Simple Coding Help - No Promise.

will you plz add scan/explorer to this indicator
buy when RSI in support
sell when RSI In resistance
// RSI TRENDLINE formula ver 1.0

SetBarsRequired(sbrAll, sbrAll);                                                        
TP = Param("Trend Per", 300,2,1000);                                                                
per_RSI= Param("RSI Per", 9, 7, 35,1);
IND =  RSI(per_RSI);                                                                                                      
Center = 50 ;

Plot( RSI(per_RSI), "", 4, 4);     
Plot(50,"",1,1) ;


startvalue = LastValue( LLV( IND, TP ) );                                                                          
startbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == startvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );                      
BP = BarCount - Startbar;                                                                                            

secondvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP - 5  ) );                                                       
secondbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == secondvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );            
BP2 = BarCount - secondbar;  

thirdvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP2 - 5 ) );                                                    
thirdbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == thirdvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );             
BP3 = BarCount - thirdbar;  

fourthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP3 - 5 ) );                                                       
fourthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fourthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );         
BP4 = BarCount - fourthbar;  

fifthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP4 - 5 ) );                                                    
fifthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fifthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );       
BP5 = BarCount - fifthbar;  

sixthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP5 - 5 ) );                                             
sixthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==sixthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );         

Low_1= IIf( BarIndex() == startbar, 80, Null);
Low_2= IIf( BarIndex() == secondbar, 80, Null);
Low_3= IIf( BarIndex() == thirdbar, 80, Null);
Low_4= IIf( BarIndex() == fourthbar, 80, Null);
Low_5= IIf( BarIndex() == fifthbar, 80, Null);
Low_6= IIf( BarIndex() == sixthbar, 80, Null);

b = startvalue ;    
FirstSlope = (secondvalue - b) / (secondbar - startbar) ;
FirstTrendline = FirstSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;                                                             
// Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar  AND FirstTrendline <= 90 , FirstTrendline, Null ) , "FirstTrendline", colorGreen, styleThick +2048 );        

SecondSlope = (thirdvalue - b) / (thirdbar - startbar) ;
SecondTrendline = SecondSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;                                                              

ThirdSlope = (fourthvalue - b) / (fourthbar - startbar) ;
ThirdTrendline = ThirdSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

FourthSlope = (fifthvalue - b) / (fifthbar - startbar) ;
FourthTrendline = FourthSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

FifthSlope = (sixthvalue - b) / (sixthbar - startbar) ;
FifthTrendline = FifthSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

MainSlope = IIf( FirstSlope > SecondSlope,  IIf( SecondSlope > ThirdSlope,  IIf( ThirdSlope > FourthSlope, 
 IIf( FourthSlope >  FifthSlope,  FifthSlope, FourthSlope),ThirdSlope), SecondSlope), FirstSlope) ;

MainLine = MainSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;    
Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar, MainLine, Null ) , "MainLine", colorDarkGreen, styleThick ) ;   

IND_Diff = IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar, abs( IND - MainLine), Null) ;
MainTrendLine_Diff = Param("Difference IND from MainTrendLine", 2.5, 0.5,5,  0.5);

Cond_Buy = IIf( BarIndex() >= Thirdbar AND  IND_Diff  <= MainTrendLine_Diff, IND, 0)  AND  MainLine < 55 ;

PlotShapes( IIf( Cond_Buy, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone ), colorGreen );



starthigh = LastValue( HHV( IND, TP ) );                                                                         
starthighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == starthigh, BarIndex(), 1) );                
HBP = BarCount - starthighbar;                                                                                   

secondhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP - 5  ) );                                                    
secondhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == secondhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );      
HBP2 = BarCount - secondhighbar;  

thirdhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP2 - 5 ) );                                                    
thirdhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == thirdhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );            
HBP3 = BarCount - thirdhighbar;  

fourthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP3 - 5 ) );                                                         
fourthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fourthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );           
HBP4 = BarCount - fourthhighbar;  

fifthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP4 - 5 ) );                                                   
fifthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fifthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );         
HBP5 = BarCount - fifthhighbar;  

sixthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP5 - 5 ) );                                                
sixthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==sixthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );           

High_1= IIf( BarIndex() == starthighbar, 90, Null);
High_2= IIf( BarIndex() == secondhighbar, 90, Null);
High_3= IIf( BarIndex() == thirdhighbar, 90, Null);
High_4= IIf( BarIndex() == fourthhighbar, 90, Null);
High_5= IIf( BarIndex() == fifthhighbar, 90, Null);
High_6= IIf( BarIndex() == sixthhighbar, 90, Null);

MainTrendLine_Diff = Param("Difference IND from MainTrendLine", 2.5, 0.5,7,  0.5);

d = starthigh ;    
FirstDownSlope = (secondhigh - d) / (secondhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FirstDownTrendline = FirstDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;                                                               

