My Trading Strategies...


Well-Known Member
it not working at my end.. dont know why
Use this , and in parameters use Daily base price.
//  Formula Name:    Market Profile 
// Use with 5/15min chart
// Originial - From AFL library
// Edited by - Milind / KAKA
//Market Profile 10/12/2009
// This is a modified version of afl date 09/19/2009 as listed above
// Contains a couple changes:
// 1) a more correct (but not complete) calculation of POC.
// 2) attempt to avoid the out of bound runtime error that
//    sometimes occurs. See below:
// Here are changes to emulate the arrays x[] and total[] so
// that the array size are not limited by Barcount.
// Now one probably should not get the out of bound error even
// if the density or ticksize is smaller. Of course, there will
// be more overhead in calculation.
// johncw 20091010
// Wrapper start
_N(VarKey = NumToStr(GetChartID(), 1.0, False) + "_");
_N(VarTotal = "V_T" + VarKey);
_N(VarX = "V_x" + VarKey);
function L_StaticVarSet(L_name, L_value)
    local L_name, L_value;
    StaticVarSet(L_name + VarKey, L_value); 
function L_StaticVarGet(L_name)
    local L_name;
    return(StaticVarGet(L_name + VarKey));
function x_g(L_idx)
    local L_idx;
    return VarGet(VarX + L_idx);
function x_s(L_idx, L_value)
    local L_idx, L_value;
    VarSet(VarX + L_idx, L_value);
function total_g(L_idx)
    local L_idx;
    return VarGet(VarTotal+L_idx);
function total_s(L_idx, L_value)
    local L_idx, L_value, L_name;
    VarSet(VarTotal+L_idx, L_value);
// Wrapper end
EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Solid|Lines|Letters");
styleLines = ParamStyle("Style", styleLine, maskAll);
Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);
Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewTPOCount= ParamToggle("Show TPO Count", "No|Yes",1);
Viewvalues= ParamToggle("Show Values", "No|Yes",1);
ViewPREVIOUS = ParamToggle("Previous Values", "No|Yes",1);
ViewVALVAH = ParamToggle("Show VAL VAH Line", "No|Yes",1);
Viewfill = ParamToggle("Show VA Fill", "No|Yes",0);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
Colorfill=ParamColor("Color Fill", ColorRGB(20,40,60));
EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Minute() != Ref(Minute(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", in5Minute, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", in5Minute, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", in5Minute, 0);
BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);
if(Period=="Monthly" ){
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inMonthly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inMonthly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);
CurTop = HHV(H,BarsInDay+1);
Curbot = LLV(L,BarsInDay+1);
Range = Highest(Top-Bot);
TodayRange = Top - Bot;
AveRange = Sum(Top-Bot,30)/30;
LAveRange = AveRange[BarCount-1];
// Initialization
baseX = 0;
baseY = floor(Bot[0]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = 0;
firstVisBar = Status("firstvisiblebar");
lastVisBar = Status("lastvisiblebar");
i0 = 0;
i1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
  x_s(i, 0); // should not need this
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i < firstVisBar) {
    i0 = i;
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i >= lastVisBar) {
    i1 = i;
i1 = BarCount-1;
for (i=i0; i<=i1; i++) {
  if (BarsInDay[i] == 0) {
    baseX = i;
    baseY = floor(Bot[i]/Den)*Den;
    maxY = floor(Top[i]/Den)*Den;
    relTodayRange = (maxY-baseY)/Den;
    for (j=0; j <= relTodayRange; j++) {
        x_s(j, 0);
    spread = Param("X Space", 80, 1, 200, 1);
    tpl = Param("Time Per Letter (mins)", 30, 1, 360, 1);
    flt =Param("First Letter (Bars)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
    teb=ParamToggle("To Each Bar","No|Yes");
    Color=Param("Color Threshold",20,1,50,1);
  if (EnMP2 == "Letters") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
        PlotText(StrExtract(" A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H ,  I  , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z, a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , L , m , n ,o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z ",
