetrically Triangle","Off,On",1);
ETs = ParamToggle("Expanding Triangle","Off,On",1);
RWs = ParamToggle("Rising Wedge","Off,On",1);
FWs = ParamToggle("Falling Wedge","Off,On",1);
UTs = ParamToggle("Up Trend","Off,On",1);
DTs = ParamToggle("Down Trend","Off,On",1);
Ranges = ParamToggle("Range","Off,On",1);
NonDefinedPatterns = ParamToggle("Not defined Patterns","Off,On",1);

HH = HHV(H,20);
LL = LLV(L,20);
Mid = LL+((HH-LL)/2);
Div = 100-(HH/(0.01*Mid));
Per = LastValue(abs(Div));
Hp1 = Ref(H,-1);Hp2 = Ref(H,-2);Hp3 = Ref(H,-3);Hp4 = Ref(H,-4);Hp5 = Ref(H,-5);Hp6 = Ref(H,-6);
Lp1 = Ref(L,-1);Lp2 = Ref(L,-2);Lp3 = Ref(L,-3);Lp4 = Ref(L,-4);Lp5 = Ref(L,-5);Lp6 = Ref(L,-6);
Hf1 = Ref(H,1);Hf2 = Ref(H,2);Hf3 = Ref(H,3);Hf4 = Ref(H,4);Hf5 = Ref(H,5);Hf6 = Ref(H,6);
Lf1 = Ref(L,1);Lf2 = Ref(L,2);Lf3 = Ref(L,3);Lf4 = Ref(L,4);Lf5 = Ref(L,5);Lf6 = Ref(L,6);
x = Cum(1);
divx = LastValue(x)-x;

A = H;
Top1 = A > Hf2 & A > Hf1 & A > Hp1 & A > Hp2 & divx>2;
Top2 = A > Hf3 & A > Hf2 & A ==Hf1 & A > Hp1 & A > Hp2 & divx>3 ;
Top3 = A > Hf4 & A > Hf3 & A ==Hf2 & A >=Hf1 & A > Hp1 & A > Hp2 & divx>4;
Top4 = A > Hf5 & A > Hf4 & A ==Hf3 & A >=Hf2 & A >=Hf1 & A > Hp1 & A > Hp2 & divx>5;
Top5 = A > Hf6 & A > Hf5 & A ==Hf4 & A >=Hf3 & A ==Hf2 & A >=Hf1 & A > Hp1 & A >Hp2 & divx>6;
Top = Top1 OR Top2 OR Top3 OR Top4 OR Top5;
TopHigh = ValueWhen(Top,H);
TopX = ValueWhen(Top,X);

A = L;
Valley1 = A < Lf2 & A <= Lf1 & A <= Lp1 & A < Lp2 & divx>2;
Valley2 = A < Lf3 & A < Lf2 & A == Lf1 & A < Lp1 & A < Lp2 & divx>3;
Valley3 = A < Lf4 & A < Lf3 & A == Lf2 & A <= Lf1 & A < Lp1 & A < Lp2 & divx>4;
Valley4 = A < Lf5 & A < Lf4 & A == Lf3 & A <= Lf2 & A <= Lf1 & A < Lp1 & A < Lp2 & divx>5;
Valley5 = A < Lf6 & A < Lf5 & A == Lf4 & A <= Lf3 & A == Lf2 & A <= Lf1 & A < Lp1 & A < Lp2 & divx>6;
Valley = Valley1 OR Valley2 OR Valley3 OR Valley4 OR Valley4 OR Valley5;
ValleyLow = ValueWhen(Valley,L);
ValleyX = ValueWhen(Valley,X);
x = Cum(1);
xb = LastValue(ValueWhen(Valley,x,1));
xa = LastValue(ValueWhen(Valley,x,2));
yb = LastValue(ValueWhen(Valley,L,1));
Ya = LastValue(ValueWhen(Valley,L,2));
xab_log = log(yb/yA)/(xb-xa);
SL = exp((x-xb)*xab_log)*yb;
RocSL = ROC(SL,1);
xd = LastValue(ValueWhen(top,x,1));
xc = LastValue(ValueWhen(top,x,2));
yd = LastValue(ValueWhen(top,H,1));
Yc = LastValue(ValueWhen(top,H,2));
xcd_log = log(yd/yc)/(xd-xc);
RL = exp((x-xd)*xcd_log)*yd;
RocRL = ROC(RL,1);

Low_Value = LastValue(Ref(LLV(L,xd-xc),-(x-xd)));
x2 = LastValue(ValueWhen(L==Low_Value & x>xc & x<xd,x));
PLL = IIf(LastValue(x)-x2>5,exp((x-x2)*xcd_log)*Low_Value,-1e10);

Hi_Value = LastValue(Ref(HHV(H,xb-xa),-(x-xb)));
x3 = LastValue(ValueWhen(H==Hi_Value & x>xa & x<xb,x));
PHL = IIf(LastValue(x)-x3>5,exp((x-x3)*xab_log)*Hi_Value,-1e10);

