Test Thread


Well-Known Member
There should really be a 'Sandbox' section where folks could try out stuff such as open new threads, experiment with features, or just knavery. It could be purged periodically. A Miscellaneous or Everything Else box if you will.
There should really be a 'Sandbox' section where folks could try out stuff such as open new threads, experiment with features, or just knavery. It could be purged periodically. A Miscellaneous or Everything Else box if you will.
That's true. I'm kind of checking out the features. There could have been a section like you talked about to try out stuff.
Now can I delete this thread?


Well-Known Member
After some time and/or post count, the posts will show immediately. It used to be 6 posts or so earlier; it has been long since one even gave it any thought, and am not aware of current policy.