Jurik Moving Average

Hi Columbus,

I tried working out on HMA, it seems quick.
However, I am not sure how it works in range bound market.

It 'd be good if we can backtest it.

I got the following comparison from Hull's website.

I think if we keep SMA and HMA crossover as our entry/exit point, maybe it ll result in good trade.

However, it seems give an approximated(exaggerated) value.
Maybe that ll help in trendy market, but could result in whipsaws.

function JurikMA(src, length, phase, power)
src = (High + Low + Close)/3;
phaseRatio = IIf(phase < -100, 0.5, IIf(phase > 100, 2.5, (phase / 100) + 1.5));
beta = 0.45 * (length - 1) / (0.45 * (length - 1) + 2);
alpha = beta ^ power;
jma = 0.0;
e0 = 0.0;
e1 = 0.0;
e2 = 0.0;

    for (i = 1; i < BarCount; i =i+1)
            e0[i] = (1 - alpha[i]) * src[i] + alpha[i] * nz(e0[i-1]);
            e1[i] = (src[i] - e0[i]) * (1 - beta[i]) + beta[i] * nz(e1[i-1]);
            e2[i] = (e0[i] + phaseRatio[i] * e1[i] - nz(jma[i])) * ((1 - alpha[i]) ^ 2) + (alpha[i] ^ 2) * nz(e2[i-1]);
            result[i] = e2[i] + nz(jma[i]);
    return result;
This is my code for Jurik Moving Average. The problem is it's neither giving any error nor any output. How this issue can be fixed? Please help. Regards.

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