Simple Coding Help - No Promise.

Hi Coding Gurus

Have a volume based afl, but it shows nothing in Ami-6 Please help do modify if anything needed.


// calculate the trading volume
BV = IIf( (H==L), 0, (V*(C-L)/(H-L)) );
SV = IIf( (H==L), 0, (V*(H-C)/(H-L)));

// starting of the day

Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince( Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));

StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 091500, BarIndex());

//total volume traded

TodayVolume = Sum(V,Bars_so_far_today);
TSELVOL=Sum (SV,Bars_so_far_today);

PlotShapes(iif(SVbull,shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=85);
PlotShapes(iif(SVbear,shapedownArrow, shapeNone),colorred, 0, L, Offset=-85);

Title= " Today Volume :"+WriteVal(TodayVolume/1000,2.2)+" TBUYV :"+WriteVal(TBUYVOL/1000,2.2)+" TSellV :"+WriteVal(TSELVOL/1000,2.2);


Well-Known Member
Hi Coding Gurus

Have a volume based afl, but it shows nothing in Ami-6 Please help do modify if anything needed.


// calculate the trading volume
BV = IIf( (H==L), 0, (V*(C-L)/(H-L)) );
SV = IIf( (H==L), 0, (V*(H-C)/(H-L)));

// starting of the day

Bars_so_far_today = 1 + BarsSince( Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));

StartBar = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 091500, BarIndex());

//total volume traded

TodayVolume = Sum(V,Bars_so_far_today);
TSELVOL=Sum (SV,Bars_so_far_today);

PlotShapes(iif(SVbull,shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=85);
PlotShapes(iif(SVbear,shapedownArrow, shapeNone),colorred, 0, L, Offset=-85);

Title= " Today Volume :"+WriteVal(TodayVolume/1000,2.2)+" TBUYV :"+WriteVal(TBUYVOL/1000,2.2)+" TSellV :"+WriteVal(TSELVOL/1000,2.2);
it is showing arrows :)
Hello i got these conditions from net.. can a scanner be made ?

( latest volume > latest sma( latest close , 20 ) and latest close > latest upper bollinger band( 20 , 2 ) and weekly close > weekly upper bollinger band( 20 , 2 ) and monthly close > monthly upper bollinger band( 20 , 2 ) and latest rsi( 14 ) > 60 and weekly rsi( 14 ) > 60 and monthly rsi( 14 ) > 60 and monthly wma( monthly close , 30 ) > monthly wma( monthly close , 50 ) and 1 month ago wma( monthly close , 30 )<= 1 month ago wma( monthly close , 50 ) and monthly wma( monthly close , 30 ) > 60 and monthly wma( monthly close , 50 ) > 60 ) )
Dear Experts,

I have problem with TDST AFL found from this forum only . But when I run it in Amibroker (Ver 6.30) it gives 2 errors as given in the screenshot. I have no idea about these errors and how to fix it.

Please help me in removing these errors.

Thanks in advance.

where is the tab key on my toshiba laptop

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C;


// Parameters
ShowNumbers= ParamToggle("Show 1-8 Numbers","No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDPoints = ParamToggle("Show TD Points", "No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDST = ParamToggle("Show TD Setup Trend", "No|Yes", 1);
tdstsa = 0;
tdstba = 0;
//********************************************** TD Points********************************************************************/
function TD_Supply()
return ( H > Ref(H, 1) AND H > Ref(H, -1) AND H > Ref(C, -2));
function TD_Demand()
return ( L < Ref(L, 1) AND L < Ref(L, -1) AND L < Ref(C, -2));
// *********************************************** TD Sequential************************************************************/
// *** Setup Buy Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes less than the close four days earlier
Con = C < Ref( C, -4);
Buy9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Buy9Signal = Buy9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a close day immediately before it that is greater than OR equal to the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) >= Ref(C, -13);
Buy9Req = Buy9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
// the high of either day 8 or day 9 is greater than or equal to the low three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (H >= Ref(L, -3)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -3));
Con2 = (H >= Ref(L, -4)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -4));
Con3 = (H >= Ref(L, -5)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -5));
Con4 = (H >= Ref(L, -6)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -6));
Con5 = (H >= Ref(L, -7)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -7));

Buy9Intr = Buy9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
// *** Setup Sell Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes greater than the Close four days earlier.
Con = C > Ref( C, -4);
Sell9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Sell9Signal = Sell9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a Close day immediately before it that is less than the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) < Ref(C, -13);
Sell9Req = Sell9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
//the low of either day 8 or day 9 is less than or equal to the high three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (L <= Ref(H, -3)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -3));
Con2 = (L <= Ref(H, -4)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -4));
Con3 = (L <= Ref(H, -5)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -5));
Con4 = (L <= Ref(H, -6)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -6));
Con5 = (L <= Ref(H, -7)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -7));