AvgRoc = abs(MA(ROC(C,1),100));
Threshold_parallel = 15;
Threshold_Trend = 0.001*per;
SLabs = SL-Ref(SL,-1); RLabs = RL-Ref(RL,-1);
ROC2SL = (SLabs/C)*100; ROC2RL = (RLabs/C)*100;
RSL = ROC2SL > Threshold_Trend; FlatSL = abs(ROC2SL) < Threshold_Trend; FSL = ROC2SL < -Threshold_Trend;
RRL = ROC2RL > Threshold_Trend; FlatRL = abs(ROC2RL) < Threshold_Trend; FRL = ROC2RL < -Threshold_Trend;
parallel= abs(((RocSL/RocRL)-1)*100)<Threshold_parallel;
UT= RSL AND RRL AND parallel;
DT= FSL AND FRL AND parallel;
DT_UT = IIf (DT,-1,IIf(UT,1,0));
Rangeee = parallel AND FlatSL AND FlatRL;
Xm = xb-xa >4 & xd-xc >4; //x-min.distance - optional
AscT= FlatRL & RSL;// & xa<xd & xc<xb;// & Xm;
DscT= FlatSL & FRL;// & xa<xd & xc<xb;// & Xm;
AT_DT= IIf(AscT,1,IIf(DscT,-1,0));
ST = RSL & FRL & RL>SL;//& xa<xd & xc<xb;// & Xm;
ET = RRL & FSL & RL>SL;//& xa<xd & xc<xb;// & Xm;//abs(ROCSL/ROCRL)<3 - optional
ST_ET = IIf(ST,1,IIf(ET,-1,0));
RW = RRL & RSL & RocSL>RocRL & SL>RL AND NOT parallel;// & Xm;
FW = FSL & FRL & RocRL<RocSL & SL<RL AND NOT parallel;// & Xm;
RW_FW = IIf (RW,1,IIf(FW,-1,0));
Distance = 0.5*ATR(14);

//Support line signals
Sup_break = Cross(SL,C) & X>XB;
Sup_pricejustabove = L<SL+Distance & L>SL & X>XB;
Sup_confirmed = L<=SL & C>SL & X>XB;

//Resistance line signals
Res_break = Cross(C,RL) & X>XD;
Res_pricejustbelow = H>RL-Distance & H<RL & X>XD;
Res_confirmed = H>=RL & C<RL & X>XD;

//Parallel lower line signals
PLL_break = Cross(PLL,C);
PLL_pricejustabove = L<PLL+Distance & L>PLL;
PLL_confirmed = L<=PLL & C>PLL;

//Parallel higher line signals
PHL_break = Cross(C,PHL);
PHL_pricejustbelow = H>PHL-Distance & H<PHL;
PHL_confirmed = H>=PHL & C<PHL;
SupSignals = Sup_break | Sup_pricejustabove | Sup_confirmed;
ResSignals = Res_break | Res_pricejustbelow | Res_confirmed;
PLLSignals = PLL_break | PLL_pricejustabove | PLL_confirmed;
PHLSignals = PHL_break | PHL_pricejustbelow | PHL_confirmed;
//BS = Sup_confirmed OR Res_break;
//SS = Res_confirmed OR Sup_break;
BS = Sup_confirmed OR Sup_pricejustabove OR Res_break;
SS = Res_confirmed OR Res_pricejustbelow OR Sup_break;
NS = Sup_pricejustabove OR Res_pricejustbelow;
PatternDirection =

//Display Cond. fix when Chart is compl.zoomed out
PLLd = abs((LastValue(C)/LastValue(PLL))-1)<0.01*DisRange;
PHLd = abs((LastValue(C)/LastValue(PHL))-1)<0.01*DisRange;
barvisible = Status("barvisible");
firstvisiblebar = barvisible & NOT
HHvisible = LastValue(HighestSince(firstvisiblebar,High));
LLvisible = LastValue(LowestSince(firstvisiblebar,Low));
RaH = HHvisible *1.05; //Range High
RaL = LLVisible *0.95; //Range Low

AnZ= ya==0 OR yb==0 OR yc==0 OR yd==0;
SL_plot = IIf(x>=xa & SL>RaL & SL<RaH & NOT AnZ,SL,IIf(x>=xa & RaL==0 & NOT AnZ,SL,-1e10));
RL_plot = IIf(x>=xc & RL>RaL & RL<RaH & NOT AnZ,RL,IIf(x>=xc & RaL==0 & NOT AnZ,RL,-1e10));
PLL_plot = IIf(x-x2>=0 & abs(LastValue(L/PLL)-1) <abs(LastValue((DisRange/1000)*ATR(14))) & PLL>RaL & PLL<RaH & NOT AnZ,PLL,IIf(x-x2>=0 & RaL==0 & PLLd & abs(LastValue(L/PLL)-1) <abs(LastValue((DisRange/1000)*ATR(14)))& NOT AnZ,PLL,-1e10));
PHL_plot = IIf(x-x3>=0 & abs(LastValue(H/PHL)-1) <abs(LastValue((DisRange/1000)*ATR(14))) & PHL>RaL & PHL<RaH & NOT AnZ,PHL,IIf(x-x3>=0 & RaL==0 & PHLd & abs(LastValue(H/PHL)-1) <abs(LastValue((DisRange/1000)*ATR(14)))& NOT AnZ,PHL,-1e10));