SecondDownSlope = (thirdhigh - d) / (thirdhighbar - starthighbar) ;
SecondDownTrendline = SecondDownSlope * ( BarIndex() -  starthighbar ) + d;                                                          

ThirdDownSlope = (fourthhigh - d) / (fourthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
ThirdDownTrendline = ThirdDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

FourthDownSlope = (fifthhigh - d) / (fifthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FourthDownTrendline = FourthDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

FifthDownSlope = (sixthhigh - d) / (sixthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FifthDownTrendline = FifthDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

MainDownSlope = IIf( FirstDownSlope < SecondDownSlope,  IIf( SecondDownSlope < ThirdDownSlope,  
IIf( ThirdDownSlope < FourthDownSlope,  IIf( FourthDownSlope <  FifthDownSlope, FifthDownSlope, FourthDownSlope),ThirdDownSlope), SecondDownSlope), FirstDownSlope) ;

MainDownLine =  IIf( MainDownSlope == 0, Null, MainDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d ) ;    
Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >=  starthighbar, MainDownLine, Null ) , "Main_DOWN_Line", colorViolet, styleThick ) ;    

IND_Diff = IIf(  BarIndex() >=  starthighbar, abs( IND - MainDownLine), Null) ;

Cond_Sell = IIf( BarIndex() >= Thirdbar AND  IND_Diff  <= MainTrendLine_Diff, IND, 0)  AND  MainDownLine > 45 ;

PlotShapes( IIf( Cond_Sell, shapeDownArrow , shapeNone ), colorRed );

Title =  Name() + "\\c17" +   "  " +"\\c12" + "RSI" +  " " + per_RSI   ;
will you plz add scan/explorer
buy when green slope( bullish RSI )under 20
sell when the red slope (bearish RSI) is above 80

_SECTION_BEGIN("_trending wave");
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates, chartGrid20 |chartGrid50 |chartGrid80);
_N(Title =EncodeColor(colorGreen)+ StrFormat("{{NAME}} {{DATE}} " + EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" < Open %g > "+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+ " < High %g > "+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+" < Low %g > "+ EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " < Close %g > " + EncodeColor(colorBrown ) + "< Change" +" %.2f%% > " + "< Range " +(H-L) +" >" +" < Volume " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" >"+" {{VALUES}} ", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer Panel Color ",colorWhite)); // color of outer border 
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner Panel Color Upper Half",colorWhite),
ParamColor("Inner Panel Color Lower Half",colorWhite)//color of inner panel
,ParamColor("Behind Text Color", colorLavender));


Ho = AMA( Ref( Hc, -1 ), 0.5 );

pds = Optimize("pds ",Param("pds ",4,1,25,1),1,25,1);
myArray = (RSIa((HC), pds )+ RSIa( Ho,pds ) + Ref(RSIa(Ho,pds),-1) + Ref(RSIa(Ho,pds),-2) + Ref(RSIa(Ho,pds),-3))/5 ; 

myArrayS = (AMA( myArray , 0.5 )); //smooth

BS = ParamToggle("smooth","No|Yes",1);
BN = ParamToggle("normal","No|Yes",1);

if (BS) Plot( myArrayS , " smooth ", IIf( myArrayS >=Ref(myArrayS ,-1), colorGreen, colorRed ));
if (BS) Plot ( 1, "", IIf( myArrayS >=Ref(myArrayS ,-1), colorGreen, IIf( myArrayS < Ref(myArrayS ,-1), colorRed, colorLavender )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

if (BN) Plot( myArray , " RSI ", IIf( myArray >=Ref(myArray ,-1), colorGreen, colorRed ));
if (BN) Plot ( 2, "", IIf( myArray >=Ref(myArray ,-1), colorGreen, IIf( myArray < Ref(myArray ,-1), colorRed, colorLavender )), styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

HistInd=myArray - myArrayS ;

if (BS AND BN) Plot(HistInd, _DEFAULT_NAME(),
IIf(HistInd>=0, ParamColor("Up Color", colorDarkGreen), ParamColor("Down Color", colorRed)),
ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleThick, maskHistogram ));
if (BS AND BN) Plot(0,"",colorBlack, styleLine|styleDashed | styleThick);

Plot(80,"RESISTENCE",colorRed, styleLine|styleDashed | styleThick);
Plot(50,"",colorBlack, styleLine|styleDashed | styleThick);
Plot(20,"SUPPORT",colorBlue, styleLine|styleDashed | styleThick); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorLightGrey );
Style = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine | styleNoLabel ) | styleNoLabel;
Plot( bbt = BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
Plot( bbb = BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
PlotOHLC( bbt, bbt, bbb, bbb, "", ColorBlend( Color, colorWhite, 0.9 ), styleNoLabel | styleCloud | styleNoRescale, Null, Null, Null, -1 );
And ADD EXPLORER /SCAN FOR mfi the same as RSI