Sell9Intr = Sell9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Buy9Intr))) Sell9Intr = False;
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Sell9Intr))) Buy9Intr = False;
BuySignal = Flip(Buy9Intr, Sell9Intr);
// *** Buy Countdown ***
//With respect to a pending Buy Signal, the close must be less than the low two days earlier
Con = C < Ref(L, -2);
Buy13Count = Sum(Con AND BuySignal, BarsSince(Buy9Intr));
Buy13Signal = Buy13Count == 13;

// *** Sell Countdown ***
//with respect to a pending Sell Signal, the Close must be greater than the High two trading days earlier.
Con = C > Ref(H, -2);
Sell13Count = Sum(Con AND NOT BuySignal, BarsSince(Sell9Intr));
Sell13Signal = Sell13Count == 13;
//*********************************************** TD Sequential Plotting area *************************************************/
Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorRed, colorGreen), styleBar);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Intr OR Sell9Intr, shapeDigit9, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0, H,
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Buy9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Buy9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Buy9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Buy9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Buy9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Buy9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Buy9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(Buy9Bars >9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorGreen, 0, H, H*.0015);
IIf(Sell9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Sell9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Sell9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Sell9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Sell9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Sell9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Sell9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Sell9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(sell9bars>9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorRed, 0, H, H*.0015);

Sell = Sell13Signal AND NOT BuySignal;
Buy = Buy13Signal AND BuySignal;
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorYellow, 0, H, -H*.001);
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);

bgColor = ColorRGB(0,66, 2);
bgColor = ColorRGB(66,2, 0);
//*********************************************** TD Points Plotting area *************************************************/
PlotShapes(TD_Supply()*shapeSmallCircle, colorRed, 0, H, H*.001);
PlotShapes(TD_Demand()*shapeSmallCircle, colorGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Demand(), L)));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Supply(), H)));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
//*********************************************** TDST Plotting area *************************************************/
// ---------------->>>> Code from Dave <<<---------------------- //
tdstba =Cum(0);
tdstb = Null;
HHV9 = HHV(H,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstba = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Buy9Bars == 9)
HHV_b = HHV9;
if (HHV_b > C[i-9])
tdstb = HHV_b;
else tdstb = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstba[i-j] = tdstb;
else tdstba = tdstb;

tdstsa =Cum(0);
tdsts = Null;
LLV9 = LLV(L,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstsa = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Sell9Bars == 9)
LLV_b = LLV9;
if (LLV_b < C[i-9])
tdsts = LLV_b;
else tdsts = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstsa[i-j] = tdsts;
else tdstsa = tdsts;
Plot(tdstba, "TDSTb", colorBlue,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);
Plot(tdstsa, "TDSTs", colorRed,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );


Well-Known Member
Dear Experts,

I have problem with TDST AFL found from this forum only . But when I run it in Amibroker (Ver 6.30) it gives 2 errors as given in the screenshot. I have no idea about these errors and how to fix it.

Please help me in removing these errors.

Thanks in advance.
no errors, no warnings, good luck :)
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C;


// Parameters
ShowNumbers= ParamToggle("Show 1-8 Numbers","No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDPoints = ParamToggle("Show TD Points", "No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDST = ParamToggle("Show TD Setup Trend", "No|Yes", 1);
tdstsa = 0;
tdstba = 0;
//********************************************** TD Points********************************************************************/
function TD_Supply()
return ( H > Ref(H, 1) AND H > Ref(H, -1) AND H > Ref(C, -2));
function TD_Demand()
return ( L < Ref(L, 1) AND L < Ref(L, -1) AND L < Ref(C, -2));
// *********************************************** TD Sequential************************************************************/
// *** Setup Buy Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes less than the close four days earlier
Con = C < Ref( C, -4);
Buy9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Buy9Signal = Buy9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a close day immediately before it that is greater than OR equal to the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) >= Ref(C, -13);
Buy9Req = Buy9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
// the high of either day 8 or day 9 is greater than or equal to the low three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (H >= Ref(L, -3)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -3));
Con2 = (H >= Ref(L, -4)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -4));
Con3 = (H >= Ref(L, -5)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -5));
Con4 = (H >= Ref(L, -6)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -6));
Con5 = (H >= Ref(L, -7)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -7));