        IIf(BarsInDay[i]<flt,0,ceil(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin))-0)), baseX+IIf(teb==1,BarsInDay[i],x_g(j)*(range_x/spread)), baseY+j*Den, 
        x_s(j, x_g(j)+1);
  else if (EnMP2 == "Lines" OR EnMP2 == "Solid") {
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
     if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
        if(Type=="Price Profile"){x_s(j, x_g(j)+1);}
        else if(Type=="Volume Profile"){x_s(j, x_g(j)+round(V[i]/Voloumeunit));}
  // Draw Initial Balance after 11am bar is complete
  if (BarsInDay[i] == IBBars+1 AND EnIB == 0) {
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curtop[i-1],i+7, curtop[i-1],0,True);
    Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curbot[i-1],i+7, curbot[i-1],0,True);
  // Examine x[j]
  if ((i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0) OR i == BarCount-1) {
    maxXj = 0;
    maxj = 0;
    midrange = int(relTodayRange/2)+1;
    for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
      if (maxXj < x_g(j)) {
            maxXj = x_g(j); maxj = j; L_StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
      } else if ( MaxXj == x_g(j)) {
            if (abs(midrange-j)  < abs(midrange-L_StaticVarGet("Maxj"))) {
                maxXj = x_g(j); maxj = j; L_StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
    total_s(0, 0);
    for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ ) {
        total_s(n, x_g(n) + total_g(n-1));
    for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
        if(Maxj-a>0 AND Maxj+a<relTodayRange)
            if(MaxXj+total_g(Maxj+a)-total_g(Maxj)+(total_g(maxj)-MaxXj)-total_g(Maxj-(a+1))>=Value_area) {shiftup=a; shiftdn=a; break;}
        else if(Maxj-a<1 ) 
            if(MaxXj+total_g(Maxj+a)-total_g(Maxj)+(total_g(maxj)-MaxXj)>=Value_area){shiftup=a; shiftdn=maxj-1; break;}     
        else if(Maxj+a>relTodayRange ) 
            if(MaxXj+total_g(relTodayRange)-total_g(Maxj)+(total_g(maxj)-MaxXj)-total_g(Maxj-(a+1)) >=Value_area){shiftup=relTodayRange-maxj; shiftdn=a; break;}     
    Vah = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
    Val = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
    Vah1 = LineArray(i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i+BarsInDay[i], baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
    Val1 = LineArray(i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i+BarsInDay[i], baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
    poc = LineArray(baseX, baseY+maxj*Den, i, baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
    poc1 = LineArray(i, baseY+maxj*Den, i+BarsInDay[i], baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
        Plot(Vah,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorBlueGrey),styleLine|styleNoRescale);
        Plot(Val,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleLine|styleNoRescale);
        Plot(Vah1,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorBlueGrey),styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
        Plot(Val1,"",ParamColor("Color_VA",  colorLightBlue),styleDashed|styleNoRescale);
    if(ViewTPOCount==1){PlotText(""+(total_g(maxj)-MaxXj)+" / "+(total_g(maxj-shiftdn-1)),basex,bot[i]-(Top[i]-bot[i])*0.05,ParamColor("Color_Below_VA",  colorGrey40));
    PlotText(""+(total_g(relTodayRange)-total_g(maxj))+" / "+(total_g(relTodayRange)-total_g(maxj+shiftup)),basex,Top[i],ParamColor("Color_Above_VA", colorGrey40));
    if (i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0 OR i == BarCount-1) {
      for  (p = 1; p < relTodayRange+1; p++){
      line = LineArray(baseX, baseY+p*Den, baseX+x_g(p), baseY+p*Den);
      line2 = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(p-1)*Den, baseX+x_g(p-1), baseY+(p-1)*Den);
      if (EnMP2 == "Solid")
      PlotOHLC( Line,  Line,  Line2, Line2, "",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_Above_VA",   colorGrey40),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorBlueGrey),ParamColor("Color_Below_VA",  colorGrey40))) ,styleCloud|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
      if (EnMP2 == "Lines") 
     Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_Above_VA",  colorGrey40),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorBlueGrey),ParamColor("Color_Below_VA",   colorGrey40))) , styleLines|styleNoLabel);


