One of my Favorite Strategy for BN on expiry date is Butterfly Spread. It has given me profits on most of the expiry days. Its intraday strategy and margin required is very less.
Let me explain how I use it.
Lets assume BN opens around 24000 on the expiry day. Wait for 10-15 minutes after the opening and let it stabilize. Lets assume world markets are bullish/slightly bullish.
1) Buy 30 lots (1200 Qty) 24000 CE at around 60-70.
2) Sell 60 lots (2400 Qty) 24100 CE at around 35-40
3) Buy 30 lots (1200 Qty) 242000 CE at around 15-20
Your total outgo will be around 10000-15000 rs. At any point during the day, your profit may rise to 15000-20000 rs on this position due to time decay of OTM options and then square it off and take the profit. Your max loss is initial outgo amount.
But most of the times the position will come into profits during some point of the day.