Pizza-ization of Trading?


I am an ex-McKinsey strategy consultant who is late to Trading, but damn serious about it now. Reason: My belief that Trading is a domain where success is directly proportional to one's cognition. No people-management, no politics, etc.

Since I am a consultant, I like forming and testing new hypotheses. Now, after browsing through several books written in past 100 years, I have formed the following hypothesis:

Earlier traders (such as JL, Wyckoff, even Darvas) used to emphasise Intuition. But in past 30-40 years, people talk more about Systems and Process. It seems intuition has taken a back seat. It seems like everything is becoming process-ized from Pizza-making to Consulting to Trading.

Why this topic: Coz I feel passionately about this topic; because if everything is process-izable then AI will beat Human intelligence soon. And my core belief is that human intuition (I am a big admirer of Steve Jobs) will always be smarter than AI.

So, do you guys have any informed and passionately-felt perspective on it? Is my view even right or am I mistaken? Or is it that my hypothesis is a new one (therefore correct/incorrect is not known to you yet)?
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