Well-Known Member
it not working at my end.. dont know why


EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Solid|Lines|Letters");
Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);

Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewPOC = ParamToggle("Show POC", "No|Yes",1);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Hour() != Ref(Hour(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inHourly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inHourly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inHourly, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);

if(Period=="Monthly" ){
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inMonthly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inMonthly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);

CurTop = HHV(H,BarsInDay+1);
Curbot = LLV(L,BarsInDay+1);
Range = Highest(Top-Bot);
TodayRange = Top - Bot;

AveRange = Sum(Top-Bot,30)/30;
LAveRange = AveRange[BarCount-1];

// Initialization
baseX = 0;
baseY = floor(Bot[0]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = 0;
firstVisBar = Status("firstvisiblebar");
lastVisBar = Status("lastvisiblebar");


for (j=0; j <= 100; j++) {
x[j] = 0;

i0 = 0;
i1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i < firstVisBar) {
i0 = i;
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i >= lastVisBar) {
i1 = i;

i1 = BarCount-1;
for (i=i0; i<=i1; i++) {
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0) {
baseX = i;
baseY = floor(Bot[i]/Den)*Den;
maxY = floor(Top[i]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = (maxY-baseY)/Den;

for (j=0; j <= relTodayRange; j++) {
x[j] = 0;

spread = Param("X Space", 80, 1, 200, 1);
tpl = Param("Time Per Letter (mins)", 30, 1, 360, 1);
flt =Param("First Letter (Bars)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
teb=ParamToggle("To Each Bar","No|Yes");
Color=Param("Color Threshold",20,1,50,1);


if (EnMP2 == "Letters") {
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den AND BarsInDay[i]==0 AND stopg==0) {startg=j; stopg=1;}
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den AND BarsInDay[i]==0) {startr=j;}
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
PlotText(StrExtract(" A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z, a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , L , m , n ,o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z ",
IIf(BarsInDay[i]<flt,0,ceil(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin))-0)), baseX+IIf(teb==1,BarsInDay[i],x[j]*(range_x/spread)), baseY+j*Den, 
IIf(BarsInDay[i]==0,IIf(C[i]>O[i],IIf(j==startg,colorWhite,colorWhite),IIf(j==startr,colorWhite,colorWhite)),colorWhite),ColorHSB(10+ ((ceil(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin)))*Color),160,140));


else if (EnMP2 == "Lines" OR EnMP2 == "Solid") {
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
if(Type=="Price Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+1;}
else if(Type=="Volume Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+round(V[i]/Voloumeunit);}


// Draw Initial Balance after 11am bar is complete
if (BarsInDay[i] == IBBars+1 AND EnIB == 0) {
Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curtop[i-1],i+7, curtop[i-1],0,True);
Plot(Line1,"",colorLightGrey,styleLine+styleDashed |styleNoRescale);
Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curbot[i-1],i+7, curbot[i-1],0,True);
Plot(Line1,"",colorLightGrey,styleLine+styleDashed |styleNoRescale);

// Examine x[j]
if ((i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0) OR i == BarCount-1) {
maxXj = 0;
maxj = 0;
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (maxXj < x[j]) {maxXj = x[j]; maxj = j; StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ ) {

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if(Maxj-a>0 AND Maxj+a<relTodayRange)
if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)]>=Value_area) {shiftup=a; shiftdn=a; break;}
else if(Maxj-a<1 ) 
if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]>=Value_area){shiftup=a; shiftdn=maxj-1; break;}	
else if(Maxj+a>relTodayRange ) 
if(MaxXj+total[relTodayRange]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)] >=Value_area){shiftup=relTodayRange-maxj; shiftdn=a; break;}	

Vah = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
Val = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
poc = LineArray(baseX, baseY+maxj*Den, i, baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
Plot(Vah,"",ParamColor("Color_VA", colorPink),styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale);
Plot(Val,"",ParamColor("Color_VA", colorPink),styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale);


if (i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0 OR i == BarCount-1) {

for (p = 1; p < relTodayRange+1; p++)
line = LineArray(baseX, baseY+p*Den, baseX+x[p], baseY+p*Den);
line2 = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(p-1)*Den, baseX+x[p-1], baseY+(p-1)*Den);

if (EnMP2 == "Solid")
PlotOHLC( Line, Line, Line2, Line2, "",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH" , colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) ,styleCloud|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
if (EnMP2 == "Lines") 
Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Colo r_VAH", colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) , styleLine);
there were some spaces in the code so i removed them. but still u may see the warning 502

it is because a particular line is called in loop more than the prescribed no.

so u need to do some specific settings to reduce the no. of call to tht line.

change density to 2 then u can see the chart in min Time frame with only two days on screen but again if u scroll then same error will come again.

but if u choose letters instead of solid lines then it will work fine


Well-Known Member
Currently m using 2-3 simple m introducing market profile strategy which gives good result to me...I agree that system may have drawbacks,bugs etc...because no system is foolproof...m hounourly trying to develop system but it is not possible without follower's feedback and suggestion...

