Need AFL for Plotting vertical lines on futures expiry dates in price chart

Technical coding is pretty difficult for people who have no idea about the same. I would suggest you to go with an alternative to this. Else, you might get stuck.


Well-Known Member
revThr = ParamToggle("Reveal Expiry Thursday", "Weekly|Monthly", 1);

dymo = IIf((Month() == 9) OR (Month() == 4) OR (Month() == 6) OR (Month() == 11), 30, IIf(Month() == 2, 28 + ((Year() % 4) == 0), 31));
thur1 = (DayOfWeek() == 4) AND (Day() != Ref(Day, -1);
Plot((((revThr == 1) AND ((dymo - Day()) < 7)) OR (revThr == 0)) AND (thur1 == 1), "", colorBrown, styleNoLabel | styleHistogram | styleDashed | styleOwnScale, 0, 1, 0, 10);
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