///////////Begin Ploting Part////////////

LastBar = Cum(1) == LastValue(Cum(1));
Plot(SL_plot ," SL" ,colorCustom13,Style_SL+styleNoTitle);
Plot(RL_plot ," RL" ,colorCustom12,Style_RL+styleNoTitle);
Plot(IIf(Parallellinesswitch,PLL_plot,-1e10)," PLL",colorCustom13,Style_PLL+styleNoTitle);
Plot(IIf(Parallellinesswitch,PHL_plot,-1e10)," PHL",colorCustom12,Style_PHL+styleNoTitle);

// Shading
TRS = IIf(x>BEGIN-1,SL,-1e10);
TRR = IIf(x>BEGIN-1,RL,-1e10);
trr = IIf(trr>0,trr,Null);
yVal=IIf(trs > trr,trr,trs);
yval = IIf(yval>0,yval,Null);
GraphZOrder = 0;
//PlotOHLC(0,trr,yval,0,"",Shadowcolor,styleCloud+st yleNoLabel);
///////////End Ploting Part////////////
DefinedPatterns = AscT | DscT | ST | ET | RW | FW | UT | DT;
Filter = BarIndex()==LastValue(BarIndex()) AND NOT GroupID()==253;
Filter = Filter AND
(AscT AND AscTs)| (DscT AND DscTs)| (ST AND STs)|
(UT AND UTs)| (DT AND DTs)|(Rangeee AND Ranges)|
(SupSignals AND NonDefinedPatterns AND NOT DefinedPatterns)|
(ResSignals AND NonDefinedPatterns AND NOT DefinedPatterns);
// | PLLSignals | PHLSignals | Trade Variables
PlotShapes(IIf(x==xa & NOT AnZ,P1Shape,shapeNone),Color_SL,0,SL,-13 );
PlotShapes(IIf(x==xc & NOT AnZ,P1Shape,shapeNone),Color_RL,0,H,13 );
//end pattern


