Modified SH's 315 Strategy by Santhosh2010

Mr Santosh2010,

Thankyou very much for your kind gesture & prompt reply in modifying the

315 afl. God Bless you. But felt sad you did not leave your mail id or contact

number. Anyhow thankyou once again. Have a good day sir.
Mr Santosh,
Can you add Arrows for buy & Sell when ever the candlesticks cross green (Buy) & red (Short). I found this afl in the net. its not my own but anyhow good.



GraphXSpace = 15;


SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("bkcolor",ColorRGB(0,0, 0)));





_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));


DayH = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -1); DayHI = LastValue (DayH,1);// yesterdays high
DayL = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -1); DayLI = LastValue (DayL,1); // yesterdays low
DayC = TimeFrameGetPrice("C", inDaily, -1); // yesterdays close
DayO = TimeFrameGetPrice("O", inDaily); // current day open
DayH2= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -2); DayH2I = LastValue (DayH2,1); // Two days before high
DayL2= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -2); DayL2I = LastValue (DayL2,1); // Two days before low
DayH3= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -3); DayH3I = LastValue (DayH3,1); // Three days before high
DayL3= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -3); DayL3I = LastValue (DayL3,1); // Three days before low
DayH4= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -4); DayH4I = LastValue (DayH4,1); // Four days before high
DayL4= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -4); DayL4I = LastValue (DayL4,1); // Four days before low
DayH5= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -5); DayH5I = LastValue (DayH5,1); // Five days before high
DayL5= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -5); DayL5I = LastValue (DayL5,1); // Five days before low
DayH6= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -6); DayH6I = LastValue (DayH6,1); // Six days before high
DayL6= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -6); DayL6I = LastValue (DayL6,1); // Six days before low
DayH7= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -7); DayH7I = LastValue (DayH7,1); // Seven days before high
DayL7= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -7); DayL7I = LastValue (DayL7,1); // Seven days before low
DayH8= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -8); DayH8I = LastValue (DayH8,1); // Eight days before high
DayL8= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -8); DayL8I = LastValue (DayL8,1); // Eight days before low
DayH9= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -9); DayH9I = LastValue (DayH9,1); // Nine days before high
DayL9= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -9); DayL9I = LastValue (DayL9,1); // Nine days before low
DayH10= TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily, -10); DayH10I = LastValue (DayH10,1); // Ten days before high
DayL10= TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily, -10); DayL10I = LastValue (DayL10,1); // Ten days before low

TenDHLAvg= ( (DayH - DayL)+ (DayH2 -DayL2)+ (DayH3 - DayL3)+ (DayH4 - DayL4)+ (DayH5 - DayL5)+ (DayH6 -DayL6)+ (DayH7 - DayL7)+ (DayH8 - DayL8)+ (DayH9 - DayL9)+ (DayH10 -DayL10) )/10;

Buy= C>((DayC)+((.382)*(TenDHLAvg)));
Sell= C<((DayC)-((.382)*(TenDHLAvg)));








PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);

PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);

PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);

PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);



WriteIf (Buy AND Ref(shrt,-1), " BUY at "+C+" ","")+
WriteIf (Sell AND Ref(Long,-1), " SEll at "+C+" ","")

trendup = IIf(C>((DayC)+((.382)*(TenDHLAvg))), colorGreen, colorWhite);
trendcolor = IIf(C<((DayC)-((.382)*(TenDHLAvg))), colorRed, trendup);
Plot( C, "Close", trendcolor, styleCandle | styleThick );

numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
hts = -33.5;

// Volatility Levels //
DC = DayC; DCI = LastValue (DC,1); // Yesterday Close
BY = ((DayC)+((.382)*(TenDHLAvg))); BYI = LastValue (BY,1); // Buy Entry Line
BT1 = ((DayC)+((.618)*(TenDHLAvg))); BT1I = LastValue (BT1,1); // Buy Target Line 1
BT2 = ((DayC)+((.786)*(TenDHLAvg))); BT2I = LastValue (BT2,1); // Buy Target Line 2
BT3 = ((DayC)+(TenDHLAvg)); BT3I = LastValue (BT3,1); // Buy Target Line 3
SH = ((DayC)-((.382)*(TenDHLAvg))); SHI = LastValue (SH,1); // Sell Entry Line
ST1 = ((DayC)-((.618)*(TenDHLAvg))); ST1I = LastValue (ST1,1); // Sell Target Line 1
ST2 = ((DayC)-((.786)*(TenDHLAvg))); ST2I = LastValue (ST2,1); // Sell Target Line 2
ST3 = ((DayC)-(TenDHLAvg)); ST3I = LastValue (ST3,1); // Sell Target Line 3

vvl = ParamToggle("Trend Levels","Hide|Show",1);
if(vvl==1) {
Plot(DC, "DC",colorWhite,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(BY, "BY",colorLime,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(BT1, "BT1",colorGreen,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(BT2, "BT2",colorGreen,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(BT3, "BT3",colorGreen,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(SH, "SH",colorRed,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(ST1, "ST1",colorRed,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(ST2, "ST2",colorRed,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);
Plot(ST3, "ST3",colorRed,styleDots|styleLine|styleNoRescale|styleNoTitle);

PlotText(" DC ", LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), DCI, colorYellow);
PlotText(" Buy " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), BYI, colorLime);
PlotText(" Target1 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), BT1I, colorLime);
PlotText(" Target2 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), BT2I, colorLime);
PlotText(" Target3 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), BT3I, colorLime);
PlotText(" Sell " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), SHI, colorRed);
PlotText(" Target1 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), ST1I, colorRed);
PlotText(" Target2 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), ST2I, colorRed);
PlotText(" Target3 " , LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), ST3I, colorRed);

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C11=ParamColor("up panel",colorBlack );
C12=ParamColor("dn panel",colorBlack );
C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 );
C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 );
C15=Param("up-down",12,1,20,1 );
Miny = Status("axisminy");
Maxy = Status("axismaxy");
lvb = Status("lastvisiblebar");
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
pxwidth = Status("pxwidth");
pxheight = Status("pxheight");
GfxSetBkMode( 0 );
GfxGradientRect(0,0,pxwidth, pxheight, C11, C12 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
GfxTextOut( "LTP "+WriteVal(C,1.2), Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15);
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0);
GfxTextOut(""+edc+"", Status("pxwidth")/1.15, Status("pxheight")/C15*0.3 );

Thankyou in Advance
Dear santoshji,

Thanks for modifed sh's 315 sttategy,

It is evry good but can we use bollinger bands also' so we make extrime points.

If yes then please suggest bollinger bands deatils.


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