What do the following terms mean?


New Member
1. While trading equities, what do RL, SL, ST, NT, OL, AU and ALBM mean?

2. What does the vadility type of EOSESS, EOTODY and EOSTLM mean? In the same category, DAY, GTD(DAYS), GTD(dd/mm), GTC and IOC mean?

3. What does squaring off mean?

4. What is the difference between variable margin and exposure margin?

5. What does MTMP and MTML mean?

6. What is the difference between first-leg and second-leg trading?


Well-Known Member
1. While trading equities, what do RL, SL, ST, NT, OL, AU and ALBM mean?

2. What does the vadility type of EOSESS, EOTODY and EOSTLM mean? In the same category, DAY, GTD(DAYS), GTD(dd/mm), GTC and IOC mean?

3. What does squaring off mean?

4. What is the difference between variable margin and exposure margin?

5. What does MTMP and MTML mean?

6. What is the difference between first-leg and second-leg trading?
friend.....would have been better if u had asked one by one...:)


Well-Known Member
1. While trading equities, what do RL, SL, ST, NT, OL, AU and ALBM mean?

2. What does the vadility type of EOSESS, EOTODY and EOSTLM mean? In the same category, DAY, GTD(DAYS), GTD(dd/mm), GTC and IOC mean?

3. What does squaring off mean?

4. What is the difference between variable margin and exposure margin?

5. What does MTMP and MTML mean?

6. What is the difference between first-leg and second-leg trading?
sl:stop loss
albm:automated lending & borrowing mechanism
eosess:end of session
eotody:end of today's session
eostlm:end of settelment
mtmp: mark 2 mkt price
mtml:mark 2 mkt loss

first leg means from preopening 2 mid session & then from mid 2 end session:)


New Member
sl:stop loss
albm:automated lending & borrowing mechanism
eosess:end of session
eotody:end of today's session
eostlm:end of settelment
mtmp: mark 2 mkt price
mtml:mark 2 mkt loss

first leg means from preopening 2 mid session & then from mid 2 end session:)
Thanks for replying. I am still a little confused. I think an example would explain the terms. If I were to buy 100 shares of XYZ, then how would albm play its role?

What is the duration for eosess and eostlm?

I hope these qestions don't sound foolish, I've not even begun trading yet. I wasn't able to search for them google, usually the link would point to traderji itself, and the threads were mostly non-informative.

The first leg gets over at 1PM? So the legs only apply to day trading?
Thanks for replying. I am still a little confused. I think an example would explain the terms. If I were to buy 100 shares of XYZ, then how would albm play its role?

What is the duration for eosess and eostlm?

I hope these qestions don't sound foolish, I've not even begun trading yet. I wasn't able to search for them google, usually the link would point to traderji itself, and the threads were mostly non-informative.

The first leg gets over at 1PM? So the legs only apply to day trading?
1)ALBM is when ur doing short selling. I dont think it would be valid for a delivery

2)eosess depends upon which sessios ur trading in....there is also post session trading that happens. EOSTLM is not there any more.there "end of day"

Leg i have not herd of!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
1. While trading equities, what do RL, SL, ST, NT, OL, AU and ALBM mean?

2. What does the vadility type of EOSESS, EOTODY and EOSTLM mean? In the same category, DAY, GTD(DAYS), GTD(dd/mm), GTC and IOC mean?

3. What does squaring off mean?

4. What is the difference between variable margin and exposure margin?

5. What does MTMP and MTML mean?

6. What is the difference between first-leg and second-leg trading?
some of unexplained terminologies-

RL-regular lot
St-special trade
Nt-negotiated trade
ol-odd lot
AU-auction market
gfd- good for day
gtd-good till day
gtc-good till cancelled
ioc-immediate or cancell


Active Member
sl:stop loss
albm:automated lending & borrowing mechanism
eosess:end of session
eotody:end of today's session
eostlm:end of settelment
mtmp: mark 2 mkt price
mtml:mark 2 mkt loss

first leg means from preopening 2 mid session & then from mid 2 end session
As far as i think when u open a position in Futures, u long( or short) a contract;this is first leg.
when u cover your outstanding position by squaring up ie sell(or buy in case u have shorted the contract earlier), this is second leg.