What do you think of lagging indicators?

I like MACD because the indicator allows you to see divergences and you can predict a reversal and close the order at the time. But I wouldn’t use this indicator separately
I think leading indicators and lagging indicators have their respective advantages and disadvantages. Lagging indicators are indicators that provide signal confirmation after a trend is formed, this provides a late signal so that potential profits may be less than optimal. However, this may reduce false signal bias.

Meanwhile, leading indicators provide signals before a trend is formed, allowing traders to achieve maximum profits because they can enter early when the indicator gives a signal. The weakness is false signals, leading indicators require other indicators for confirmation to reduce analysis bias
It must be remembered that no indicator can predict the market. The work of the indicator is just assumptions based on history, and history is the past. But the market lives in the present, so the approach to this issue should be individual... The success of trading is stored in our heads, and not in the work of indicators. And only our mind can help us earn money
Lagging indicators can be valuable in confirming trends and providing signals that a trend is continuing. While they may not predict market movements in advance, they help reduce the risk of false signals by confirming that a trend is well-established. Using lagging indicators in combination with leading indicators can enhance the robustness of a trading strategy.
Lagging indicators can be valuable in confirming trends and providing signals that a trend is continuing. While they may not predict market movements in advance, they help reduce the risk of false signals by confirming that a trend is well-established. Using lagging indicators in combination with leading indicators can enhance the robustness of a trading strategy.
Most indicators are lagging and most of them are simply mathematical models of certain algorithms. All indicators are derivatives of price. They are a real reflection of the price, and therefore this is history. Leading indicators show only a possible scenario, but this is not a guarantee

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