ProStocks - Unlimited Trading Plan and Flat Fee Plan

Does ProStocks provide margin against collaterals for positional trades in F&O - Stocks and Mutual Fund both? If possible, please provide link of list of collaterals with respective hair cut %.
Presently limits are against ledger balance or delivery sale of shares. We intent to provide limits against pledge of shares soon.
i found ur flat fee plan good... apart are they any clearing charges??? as most of the charges are same as Finvasia.. apart extra paying monthly package?
what are the additional features u provide ?? as i could see that ur a not a clearning memeber so will there be any charges....??
how about the app previously there were many glitches in app of price lag etc... are the things sorted? as i could see that app is updated...seems such issues are solved.
i have a query , lets say i traded only one month next month in case if i dont trade will i be changed the same 899 or ?? how is it? i was been told that only if i trade ill be charged by ur executive , just wanted to reconfirm