SetBarsRequired(sbrAll, sbrAll);                                                        
TP = Param("Trend Per", 70,2,100);                                                                
per_MFI= Param("MFI Per", 9, 5, 35,1);
IND =  MFI(per_MFI);                                                                                                      
Center = 50 ;

Plot( MFI(per_MFI), "",colorBlue, 4, 4);     

maxClip = Param( "maxClip", 80, 1, 100, 1 );
minClip = Param( "minClip", 20, 1, 100, 1 );

r = MFI(per_MFI);
PlotOHLC( r,r,50,r, "", IIf( r > 50, colorRed, colorBrightGreen ), styleCloud |
styleNoLabel | styleClipMinMax, minClip, maxClip );

Plot( 70, "", colorAqua, styleNoLabel  ); 
Plot( 50, "", colorBlack, styleNoLabel  ); 
Plot( 30, "", colorLightOrange, styleNoLabel  ); 


startvalue = LastValue( LLV( IND, TP ) );                                                                          
startbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == startvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );                      
BP = BarCount - Startbar;                                                                                            

secondvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP - 5  ) );                                                       
secondbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == secondvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );            
BP2 = BarCount - secondbar;  

thirdvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP2 - 5 ) );                                                    
thirdbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == thirdvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );             
BP3 = BarCount - thirdbar;  

fourthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP3 - 5 ) );                                                       
fourthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fourthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );         
BP4 = BarCount - fourthbar;  

fifthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP4 - 5 ) );                                                    
fifthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fifthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );       
BP5 = BarCount - fifthbar;  

sixthvalue =  LastValue( LLV( IND, BP5 - 5 ) );                                             
sixthbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==sixthvalue, BarIndex(), 1) );         

Low_1= IIf( BarIndex() == startbar, 80, Null);
Low_2= IIf( BarIndex() == secondbar, 80, Null);
Low_3= IIf( BarIndex() == thirdbar, 80, Null);
Low_4= IIf( BarIndex() == fourthbar, 80, Null);
Low_5= IIf( BarIndex() == fifthbar, 80, Null);
Low_6= IIf( BarIndex() == sixthbar, 80, Null);

b = startvalue ;    
FirstSlope = (secondvalue - b) / (secondbar - startbar) ;
FirstTrendline = FirstSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;                                                             
// Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar  AND FirstTrendline <= 90 , FirstTrendline, Null ) , "FirstTrendline", colorGreen, styleThick +2048 );        

SecondSlope = (thirdvalue - b) / (thirdbar - startbar) ;
SecondTrendline = SecondSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;                                                              

ThirdSlope = (fourthvalue - b) / (fourthbar - startbar) ;
ThirdTrendline = ThirdSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

FourthSlope = (fifthvalue - b) / (fifthbar - startbar) ;
FourthTrendline = FourthSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

FifthSlope = (sixthvalue - b) / (sixthbar - startbar) ;
FifthTrendline = FifthSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;  

MainSlope = IIf( FirstSlope > SecondSlope,  IIf( SecondSlope > ThirdSlope,  IIf( ThirdSlope > FourthSlope, 
 IIf( FourthSlope >  FifthSlope,  FifthSlope, FourthSlope),ThirdSlope), SecondSlope), FirstSlope) ;

MainLine = MainSlope * ( BarIndex() - startbar ) + b;    
Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar, MainLine, Null ) , "MainLine", colorDarkGreen, styleThick ) ;   

IND_Diff = IIf(  BarIndex() >= startbar, abs( IND - MainLine), Null) ;
MainTrendLine_Diff = Param("Difference IND from MainTrendLine", 2.5, 0.5,5,  0.5);

Cond_Buy = IIf( BarIndex() >= Thirdbar AND  IND_Diff  <= MainTrendLine_Diff, IND, 0)  AND  MainLine < 55 ;

PlotShapes( IIf( Cond_Buy, shapeUpArrow , shapeNone ), colorGreen );



starthigh = LastValue( HHV( IND, TP ) );                                                                         
starthighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == starthigh, BarIndex(), 1) );                
HBP = BarCount - starthighbar;                                                                                   

secondhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP - 5  ) );                                                    
secondhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == secondhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );      
HBP2 = BarCount - secondhighbar;  

thirdhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP2 - 5 ) );                                                    
thirdhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND == thirdhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );            
HBP3 = BarCount - thirdhighbar;  

fourthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP3 - 5 ) );                                                         
fourthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fourthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );           
HBP4 = BarCount - fourthhighbar;  

fifthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP4 - 5 ) );                                                   
fifthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==fifthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );         
HBP5 = BarCount - fifthhighbar;  

sixthhigh =  LastValue( HHV( IND, HBP5 - 5 ) );                                                
sixthhighbar =  LastValue( ValueWhen( IND ==sixthhigh, BarIndex(), 1) );           