Buy9Intr = Buy9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
// *** Setup Sell Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes greater than the Close four days earlier.
Con = C > Ref( C, -4);
Sell9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Sell9Signal = Sell9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a Close day immediately before it that is less than the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) < Ref(C, -13);
Sell9Req = Sell9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
//the low of either day 8 or day 9 is less than or equal to the high three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (L <= Ref(H, -3)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -3));
Con2 = (L <= Ref(H, -4)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -4));
Con3 = (L <= Ref(H, -5)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -5));
Con4 = (L <= Ref(H, -6)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -6));
Con5 = (L <= Ref(H, -7)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -7));

Sell9Intr = Sell9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Buy9Intr))) Sell9Intr = False;
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Sell9Intr))) Buy9Intr = False;
BuySignal = Flip(Buy9Intr, Sell9Intr);
// *** Buy Countdown ***
//With respect to a pending Buy Signal, the close must be less than the low two days earlier
Con = C < Ref(L, -2);
Buy13Count = Sum(Con AND BuySignal, BarsSince(Buy9Intr));
Buy13Signal = Buy13Count == 13;

// *** Sell Countdown ***
//with respect to a pending Sell Signal, the Close must be greater than the High two trading days earlier.
Con = C > Ref(H, -2);
Sell13Count = Sum(Con AND NOT BuySignal, BarsSince(Sell9Intr));
Sell13Signal = Sell13Count == 13;
//*********************************************** TD Sequential Plotting area *************************************************/
Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorRed, colorGreen), styleBar);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Intr OR Sell9Intr, shapeDigit9, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0, H,
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Buy9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Buy9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Buy9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Buy9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Buy9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Buy9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Buy9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(Buy9Bars >9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorGreen, 0, H, H*.0015);
IIf(Sell9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Sell9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Sell9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Sell9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Sell9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Sell9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Sell9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Sell9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(sell9bars>9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorRed, 0, H, H*.0015);

Sell = Sell13Signal AND NOT BuySignal;
Buy = Buy13Signal AND BuySignal;
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorYellow, 0, H, -H*.001);
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);

bgColor = ColorRGB(0,66, 2);
bgColor = ColorRGB(66,2, 0);
//*********************************************** TD Points Plotting area *************************************************/
PlotShapes(TD_Supply()*shapeSmallCircle, colorRed, 0, H, H*.001);
PlotShapes(TD_Demand()*shapeSmallCircle, colorGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Demand(), L),1.0,1,1));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Supply(), H),1.0,1,1));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
//*********************************************** TDST Plotting area *************************************************/
// ---------------->>>> Code from Dave <<<---------------------- //
tdstba =Cum(0);
tdstb = Null;
HHV9 = HHV(H,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstba = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Buy9Bars[i] == 9)
HHV_b = HHV9;
if (HHV_b[i] > C[i-9])
tdstb = HHV_b;
else tdstb = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstba[i-j] = tdstb[j];
else tdstba = tdstb;

tdstsa =Cum(0);
tdsts = Null;
LLV9 = LLV(L,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstsa = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Sell9Bars[i] == 9)
LLV_b = LLV9;
if (LLV_b[i] < C[i-9])
tdsts = LLV_b;
else tdsts = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstsa[i-j] = tdsts[j];
else tdstsa = tdsts;
Plot(tdstba, "TDSTb", colorBlue,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);
Plot(tdstsa, "TDSTs", colorRed,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
no errors, no warnings, good luck :)
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );
ToolTip = "Open = " + O + "\nHigh = " + H + "\nLow = " + L + "\nClose = " + C;


// Parameters
ShowNumbers= ParamToggle("Show 1-8 Numbers","No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDPoints = ParamToggle("Show TD Points", "No|Yes", 1);
ShowTDST = ParamToggle("Show TD Setup Trend", "No|Yes", 1);
tdstsa = 0;
tdstba = 0;
//********************************************** TD Points********************************************************************/
function TD_Supply()
return ( H > Ref(H, 1) AND H > Ref(H, -1) AND H > Ref(C, -2));
function TD_Demand()
return ( L < Ref(L, 1) AND L < Ref(L, -1) AND L < Ref(C, -2));
// *********************************************** TD Sequential************************************************************/
// *** Setup Buy Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes less than the close four days earlier
Con = C < Ref( C, -4);
Buy9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Buy9Signal = Buy9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a close day immediately before it that is greater than OR equal to the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) >= Ref(C, -13);
Buy9Req = Buy9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
// the high of either day 8 or day 9 is greater than or equal to the low three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (H >= Ref(L, -3)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -3));
Con2 = (H >= Ref(L, -4)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -4));
Con3 = (H >= Ref(L, -5)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -5));
Con4 = (H >= Ref(L, -6)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -6));
Con5 = (H >= Ref(L, -7)) OR ( Ref(H, -1) >= Ref(L, -7));

