World cup 2019


Well-Known Member
Stokes wasn’t even looking at ball and had fell before ball hit his bat
So what they say it's a gentleman should not have been awarded...


Well-Known Member
But whatever it is..... One thing always stands out to me. Lady luck has to shine on you on that day. She shone on England today. I have seen it in my trading, in general life etc etc.
That's true luck is one thing with which you can't win ...India were out of cricket becoz of bad luck of our captain inspite of doing everything right never has control on winning tosses :p... I was sure even before world cup that we will not win...but if I would have said loud Meri maar lete sab log .. my hope only got better of me after India's bowling in semi final...


Well-Known Member
Should India change it's captain from Kholi to Rohit? Just a thought

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