Reading Diary!!


Active Member
This is my reading diary. I am new to Traderji, so going through different threads. However, it is difficult to keep track of my reading as I alternate between Mobile and Laptop to read threads and it is becoming difficult to remember last post read or any particular thread. Also compounding the problem is fact that I am reading multiple threads in parallel (sometimes due to lack of long attention span, sometimes due to reading fatigue, and sometimes due to jump links to other good threads in main threads), also gap between reading is not uniform. So to overcome this problem, I thought like creating Thread named 'Reading Diary'. Name is inspired from quite a few Trading Diaries on this forum. I will be posting links to my last read post on any particular thread, so that I can pick up next time from same page.

This purely personal and moderators can let me know if such threads are not allowed and I will delete the same.

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