---For market profile basic read "mind over market" by James F.Dalton.
those who r interested may find the book at


Well-Known Member


EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Solid|Lines|Letters");
Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);

Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewPOC = ParamToggle("Show POC", "No|Yes",1);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Hour() != Ref(Hour(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inHourly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inHourly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inHourly, 0);

Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Colo r_VAH", colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) , styleLine);
there were some spaces in the code so i removed them. but still u may see the warning 502

it is because a particular line is called in loop more than the prescribed no.

so u need to do some specific settings to reduce the no. of call to tht line.

change density to 2 then u can see the chart in min Time frame with only two days on screen but again if u scroll then same error will come again.

but if u choose letters instead of solid lines then it will work fine

Thanks for the solution ,but how to reduce the number of calls?
Also you have said that only 2 days will be visible,how come rightedge is able to post the chart for more days using the same AFL?


Well-Known Member


EnMP2= ParamList("MarketProfile","Solid|Lines|Letters");
Type=ParamList("Type","Price Profile|Volume Profile");
Period= ParamList("Base","Hourly|Daily|Weekly|Monthly",1);

Den = Param("Density", 1, 0.25, 100, 0.25); // Resolution in terms of $
percent=Param("Value Area", 70, 1, 100, 1);
ViewPOC = ParamToggle("Show POC", "No|Yes",1);
Colorpoc=ParamColor("Color POC", colorYellow);
EnIB = ParamToggle("Show Initial Balance", "Yes|No");
IBBars = Param("Initial Balance Bars", 2, 0, 10, 1);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Day() != Ref(Day(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inDaily, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(Hour() != Ref(Hour(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inHourly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inHourly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inHourly, 0);

BarsInDay = BarsSince(DayOfWeek() < Ref( DayOfWeek(), -1 ));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inWeekly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inWeekly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inWeekly, 0);

if(Period=="Monthly" ){
BarsInDay = BarsSince(Month() != Ref(Month(), -1));
Bot = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inMonthly, 0);
Top = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inMonthly, 0);
Vol = TimeFrameGetPrice("V", inMonthly, 0);

CurTop = HHV(H,BarsInDay+1);
Curbot = LLV(L,BarsInDay+1);
Range = Highest(Top-Bot);
TodayRange = Top - Bot;

AveRange = Sum(Top-Bot,30)/30;
LAveRange = AveRange[BarCount-1];

// Initialization
baseX = 0;
baseY = floor(Bot[0]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = 0;
firstVisBar = Status("firstvisiblebar");
lastVisBar = Status("lastvisiblebar");


for (j=0; j <= 100; j++) {
x[j] = 0;

i0 = 0;
i1 = 0;
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i < firstVisBar) {
i0 = i;
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0 AND i >= lastVisBar) {
i1 = i;

i1 = BarCount-1;
for (i=i0; i<=i1; i++) {
if (BarsInDay[i] == 0) {
baseX = i;
baseY = floor(Bot[i]/Den)*Den;
maxY = floor(Top[i]/Den)*Den;
relTodayRange = (maxY-baseY)/Den;

for (j=0; j <= relTodayRange; j++) {
x[j] = 0;

spread = Param("X Space", 80, 1, 200, 1);
tpl = Param("Time Per Letter (mins)", 30, 1, 360, 1);
flt =Param("First Letter (Bars)", 1, 1, 60, 1);
teb=ParamToggle("To Each Bar","No|Yes");
Color=Param("Color Threshold",20,1,50,1);