_SECTION_BEGIN("Sup / Res Lines");
SRswitch = ParamToggle("Sup / Res Lines","On,Off");
CHLswitch = ParamToggle("Hi Low / Close","Hi Low,Close");
NoLines = Param("No of Lines",3,1,10,1);
Sen = Param("Sensitivity",5,1,100,1);
Rcolor=ParamColor( "Res Color", colorDarkGreen );
Rstyle=ParamStyle( "Res Style", styleLine );
Scolor=ParamColor( "Sup Color", colorBrown );
Sstyle=ParamStyle( "Sup Style", styleLine );
for( i = 1; i < NoLines+1 ; i++ )
x=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(IIf(CHLswitch,C,H),Sen,i));
Line = LineArray( x, y, Null, y, 1 );
Plot( IIf(SRswitch,Null,Line), "", Rcolor, Rstyle );
x=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(IIf(CHLswitch,C,L),Sen,i));
Line = LineArray( x, y, Null, y, 1 );
Plot( IIf(SRswitch,Null,Line), "", Scolor, Sstyle );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Detecting double tops and bottoms");
/* Detecting double tops and bottoms*/
percdiff = 5; /* peak detection threshold */
fwdcheck = 5; /* forward validity check */
mindistance = 10;
validdiff = percdiff/400;
PK= Peak( H, percdiff, 1 ) == High;
TR= Trough( L, percdiff, 1 ) == Low;
x = Cum( 1 );
XPK1 = ValueWhen( PK, x, 1 );
XPK2 = ValueWhen( PK, x, 2 );
xTR1 = ValueWhen( Tr, x, 1 );
xTr2 = ValueWhen( Tr, x, 2 );
peakdiff = ValueWhen( PK, H, 1 )/ValueWhen( PK, H, 2 );
Troughdiff=ValueWhen( tr, L, 1 )/ValueWhen( tr, L, 2 );
doubletop = PK AND abs( peakdiff - 1 ) < validdiff AND (Xpk1 -Xpk2)>mindistance AND High > HHV( Ref( H, fwdcheck ), fwdcheck - 1 );
doubleBot=tr AND abs( troughdiff - 1 ) < validdiff AND (Xtr1 -Xtr2)>mindistance AND Low < LLV( Ref( L, fwdcheck ), fwdcheck - 1 );
Buy = doubletop;
Sell = doublebot;
for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
if( Buy ) PlotText( "Double TOP " , i, L[ i ], colorYellow );
if( Sell ) PlotText( "Double BOT" , i, H[ i ], colorWhite );
WriteIf( Highest( doubletop ) == 1, "AmiBroker has detected some possible
double top patterns for " + Name() + "\nLook for green arrows on the price
chart.", "There are no double top patterns for " + Name() );
WriteIf(Highest( doublebot)==1,"AmiBroker has detected some possible double
bottom patterns for " + Name() + "\nLook for red arrows on the price
chart.", "There are no double bottom patterns for " + Name() );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Isfandi Technical Viewer");
//Plot(C,"",ParamColor( "Color", colorBlue ),ParamStyle("Style") );
//---- pivot points
GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey50 );
GfxSelectFont("Edwardian Script ITC", 25, 500, True );
GfxTextOut("Isfandi Present ", 760 , 0 );
DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1);// yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1);//low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1);//close
DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily);// current day open
HiDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily);
LoDay = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily);
PP = (DayH + DayL + DayO + DayO) / 4 ;
R1 = (2 * PP) - DayL;
S1 = (2 * PP) - DayH;
R2 = PP + R1 - S1;
S2 = PP + S1 - R1;
R3 = R2 + (R1 - PP);
S3 = S2 - (PP - S1);
radius = 0.1 * Status("pxheight"); // get pixel height of the chart and use 45% for pie chart radius
textoffset = 0.1 * radius;
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9, 500, True );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey50 );
GfxTextOut("-- PIVOT POINT --", textoffset , 86 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey50 );
GfxTextOut("-- SIGNAL --", textoffset , 188 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGrey50);
GfxTextOut( "-- TREND --", textoffset ,286 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen);
GfxTextOut( "R1 =" + R1, textoffset + 1, 120 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorLime );
GfxTextOut( "R2 = " +R2, textoffset + 1, 105 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );
GfxTextOut( "PP = " +PP, textoffset + 1, 135 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorOrange );
GfxTextOut( "S1 = " +S1, textoffset + 1, 150 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxTextOut( "S2 = " +S2, textoffset + 1, 165 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Elder Impulse");
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9, 500, True );
// User-defined parameter for EMA periods
EMA_Type = Param("EMA-1, TEMA-2, JMA-3", 2, 1, 3, 1);
EMA_prds = Param("EMA_periods", 7, 1, 30, 1);
Std_MACD = Param("Standard MACD? No-0, Yes-1", 1, 0, 1, 1);
Plot_fashion = Param("Bar+Arrows-1, Impulse Bars-2", 2, 1, 2, 1);
// Allow user to define Weekly and Monthly Ribbon Location and Height
WR_P1 = Param("Weekly Ribbon Location", 5.2, -1000, 1000, 0.1);
WR_P2 = Param("Weekly Ribbon Height", 199, -0.001, 500, 0.1);
//MR_P1 = Param("Monthly Ribbon Location", 5.2, -1000, 1000, 0.1);
//MR_P2 = Param("Monthly Ribbon Height", 199, -0.001, 500, 0.1);
// Compute EMA and MACD Histogram
if(EMA_Type == 1)
DayEMA = EMA(Close, EMA_prds);
if (EMA_Type == 2)
DayEMA = TEMA(Close, EMA_prds);
Histogram = MACD() - Signal();
// Determine if we have an Impulse UP, DOWN or None
Impulse_Up = DayEMA > Ref(DayEMA, -1) AND Histogram > Ref(Histogram, -1);
Impulse_Down = DayEMA < Ref(DayEMA, -1) AND Histogram < Ref(Histogram, -1);
Impulse_None = (NOT Impulse_UP) AND (NOT Impulse_Down);
// Compute Weekly MACD and determine whether rising or falling
if (Std_MACD == 0)
MACD_val = MACD(5, Cool);
Signal_val = Signal(5, 8, 5);
MACD_val = MACD(12, 26);
Signal_val = Signal(12, 26, 9);
Hist_in_w = MACD_val - Signal_val;
wh_rising = Hist_in_w > Ref(Hist_in_w, -1);
wh_falling = Hist_in_w < Ref(Hist_in_w, -1);
wh_none = (NOT wh_rising) AND (NOT wh_falling);
// Now get Monthly MACD Histogram....
MACD_val = MACD(5, 8);
Signal_val = Signal(5, 8, 5);
Hist_in_m = MACD_val - Signal_val;
mh_rising = Hist_in_m > Ref(Hist_in_m, -1);
