Upper circuit & Lower circuit

Hi Friends,

I heard something called Upper circuit and lower circuit.

I wanted to know what does it means.

Could anyone explain me this concept with easily understandable example.

Thanks in Advance,
upper circuit means max price at which any share is purchased in a trading day after that no one can purchase that stock in that particular day i think for NSE it is 20% and for BSE is 10% further lower circuit is minimum share price that is dropped in a trading day and when any stock reaches that limit stock goes on hold for that particular day i.e price does not drop below that point


Active Member
upper limit (circuit) is the maximum price at which a particular share can quote for buying / selling. Lower limit (circuit) is the minimum price at which a particular share can quote for buying / selling. If a scrip has quoted Rs.100/- at the end of 8.9.11, and the circuit limit is 5%, on 9.9.11, the scrip can be traded between Rs.95/- to Rs.105/- only. That is + 5% and -5%. The percentage will be decided by Stock Exchange. % may be different for each scrip.

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