NF SAR 2DHL; SL to BE >2%


Well-Known Member
February had just three trades. Unhedged positions would have resulted in a loss of 298 points bringing the overall tally for the year to 141 pts in the negative. The system is currently in the long trades at 4914.

I had a look at the same strategy on a longer TF - weekly. For this year there would have been just two trades. We would have shorted in the third week the break of 5176 the two week low and covered it in the budget rally at 4927 the two week high for that week giving a profit of 249 pts.

Would love to test it on the weekly TF. If anyone can share the NF1 historical data on a weekly basis (Date range, Open high low close) it would be great. I need the data in a simple excel format.
NF SAR 5DHL; SL to 1% above BE >2%
if it would stratefy, what could be result.
if anyone has data and could do back test, pls do
and show results for benefit of all.:D:D
Two day high was 5293. You can hold the shorts and watch if 5336 breaks, If it does that is 2 day low.

Here is the how I back test using excel. 2009 Nifty results.

Column S give the profit points if we don't shift to BE after a move of 2%.Column W gives profit points if we do. Column X gives the net on 2 lots after cost.

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