mh_falling = Hist_in_m < Ref(Hist_in_m, -1);
wh_rising = TimeFrameExpand( wh_rising, inWeekly, expandLast );
wh_falling = TimeFrameExpand( wh_falling, inWeekly, expandLast);
wh_none = TimeFrameExpand( wh_none, inWeekly, expandLast);
mh_rising = TimeFrameExpand(mh_rising, inMonthly, expandLast);
mh_falling = TimeFrameExpand(mh_falling, inMonthly, expandLast);
kol = IIf( wh_rising, colorBrightGreen, IIf(wh_falling, colorRed, IIf(wh_none, colorCustom11, colorLightGrey)));
mkol = IIf( mh_rising, colorBlue, IIf(mh_falling, colorYellow, colorLightGrey));
if (Plot_fashion == 1)
bar_kol = IIf(impulse_UP, colorBrightGreen, IIf(impulse_Down, colorRed, colorCustom11));
Impulse_State = WriteIf(Impulse_Up, "Bulllish", WriteIf(Impulse_Down, "Bearish", "Neutral"));
GfxSetTextColor( colorOrange );
GfxTextOut( "IMPULSE STATE = " +Impulse_State, textoffset + 1, 305 );
// Set the background color for Impulse Status Column
Impulse_Col = IIf(Impulse_Up, colorGreen, IIf(Impulse_Down, colorRed, colorGrey40));
// Determine Weekly Trend. Display as Text Column
Weekly_Trend = WriteIf(wh_rising, "Rising", WriteIf(wh_falling, "Falling", "Flat!"));
Weekly_Col = IIf(wh_rising, colorGreen, IIf(wh_falling, colorRed, colorLightGrey));
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxTextOut( "WEEKLT TREND = " +Weekly_Trend, textoffset + 1, 323 );
// Determine Monthly Trend. Display as Text Column
Monthly_Trend = WriteIf(mh_rising, "Rising", WriteIf(mh_falling, "Falling", "Flat!"));
Monthly_Col = IIf(mh_rising, colorGreen, IIf(mh_falling, colorRed, colorLightGrey));
GfxSetTextColor( colorBlue );
GfxTextOut( "MONTHLY TREND = " +Monthly_Trend, textoffset + 1, 340 );
// Determine how many bars has the current state existed
bars_in_bull = Min(BarsSince(impulse_none), BarsSince(impulse_down));
bars_in_bear = Min(BarsSince(impulse_up), BarsSince(impulse_none));
bars_in_neut = Min(BarsSince(impulse_down), BarsSince(impulse_up));
// Set a single variable to show number of bars in current state depending upon
// actual Impulse Status - Bullish, Bearish or Neutral
bars_in_state = IIf(Impulse_Up, bars_in_bull, IIf(Impulse_down, bars_in_bear, bars_in_neut));
//weekly pivot
SetChartBkColor(16 ) ;
k=IIf(ParamList("select type","daily|next day")=="daily",-1,0);
day_h= LastValue(Ref(H,K));
day_l= LastValue(Ref(L,K));
day_c= LastValue(Ref(C,K));
// day
// DAY PIVOT Calculation
pd = ( DH+ DL + DC )/3;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL);
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);
WriteVal( StochK(39) - StochK(12) );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 8 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9, 500, True );
periods = Param( "Periods", 15, 1, 200, 1 );
Ksmooth = Param( "%K avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );
a = StochK( periods , Ksmooth);
Dsmooth = Param( "%D avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );
b = StochD( periods , Ksmooth, DSmooth );
Buy = Cross( a, b );
Sell = Cross( b, a );
STOCH =WriteIf(a>b , "Up","Down");
GfxSetTextColor( colorLightOrange );
GfxTextOut( "Stochastic = " +STOCH, textoffset + 1, 239 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 8 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("Van K Tharp Efficient Stocks");
// Mark Keitel 12-05
// Van K Tharp Efficient Stocks
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 9, 500, True );
ATRD180 = ATR(180);
ATRD90 = ATR(90);
ATRD45 = ATR(45);
ATRD20 = ATR(20);
ATRD5 = ATR(5);
DifferenceD180 = Close - Ref(Close,-180);
DifferenceD90 = Close - Ref(Close,-90);
DifferenceD45 = Close - Ref(Close,-45);
DifferenceD20 = Close - Ref(Close,-20);
DifferenceD5 = Close - Ref(Close,-5);
EfficiencyD180 = IIf(ATRD180!=0,DifferenceD180/ATRD180,1);
EfficiencyD90 = IIf(ATRD90!=0,DifferenceD90/ATRD90,1);
EfficiencyD45 = IIf(ATRD45!=0,DifferenceD45/ATRD45,1);
EfficiencyD20 = IIf(ATRD20!=0,DifferenceD20/ATRD20,1);
EfficiencyD5 = IIf(ATRD5!=0,DifferenceD5/ATRD5,1);
Averageeff = (EfficiencyD180 + EfficiencyD90 + EfficiencyD45 +
EfficiencyD20 ) / 4;
//Plot( averageeff, "AvgEff", colorLightBlue, styleLine );
x = Param ( "Add Results to a Watchlist? Yes = 1, No = 2" , 2 , 1 , 2 , 1 ) ; // select whether to add results to watchlist or not
y = Param("Set Watchlist Number", 25, 2, 60,1); // sets the watchlist number, but reserves the first 2 and last 4 watchlists
// -------- Parameter Variables for Exploration --------------------------------
TCH = Param("High close value ", 20, 5, 300, 0.5);
TCL = Param("Low close value " , 5, 1, 10, 0.25);
AVP = Param("Period for Avg Vol " , 21, 10, 240, 1);
SV = Param("Stock minimum Avg Vol " , 125000, 50000, 1000000, 500000);
// -------------- Organize the exploration results ------------------------------------
P = Param("Period for Price Delta Comparisons", 1, 1, 120, 1);
P1 = Param("Period for Other Delta Comparisons", 3, 1, 120, 1);
PATR = Param("Period for ATR", 5,1,21,1);
PADX = Param("Period for ADX", 14, 3, 34,1);
PRSI = Param("Period for RSI", 13, 3, 34,1);
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxTextOut( "RSI(14) = " + MOMETUM + ADX_TREND , textoffset + 1,223);
ADX_14 = ADX(14);
GfxSetTextColor( colorLightBlue );
GfxTextOut( "ADX_TREND = " +ADX_14+ ADX_TREND, textoffset + 1, 207 );
_SECTION_BEGIN("SmoothHeikin MA Swing");
GraphXSpace = 1;
k = Param("K", 1.5, 1, 5, 0.1);
Per = Param("ATR", 3, 1, 30, 0.50);
k1 = Optimize("K", 1, 0.1, 5, 0.1);
Per1 = Optimize("ATR", 3, 1, 30, 0.50);
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
//PlotOHLC( HaOpen, HaHigh, HaLow, HaClose, "" + Name(), colorBlack, styleCandle | styleNoLabel );
//================================================== ================================================== ===================
//=========================Indicator================ ================================================== ============================

