99% lose & 1 % win...y?


You have misunderstood completely. Ther is no defined starergy that always 99% of people has to loose thier money and only o1% ppl has to take all the remaining money.

It is a zero sum game. if somebody loosing the money means some body is earning.

Then how it comes 99% and 1% it will be your next question.

You can analyze all the people who are tading. so in sampel you will ask few peoples, say you are conducting survey with 10 people.

Out of that 5 people will tell that i have lost money.
2 people will tell that yes i have gained money.
remaining 3 people they will say that then and there I am getting money but over all it is loss only.

Here is the catch, This 3 people are lying, they are getting the money and they don't want to revil the truth.

So there is no 99% and 1% etc etc.

hope it is clear.


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