High_1= IIf( BarIndex() == starthighbar, 90, Null);
High_2= IIf( BarIndex() == secondhighbar, 90, Null);
High_3= IIf( BarIndex() == thirdhighbar, 90, Null);
High_4= IIf( BarIndex() == fourthhighbar, 90, Null);
High_5= IIf( BarIndex() == fifthhighbar, 90, Null);
High_6= IIf( BarIndex() == sixthhighbar, 90, Null);

MainTrendLine_Diff = Param("Difference IND from MainTrendLine", 2.5, 0.5,7,  0.5);

d = starthigh ;    
FirstDownSlope = (secondhigh - d) / (secondhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FirstDownTrendline = FirstDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;                                                               

SecondDownSlope = (thirdhigh - d) / (thirdhighbar - starthighbar) ;
SecondDownTrendline = SecondDownSlope * ( BarIndex() -  starthighbar ) + d;                                                          

ThirdDownSlope = (fourthhigh - d) / (fourthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
ThirdDownTrendline = ThirdDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

FourthDownSlope = (fifthhigh - d) / (fifthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FourthDownTrendline = FourthDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

FifthDownSlope = (sixthhigh - d) / (sixthhighbar - starthighbar) ;
FifthDownTrendline = FifthDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d;  

MainDownSlope = IIf( FirstDownSlope < SecondDownSlope,  IIf( SecondDownSlope < ThirdDownSlope,  
IIf( ThirdDownSlope < FourthDownSlope,  IIf( FourthDownSlope <  FifthDownSlope, FifthDownSlope, FourthDownSlope),ThirdDownSlope), SecondDownSlope), FirstDownSlope) ;

MainDownLine =  IIf( MainDownSlope == 0, Null, MainDownSlope * ( BarIndex() - starthighbar ) + d ) ;    
Plot(  IIf(  BarIndex() >=  starthighbar, MainDownLine, Null ) , "Main_DOWN_Line", colorViolet, styleThick ) ;    

IND_Diff = IIf(  BarIndex() >=  starthighbar, abs( IND - MainDownLine), Null) ;

Cond_Sell = IIf( BarIndex() >= Thirdbar AND  IND_Diff  <= MainTrendLine_Diff, IND, 0)  AND  MainDownLine > 45 ;

PlotShapes( IIf( Cond_Sell, shapeDownArrow , shapeNone ), colorRed );

Title =  Name() + "\\c17" +   "  " +"\\c12" + per_mfi;


Well-Known Member
Kindly give suggestion what additional stuff does it needed to make afl like upper.

I scared to ask there, because i've seen some of his posts .cm5
i know he's intellient
Kindly, do not call it spoonfeed, because it will take me years to code this.

I'm sorry but that's too funny. You call yourself Gangster (!!) here but are scared of a harmless guy here in your above post on the Internet(!!)? On the other hand I understand gangsters are always afraid of good guys every time. Even more so cuddly "pillow fight gangsters" (like you?).

But joking aside, how do you think do you want to compete on financial markets against real bad ass Wall Street gangsters with your actual real money if you are that quickly scared about occasions where nothing really scary has happened?
Please help me to generate signal;

Buy= when candle stop Above 40 days EMA high
Buy Exit= When candle stop Below 40 days EMA Low

and Sell= vise versa, Next Candle stop

Originally Posted by momin02 View Post
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorDefault ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 );// 40 days High Green Line
Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );

P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1, 10 );// 40 days Low Red Line
Plot( EMA( P, Periods ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle ), ParamStyle("Style") );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magfied Market Price");
FS=Param("Font Size",30,11,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",1480,1,1800,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",12,1,830,1);
GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor-690 , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorBlack );
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorYellow) );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor-690 , Ver+45 );
Can any body give me a AFL code for Amibroker with no dashboards or profit target line or any kind of buy and sell symbols just like the supertrend indicator in Sharekhan Trade Tiger and also make sure that I can set Periods and MUltipliers according to my need


Learner and Follower
Can any body give me a AFL code for Amibroker with no dashboards or profit target line or any kind of buy and sell symbols just like the supertrend indicator in Sharekhan Trade Tiger and also make sure that I can set Periods and MUltipliers according to my need
if u r talking abt supertrend indicator, u can delete or comment out buy/sell,messageboard sections in afl editor..


Learner and Follower
Hi is it possible to add sound alert for buy/sell signal in Supertrend V4.0 afl.?
Thanks & regards
I don remember the version but it was coded with popup and sound alert.
it can be added.

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