TA basis course at Hyderabad


I have recently attened a TA course at Hyderabad conducted by Sai Datta TA institite at Hyderabad ( Tutor is Vinod Kumar: 9652904904).

There are good practical insights shared in this session and will be valuable for people starting to learn basic TA. Go thru the theory first to take max advantage of this training.

Hi ram
congrats for attending the course which will help full for you to trade and to make money.

I just want to know what exactly he thought i mean what aspect of technicle trading . does he gave any practical examples did he gave any material ?

how much did he charged per person? what was the duration of the course?

hope i didn't troubled you

Sorry for a late reply....

Course fee is 4500. Duration is 2 weeks ( 2 hrs per day and weekends 3-4 hrs).

Course material is average.

The takeaway is the presentation and the insights that are explained in detail. You have to go thru lot of books to get those subtle points
there is one more guy in Hyderabad name is mamilla chinna his site is trendmyfriend . com he also has a course on trading and candlestick do you have any idea about it let me now if you attend and if it is help full


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