Need small help in exploration

Hi friends, i use filter for explorations. if i check on daily basis on daily data, i got good results . but if i want to check on one month or one week (for example:1-6-15 to 8-6-15), i got different results.. I understood that it scans data on last one bar only.
i write statement as
in this statement it works perfectly on daqily exploration.
but if i select more than 1 day i got scrips with neither buy nor sell .
ii got buy result on 1-7-2015 for a scrip on reliance .but if i select in exploration as 26-6-15 to 3-7-15, .then i got no result on 2-07-15 on reliance scrip .
what is the perfect statement to write so that it works perfect ?
thanking you

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