Need help in understanding the following AFL


Below is the code snippet which plots a line connecting the highs and lows and highlights the length of wave of the move. I would appreciate if someone could give an idea about the code and the logic of how the coordinates of line/wave is calculated.

period = param("Zig-Zag %age Change", 1, 0.1, 30, 0.1);
zz_c = paramcolor("Zig-Zag Line Color", colorblue);
zz_s = paramstyle("Zig-Zag Line Style", styleline | stylethick, maskall);
zz_w = param("Zig-Zag Line Width", 2, 1, 10, 1);

pk = peakbars(h, period) == 0;
tr = troughbars(l, period) == 0;

zzhi = zig(h, period);
zzlo = zig(l, period);
avg = (zzhi + zzlo) / 2;

x = iif(pk, zzhi, iif(tr, zzlo, iif(avg > ref(avg,-1), h, l)));
zzhilo = zig(x, period);

plot(zzhilo, "zzhl", zz_c, zz_s, 0, 0, 0, 0, zz_w);
Sample output below where the blue line is plotted based on the above code.

Thanks in advance.
Calculates peaks n troughs based on the parameter "% change" that you are providing.

To understand any code . . .
Amibroker Help is a good place to start at

ZIG - zig-zag indicator Basic price pattern detection (AFL 1.1)

SYNTAX zig(ARRAY, change )


Calculates the minimum % change Zig Zag indicator.

Caveat: this function is based on Zig-Zag indicator and may look into the future - this means that you can get unrealistic results when back testing trading system using this indicator. This function is provided rather for pattern and trend recognition formulas. EXAMPLE zig(close,5)
PeakBars - bars since peak Basic price pattern detection (AFL 1.1)

SYNTAX PeakBars(ARRAY, change, n = 1)


Gives the number of bars that have passed from the n-th peak. This uses the Zig Zag function (see Zig Zag) to determine the peaks. n =1 would return the number of bars that have passed since the most recent peak. n =2 would return the number of bars that have passed since the 2nd most recent peak
Caveat: this function is based on Zig-Zag indicator and may look into the future. EXAMPLE peakbars(close,5,1)


Thanks for your reply and pointer to the User Manual. I couldn't understand the exact way these functions are being used in the code above even after going through the explanations given. It would be helpful if you could elaborate a bit on the logic of the following lines.

pk = peakbars(h, period) == 0;
tr = troughbars(l, period) == 0;

zzhi = zig(h, period);
zzlo = zig(l, period);
avg = (zzhi + zzlo) / 2;

x = iif(pk, zzhi, iif(tr, zzlo, iif(avg > ref(avg,-1), h, l)));
zzhilo = zig(x, period);
Thanks in advance.
Well most of the smarts are in the opaque zig function that calculates the zigzag lines linking the highs and lows in a time series.
The rest of the code just expands this to deal with the fact that each bar is a range from high to low and not just a single value per bar like Close.
Peakbars and troughbars return the number of bars to the last peak or trough bar and comparing it to zero returns true when at a peak (or trough) and zero/false otherwise. The the x = iif line just uses the peak and trough true values to choose the zzhi or zzlo or the h or l depending on the slope.
Thanks @lazydaze.

I basically want to use the output of ATR(14) instead of period which is a percent of the price in the current code snippet. I basically want to add the volume for the up and down wave and display it on the chart. The idea is exactly what Weis Wave does. I want to print the volume across the wave along side the HLC bar chart so as to avoid the extra pane to display this information.
Exact same thingy was recently discussed on the Amibroker forum and the solution / code provided by Ed Pottasch


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