rfsctor = WMA(H-L, Per);

revers = k * rfsctor;

Trend = 1;
NW[0] = 0;

for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
if(Trend[i-1] == 1)
if(j < NW[i-1])
Trend = -1;
NW = j + Revers;
Trend = 1;
if((j - Revers) > NW[i-1])
NW = j - Revers;
NW = NW[i-1];
if(Trend[i-1] == -1)
if(j > NW[i-1])
Trend = 1;
NW = j - Revers;
Trend = -1;
if((j + Revers) < NW[i-1])
NW = j + Revers;
NW = NW[i-1];


Plot(NW, "", IIf(Trend == 1, 27, 4), 4);
SWING =WriteIf(j > nw, "UPTREND","DOWNTREND");
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxTextOut( "SWING = " +SWING, textoffset + 1, 256 );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 8 );
shape = Buy * shapeCircle + Sell * shapeCircle;
//PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorOrange ), 0, IIf( Buy, Low-f, High+f));


_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday MA Oprekan Isfandi");
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 200, 1, 10 );
Plot(CG, "MA",IIf(CG<=Low,ParamColor("Color_U", colorRed ),ParamColor("Color_D", colorOrange )), styleThick=13 );
Life_line= Sum(amv0,88)/Sum(Volume,88);
Plot( Life_line, "Life_line", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), ParamStyle("Style") );
Plot(support, "support_line", colorRed,styleThick=12);
Plot(FS, "", colorDarkGreen,styleThick=12);

("BW Fractal");
CondUpFractal =

Ref(H,-2)<H AND Ref(H,-1)<H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR

Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)<H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR

Ref(H,-4)<H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR

Ref(H,-4)<H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)==H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H) OR

Ref(H,-6)<H AND Ref(H,-5)<H AND Ref(H,-4)==H AND Ref(H,-3)<H AND Ref(H,-2)==H AND Ref(H,-1)<H AND Ref(H,1)<H AND Ref(H,2)<H);

UpFractal =

(CondUpFractal*shapeHollowSmallCircle,colorYellow, Layer=0,UpFractal,Offset=0);

CondDownFractal =

Ref(L,-2)>L AND Ref(L,-1)>L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR

Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)>L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR

Ref(L,-4)>L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR

Ref(L,-4)>L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)==L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L) OR

Ref(L,-6)>L AND Ref(L,-5)>L AND Ref(L,-4)==L AND Ref(L,-3)>L AND Ref(L,-2)==L AND Ref(L,-1)>L AND Ref(L,1)>L AND Ref(L,2)>L);

DownFractal =


(Cross(C,UpFractal)*shapeUpArrow,colorRed,Layer=0, L);


(Ref(UpFractal,2), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed),
("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed));
(Ref(DownFractal,2), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed));
Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed), ParamStyle("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed));
Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed));

GraphZOrder = 1;

_SECTION_BEGIN("Chart Settings");
p_color_bkgnd = ParamColor("Background color", colorLightGrey);
// for intraday, you probably don't want log... set default to be linear
p_logscale = ParamToggle("Axis type (control with this)", "Linear|Logarithmic", 0);
p_Colorbars = ParamToggle("Price display color?", "Mono|Color", 0);
p_PriceColor = ParamColor("Price mono color", colorBlack );
p_PriceStyle = ParamStyle("Price Style", styleThick);
StaticVarSet("L_color_bkgnd", p_color_bkgnd);
L_color_mono = p_PriceColor;

// change this later
if (IsNull(StaticVarGet("L_color_bkgnd"))) {
L_color_bkgnd = p_color_bkgnd;
} else {
L_color_bkgnd = StaticVarGet("L_color_bkgnd");

// We need to know whether we are log scale or not
// so set it ourselves then change the toggle the chart for log/linear and
// use the it for trendline calculations etc.
// If we had used the log/linear parameter on the "Axis and Grid menu"
// then we have to remember to change the log/linear calculation.
if (p_logscale == 1) {
SetChartOptions(2, chartLogarithmic, chartGridMiddle|chartGridMargins);
} else {
SetChartOptions(3, chartLogarithmic, !(chartGridMiddle|chartGridMargins));
Visiblebars = Status("barvisible");

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +
WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +"\n{{VALUES}}",
O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));

// Start of variables used to control color of bars/indicators
BullishBar = H > Ref(H,-1) AND L > Ref(L,-1);
BearishBar = H < Ref(H,-1) AND L < Ref(L,-1);

if (p_Colorbars==1) {
PriceColor = IIf(BullishBar,colorLime,IIf(BearishBar,colorRed,colorBlue));
} else {
PriceColor = L_color_mono;

// for pricefield and set initial scaling
Plot(C, "", PriceColor, styleNoTitle | p_PriceStyle | GetPriceStyle() );

