A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
"Years ago I had a conversation with a man who told me that the most important truth he had learned was to be kind. He learned this, he recounted, during a cab ride in New York City. As he was paying the driver, he said, 'Thank you, sir.' At this, the driver leaped, ran around the back of the cab, and opened the door for his passenger. Startled, the man got out and said to the cab driver, 'You didn't have to do that,' to which the driver responded, 'I wanted to. You are the first person in this country to honor me by calling me sir, and I thank you for that respect.' The man had never before considered the power inherent in a respectful gesture, but from them on, kindness became the pillar on which he built his life and the legacy he hoped to pass on to his children. The exchange, he said, changed his life."

—Caroline Myss


Well-Known Member
Stephen Covey said, “Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important," and he was right.

Ask yourself, "What's really important for me in my life right now?" and jot those ideas down on a piece of paper. Then look honestly at your daily routine to see if you are honouring your Self, or if you are just acting by default, being pulled about hither and thither by 'urgent' matters that, perhaps, aren't so urgent as you might think.

If you notice that you are not honouring your deepest needs, ask yourself, 'how can I change?' Ask the Universe for a clear sign, and then wait... the first step will show up in your reality somehow, you just need the courage to follow through.

Simply pay attention. A book, a song, a person, a class... something will come into your awareness that matches your desire to change. Honour that inner knowing. If you will simply create the space for something new to emerge, it surely will.

Jaime Tanna


Well-Known Member
Warren Buffet's advice on Money


One day Buffett went up to his pilot named Steve and jokingly said to him that “the fact that you’re still working for me tells me I’m not doing my job.”

“You should be out going after more of your goals and dreams,” Buffett reportedly said.

To help him with that, Buffett asked Steve to list the 25 most important things he wanted to do in his life.

Then Buffett asked that he review each goal and choose the five most crucial ones.

After considering a moment, he drew circles around five fantastic goals, confirming with Buffett that yes, indeed, they were his highest priorities.

And the rest?

“What about these other 20 things on your list that you didn’t circle?” Buffett asked. “What is your plan for completing those?”

Steve knew just what to say.

“Well, the top five are my primary focus, but the other 20 come in at a close second,” the pilot said. “They are still important, so I’ll work on those intermittently as I see fit as I’m getting through my top five. They are not as urgent, but I still plan to give them dedicated effort.”

Buffett suddenly turned serious.

“You’ve got it wrong, Steve,” he said. “Everything you didn’t circle just became your ‘avoid at all cost list.’ No matter what, these things get no attention from you until you’ve succeeded with your top five.”

Lessons from that story

If I split up my time and energy among all of those things, I won’t be great at any of them. To be great, I need to narrow down that field as much as possible, cutting off my time and energy spent on those that don’t make the cut.

The same idea applies to money.

It means that the list of “important things in your life” just gets longer and longer and longer, and that list of “important things” are each things that you dump money into without really thinking about whether they fulfill something truly important in your life.

One of the most valuable things you can do for your finances is take a step back and determine the handful of things that really matter to you, then cut back hard on everything else so that you have the resources to do those things.

Whatever it is you spend your money on, it’s either supporting the things you really care about in life or it’s taking away from them.

Every time you spend money (or time or energy) on things that aren’t among the core things you care about, you take away from those core things.

Right now, your life is composed of two lists. One of them is a list of all of the things you spend money on above the bare minimum. Are you going to go through that list and make another one, the one that contains what truly matters to you? When you do, spending decisions become easy – you just cut back hard on the stuff that doesn’t matter and spend your money smartly on the things that do matter.

Until you do, you’ll be dumping a lot of your money into things that you don’t really care about, and it is those things that are holding you back from succeeding at the thing that you do care most about.

It’s all up to you.


Well-Known Member
1) Positive, High Energy - That's when we experience the greatest motivation, enthusiasm, and happiness;

2) Positive, Low Energy - Here we're calm and at peace, with a high degree of life satisfaction;

3) Negative, High Energy - This is when we are frustrated, angry, and stressed out;

4) Negative, Low Energy - In this state, we're discouraged, depressed, and burned out.

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