Afin's trading diary

That will be quite the spectacle.
A trader is neither a perma bull nor a perma bear. The trader would never be ranting sell sell or buy buy like a mad man. He or she would take a trade in that direction! My 5 paise :)
I am a forecaster. It has nothing to do with me being positive or negative. The fact that I talked a lot about the impacts of climate change and ecological disaster on the performance of economy and the financial markets already gave me an unsavory reputation, especially here on the forum.

With all due respect, I do not care about opinions :D
When I discussed the probabilities of the occurence of the exact same events, I was ridiculed and lampooned on this very forum. I was termed the doomsday guy, I was asked to not be negative and be positive in some of the most disparaging ways possible. I was termed a perma bear and someone who would cheer only the market bottoms.

There’s a one-in-three chance of a ‘massive’ disaster that could be worse than COVID-19, says Deutsche Bank
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