//================================================== ==================================
_SECTION_BEGIN("Volume Price Analysis - V.1.2");
//================================================== =====================================
DTL=Param("Linear regression period",60,10,100,10);
wbf=Param("WRB factor",1.5,1.3,2.5,.1);
nbf=Param("NRB factor",0.7,0.3,0.9,0.1);
TL=LinRegSlope(MA(C, DTL),2);
Vlp=Param("Volume lookback period",30,20,300,10);
St = StDev(Vrg,Vlp);
Vp3 = Vrg + 3*st;
Vp2 = Vrg + 2*st;;
Vp1 = Vrg + 1*st;;
Vn1 = Vrg -1*st;
Vn2 = Vrg -2*st;
Vl=V<Ref(V,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-2);
Vh=V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(V,-1)>Ref(V,-2);
Vb=V>Vrg OR V>Ref(V,-1);
mcls=x1<2.2 AND x1>1.8 ;
TLL=LinRegSlope(j,40) ;
Tlm=LinRegSlope(j,15) ;
//================================================== ========================================
utbar=wrb AND dcls AND tls>0 ;
utcond1=Ref(utbar,-1) AND dnbar ;
utcond2=Ref(utbar,-1) AND dnbar AND V>Ref(V,-1);
utcond3=utbar AND V> 2*Vrg;
trbar=Ref(V,-1)>Vrg AND Ref(upbar,-1) AND Ref(wrb,-1) AND dnbar AND dcls AND wrb AND tll>0 AND H==HHV(H,10);
Hutbar=Ref(upbar,-1) AND Ref(V,-1)>1.5*Vrg AND dnbar AND dcls AND NOT wrb AND NOT utbar;
Hutcond=Ref(Hutbar,-1) AND dnbar AND dcls AND NOT utbar;
tcbar=Ref(upbar,-1) AND H==HHV(H,5)AND dnbar AND (dcls OR mcls) AND V>vrg AND NOT wrb AND NOT Hutbar ;
Scond1=(utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3) ;
scond=scond1 AND scond2;
stdn0= tll<0 AND V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls) AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn= V>Ref(V,-1) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls) AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn1= tll<0 AND V>(vrg*1.5) AND Ref(dnbar,-1) AND upbar AND (ucls OR mcls)AND tls<0 AND tlm<0;
stdn2=tls<0 AND Ref(V,-1)<Vrg AND upbar AND vhcls AND V>Vrg;
bycond1= stdn OR stdn1;
bycond= upbar AND Ref(bycond1,-1);
stvol= L==LLV(L,5) AND (ucls OR mcls) AND V>1.5*Vrg AND tll<0;
ndbar=upbar AND nrb AND Vl AND dcls ;
nsbar=dnbar AND nrb AND Vl AND dcls ;
nbbar= C>Ref(C,-1) AND Vl AND nrb AND x1<2;
nbbar= IIf(C>Ref(C,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-1) AND V<Ref(V,-2) AND x1<1.1,1,0);
lvtbar= vl AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND ucls;
lvtbar1= V<Vrg AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND ucls AND tll>0 AND tlm>0 AND wrb;
lvtbar2= Ref(Lvtbar,-1) AND upbar AND ucls;
dbar= V>2*Vrg AND dcls AND upbar AND tls>0 AND tlm>0 AND NOT Scond1 AND NOT utbar;
eftup=H>Ref(H,-1) AND L>Ref(L,-1) AND C>Ref(C,-1) AND C>=((H-L)*0.7+L) AND rg>arg AND V>Ref(V,-1);
eftupfl=Ref(eftup,-1) AND (utbar OR utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3);
eftdn=H<Ref(H,-1) AND L<Ref(L,-1) AND C<Ref(C,-1) AND C<=((H-L)*0.25+L) AND rg>arg AND V>Ref(V,-1);

Vpc= utbar OR utcond1 OR utcond2 OR utcond3 OR stdn0 OR stdn1 OR stdn2 OR stdn OR lvtbar1 OR Lvtbar OR Lvtbar2 OR Hutbar OR Hutcond OR ndbar OR stvol OR tcbar;
if( Status("action") == actionCommentary )
printf ( "=========================" +"\n"));
printf ( "VOLUME PRICE ANALYSIS" +"\n");
printf ( "" +"\n");
printf ( "=========================" +"\n");
printf ( Name() + " - " +Interval(2) + " - " + Date() +" - " +"\n"+"High-"+H+"\n"+"Low-"+L+"\n"+"Open-"+O+"\n"+
"Close-"+C+"\n"+ "Volume= "+ WriteVal(V)+"\n");
WriteIf(utbar , "Up-thrusts are designed to catch stops and to mislead as many traders as possible.
They are normally seen after there has been weakness in the background. The market makers know that the
market is weak, so the price is marked up to catch stops, encourage traders to go long in a weak market,
AND panic traders that are already Short into covering their very good position.","")+
WriteIf(utcond3,"This upthrust bar is at high volume.This is a sure sign of weakness. One may even seriously
consider ending the Longs AND be ready to reverse","")+WriteIf(utbar OR utcond3," Also note that A wide spread
down-bar that appears immediately after any up-thrust, tends to confirm the weakness (the market makers are
locking in traders into poor positions).
With the appearance of an upthrust you should
certainly be paying attention to your trade AND your stops. On many upthrusts you will find that the market will
'test' almost immediately.","")+WriteIf(utcond1 , "A wide spread down bar following a Upthrust Bar.
This confirms weakness. The Smart Money is locking in Traders into poor positions","");
WriteIf(utcond2 , "Also here the volume is high( Above Average).This is a sure sign of weakness. The Smart Money is
locking in Traders into poor positions","")+WriteIf(stdn, "Strength Bar. The stock has been in a down Trend. An upbar
with higher Volume closing near the High is a sign of strength returning. The downtrend is likely to reverse soon. ","")+
WriteIf(stdn1,"Here the volume is very much above average. This makes this indication more stronger. ","")+
WriteIf(bycond,"The previous bar saw strength coming back. This upbar confirms strength. ","")+
WriteIf(Hutbar," A pseudo Upthrust. This normally appears after an Up Bar with above average volume. This looks like an upthrust bar
closing down near the Low. But the Volume is normally Lower than average. this is a sign of weakness.If the Volume is High then weakness
increases. Smart Money is trying to trap the retailers into bad position. ","")+
WriteIf(Hutcond, "A downbar after a pseudo Upthrust Confirms weakness. If the volume is above average the weakness is increased. ","")+
WriteIf(Lvtbar2,"The previous bar was a successful Test of supply. The current bar is a upbar with higher volume. This confirms strength","")+
WriteIf(dbar,"A wide range, high volume bar in a up trend closing down is an indication the Distribution is in progress. The smart money
is Selling the stock to the late Comers rushing to Buy the stock NOT to be Left Out Of a Bullish move. ","")+
WriteIf(Lvtbar2,"The previous bar was a successful Test of supply. The current bar is a upbar with higher volume. This confirms strength","")+
WriteIf(tcbar,"The stock has been moving up on high volume. The current bar is a Downbar with high volume. Indicates weakness and probably end of the up move","")+
WriteIf(eftup,"Effort to Rise bar. This normally found in the beginning of a Markup Phase and is bullish sign.These may be found at the top of an Upmove as the Smart money makes a
last effort to move the price to the maximum","")+
WriteIf(eftdn,"Effort to Fall bar. This normally found in the beginning of a Markdown phase.","")+
WriteIf(nsbar,"No Supply. A no supply bar indicates supply has been removed and the Smart money can markup the price. It is better to wait for confirmation","")+
WriteIf(stvol,"Stopping Volume. This will be an downbar during a bearish period closing towards the Top accompanied by High volume.
A stopping Volume normally indicates that smart money is absorbing the supply which is a Indication that they are Bullishon the MArket.
Hence we Can expect a reversal in the down trend. ","")+
WriteIf(ndbar, "No Demand
Brief Description:
Any up bar which closes in the middle OR Low, especially if the Volume has fallen off,
is a potential sign of weakness.
Things to Look Out for:
if the market is still strong, you will normally see signs of strength in the next few bars,
which will most probably show itself as a:
* Down bar with a narrow spread, closing in the middle OR High.
* Down bar on Low Volume.","");

