Thoughts about trading


Humbled by Markets
Creating a thread to post various views and thoughts about trading.


Humbled by Markets
A good trader has an edge.
The great trader is always developing edges for the future.


Humbled by Markets
"The successful trader does not base moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead 2 what does happen" -- Linda Raschke (Mkt Wizd)


Humbled by Markets
Confirmation and opportunity are two different sides of same coin, you wait for one and the other is gone.


Humbled by Markets
Trading errors!

Greed causes trades that are too big

Your fear exits winners too fast

Your hope holds losing trades too long

Stephen Burns


Humbled by Markets
The solution to most of our trading problems is discipline. Discipline to create a trading system & follow it with good position sizing.

Stephen Burns


Humbled by Markets
The more traders mature the less trades they take & the more profitable they become by avoiding over trading.


Humbled by Markets
Traders that have faith in themselves & their system have no need to debate anyone about anything. It’s a waste of valuable time & energy.


Humbled by Markets
When you do technical analysis, be careful not to project what you want to see on the charts, instead of opening your eyes to what is there.

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