if (EnMP2 == "Letters") {
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den AND BarsInDay[i]==0 AND stopg==0) {startg=j; stopg=1;}
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den AND BarsInDay[i]==0) {startr=j;}
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
PlotText(StrExtract(" A , B , C , D , E , F , G , H , I , J , K , L , M , N , O , P , Q , R , S , T , U , V , W , X , Y , Z, a , b , c , d , e , f , g , h , i , j , k , L , m , n ,o , p , q , r , s , t , u , v , w , x , y , z ",
IIf(BarsInDay[i]<flt,0,ceil(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin))-0)), baseX+IIf(teb==1,BarsInDay[i],x[j]*(range_x/spread)), baseY+j*Den, 
IIf(BarsInDay[i]==0,IIf(C[i]>O[i],IIf(j==startg,colorWhite,colorWhite),IIf(j==startr,colorWhite,colorWhite)),colorWhite),ColorHSB(10+ ((ceil(BarsInDay[i]/(tpl/Intervalmin)))*Color),160,140));


else if (EnMP2 == "Lines" OR EnMP2 == "Solid") {
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (L[i] <= baseY+j*Den AND H[i] >= baseY+j*Den) {
if(Type=="Price Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+1;}
else if(Type=="Volume Profile"){x[j]=x[j]+round(V[i]/Voloumeunit);}


// Draw Initial Balance after 11am bar is complete
if (BarsInDay[i] == IBBars+1 AND EnIB == 0) {
Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curtop[i-1],i+7, curtop[i-1],0,True);
Plot(Line1,"",colorLightGrey,styleLine+styleDashed |styleNoRescale);
Line1 = LineArray(i-2, curbot[i-1],i+7, curbot[i-1],0,True);
Plot(Line1,"",colorLightGrey,styleLine+styleDashed |styleNoRescale);

// Examine x[j]
if ((i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0) OR i == BarCount-1) {
maxXj = 0;
maxj = 0;
for (j=0; j<= relTodayRange; j++) {
if (maxXj < x[j]) {maxXj = x[j]; maxj = j; StaticVarSet("Maxj",j); new=j;
for ( n = 1; n <= relTodayRange; n++ ) {

for ( a = 1; a <= relTodayRange; a++ )
if(Maxj-a>0 AND Maxj+a<relTodayRange)
if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)]>=Value_area) {shiftup=a; shiftdn=a; break;}
else if(Maxj-a<1 ) 
if(MaxXj+total[Maxj+a]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]>=Value_area){shiftup=a; shiftdn=maxj-1; break;}	
else if(Maxj+a>relTodayRange ) 
if(MaxXj+total[relTodayRange]-total[Maxj]+total[Maxj-1]-total[Maxj-(a+1)] >=Value_area){shiftup=relTodayRange-maxj; shiftdn=a; break;}	

Vah = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj+shiftup)*Den,0,True);
Val = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den, i, baseY+(maxj-shiftdn)*Den,0,True);
poc = LineArray(baseX, baseY+maxj*Den, i, baseY+maxj*Den,0,True);
Plot(Vah,"",ParamColor("Color_VA", colorPink),styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale);
Plot(Val,"",ParamColor("Color_VA", colorPink),styleLine|styleDots|styleNoRescale);


if (i < BarCount - 1 AND BarsInDay[i+1] == 0 OR i == BarCount-1) {

for (p = 1; p < relTodayRange+1; p++)
line = LineArray(baseX, baseY+p*Den, baseX+x[p], baseY+p*Den);
line2 = LineArray(baseX, baseY+(p-1)*Den, baseX+x[p-1], baseY+(p-1)*Den);

if (EnMP2 == "Solid")
PlotOHLC( Line, Line, Line2, Line2, "",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Color_VAH" , colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) ,styleCloud|styleNoRescale|styleNoLabel);
if (EnMP2 == "Lines") 
Plot(line,"",IIf(p>(maxj+shiftup),ParamColor("Colo r_VAH", colorLavender),IIf(p<=(maxj+shiftup)AND p>(maxj-shiftdn),ParamColor("Color_VA", colorLightBlue),ParamColor("Color_VAL", colorLavender))) , styleLine);
there were some spaces in the code so i removed them. but still u may see the warning 502

it is because a particular line is called in loop more than the prescribed no.

so u need to do some specific settings to reduce the no. of call to tht line.

change density to 2 then u can see the chart in min Time frame with only two days on screen but again if u scroll then same error will come again.

but if u choose letters instead of solid lines then it will work fine
well how to use letters instead of lines ? can you please edit the code for this ? :thumb:

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