Buy9Intr = Buy9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
// *** Setup Sell Signal ***
//nine consecutive days closes greater than the Close four days earlier.
Con = C > Ref( C, -4);
Sell9Bars = BarsSince(BarsSince(Con));
Sell9Signal = Sell9Bars == 9;

// *** Requirements ***
//The first day of the nine-day must be preceded by a Close day immediately before it that is less than the Close four days earlier
Con = Ref(C, -9) < Ref(C, -13);
Sell9Req = Sell9Signal AND Con;

// *** Intersection ***
//the low of either day 8 or day 9 is less than or equal to the high three,four, five, six, OR seven days earlier
Con1 = (L <= Ref(H, -3)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -3));
Con2 = (L <= Ref(H, -4)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -4));
Con3 = (L <= Ref(H, -5)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -5));
Con4 = (L <= Ref(H, -6)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -6));
Con5 = (L <= Ref(H, -7)) OR ( Ref(L, -1) <= Ref(H, -7));

Sell9Intr = Sell9Req AND (Con1 OR Con2 OR Con3 OR Con4 OR Con5);
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Buy9Intr))) Sell9Intr = False;
if(StrToNum(NumToStr(Sell9Intr))) Buy9Intr = False;
BuySignal = Flip(Buy9Intr, Sell9Intr);
// *** Buy Countdown ***
//With respect to a pending Buy Signal, the close must be less than the low two days earlier
Con = C < Ref(L, -2);
Buy13Count = Sum(Con AND BuySignal, BarsSince(Buy9Intr));
Buy13Signal = Buy13Count == 13;

// *** Sell Countdown ***
//with respect to a pending Sell Signal, the Close must be greater than the High two trading days earlier.
Con = C > Ref(H, -2);
Sell13Count = Sum(Con AND NOT BuySignal, BarsSince(Sell9Intr));
Sell13Signal = Sell13Count == 13;
//*********************************************** TD Sequential Plotting area *************************************************/
Plot(C, "", IIf(O>=C, colorRed, colorGreen), styleBar);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Intr OR Sell9Intr, shapeDigit9, shapeNone),colorBlue, 0, H,
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Buy9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Buy9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Buy9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Buy9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Buy9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Buy9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Buy9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(Buy9Bars >9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorGreen, 0, H, H*.0015);
IIf(Sell9Bars==1, shapeDigit1,
IIf(Sell9Bars==2, shapeDigit2,
IIf(Sell9Bars==3, shapeDigit3,
IIf(Sell9Bars==4, shapeDigit4,
IIf(Sell9Bars==5, shapeDigit5,
IIf(Sell9Bars==6, shapeDigit6,
IIf(Sell9Bars==7, shapeDigit7,
IIf(Sell9Bars==8, shapeDigit8,
IIf(sell9bars>9, shapeStar,shapeNone))))))))),colorRed, 0, H, H*.0015);

Sell = Sell13Signal AND NOT BuySignal;
Buy = Buy13Signal AND BuySignal;
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorYellow, 0, H, -H*.001);
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorBrightGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);

bgColor = ColorRGB(0,66, 2);
bgColor = ColorRGB(66,2, 0);
//*********************************************** TD Points Plotting area *************************************************/
PlotShapes(TD_Supply()*shapeSmallCircle, colorRed, 0, H, H*.001);
PlotShapes(TD_Demand()*shapeSmallCircle, colorGreen, 0, L, -L*.001);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Demand(), L),1.0,1,1));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
y0 = StrToNum(NumToStr(ValueWhen(TD_Supply(), H),1.0,1,1));
x = LineArray(0, y0, (BarCount-1), y0);
Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);
//*********************************************** TDST Plotting area *************************************************/
// ---------------->>>> Code from Dave <<<---------------------- //
tdstba =Cum(0);
tdstb = Null;
HHV9 = HHV(H,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstba = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Buy9Bars[i] == 9)
HHV_b = HHV9;
if (HHV_b[i] > C[i-9])
tdstb = HHV_b;
else tdstb = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstba[i-j] = tdstb[j];
else tdstba = tdstb;

tdstsa =Cum(0);
tdsts = Null;
LLV9 = LLV(L,9);
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) tdstsa = Null;

for( i = 10; i < BarCount; i++ )
if (Sell9Bars[i] == 9)
LLV_b = LLV9;
if (LLV_b[i] < C[i-9])
tdsts = LLV_b;
else tdsts = C[i-9];

for (j = 0; j < 9; j++ )
tdstsa[i-j] = tdsts[j];
else tdstsa = tdsts;
Plot(tdstba, "TDSTb", colorBlue,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);
Plot(tdstsa, "TDSTs", colorRed,styleStaircase | styleThick|styleDots);


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );


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