//================================================== ================================================== ================================================== ================================
if( Status("action") == actionIndicator )
Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "Volume Price Analysis" + " - " + Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
" - " + Date() +" - " +EncodeColor(colorLime)+ "Volume= "+WriteVal(V)+"--"+EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"\n"+
WriteIf (utbar, " An Upthrust Bar. A sign of weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (utcond1, " A downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (utcond2 AND NOT utcond1, " A High Volume downbar after an Upthrust. Confirm weakness.","")+
WriteIf (utcond3, "This upthrust at very High Voume, Confirms weakness","")+
WriteIf (stdn1, "Strength seen returning after a down trend. High volume adds to strength. ","")+
WriteIf (stdn0 AND NOT stdn, "Strength seen returning after a down trend. ","")+
WriteIf (stdn AND NOT stdn1, "Strength seen returning after a long down trend. ","")+
WriteIf (Lvtbar, "Test for supply. ","")+
WriteIf (Lvtbar2, "An Upbar closing near High after a Test confirms strength. ","")+
WriteIf (bycond, "An Upbar closing near High. Confirms return of Strength. ","")+
WriteIf (dbar, "A High Volume Up Bar closing down in a uptrend shows Distribution. ","")+
WriteIf (Hutbar, "Psuedo UpThrust. A Sign of Weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (Hutcond, "A Down Bar closing down after a Pseudo Upthrust confirms weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (Lvtbar1, "Test for supply in a uptrend. Sign of Strength. ","")+
WriteIf (stdn2, "High volume upbar closing on the high indicates strength. ","")+
WriteIf (Tcbar, "High volume Downbar after an upmove on high volume indicates weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (ndbar, "No Demand. A sign of Weakness. ","")+
WriteIf (nsbar, "No Supply. A sign of Strength. ","")+
WriteIf (eftup, "Effort to Rise. Bullish sign ","")+
WriteIf (eftdn, "Effort to Fall. Bearish sign ","")+
WriteIf (eftupfl, "Effort to Move up has failed. Bearish sign ","")+
WriteIf (stvol, "Stopping volume. Normally indicates end of bearishness is nearing. ","")+
("\n Volume: ")+WriteIf(V>Vp2,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Very High",WriteIf(V>Vp1,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" High",WriteIf(V>Vrg,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Above Average",
WriteIf(V<Vrg AND V>Vn1,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Less than Average",WriteIf(V<Vn1,"Low","")))))+
(EncodeColor(colorYellow)+" Spread: ")+WriteIf(rg >(arg*2),EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Wide",WriteIf(rg>arg,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Above Average",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Narrow"))+
(EncodeColor(colorYellow)+" Close: ")+WriteIf(Vhcls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"Very High",WriteIf(ucls,EncodeColor(colorLime)+"High",WriteIf(mcls,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Mid",
WriteIf(dcls,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Down","Very Low"))))+
("\n Trend: ")+WriteIf(tls>0,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Short Term-UP",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Short Term-Down")+
WriteIf(tlm>0,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" MID Term-UP",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Mid Term-Down")+
WriteIf(tll>0,EncodeColor(colorLime)+" Long Term-Up",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Long term-Down"));

There were many errors in this AFL, I cleared some. But still there are some. When I use this (this is edited), it says

''Error 29
variable 'style_phl' used without being initialised''

Please help.

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