Inspirational Stories


Well-Known Member
From collection of inspiring thoughts....

What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death
to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever.
-- Henry Van Dyke


One SONG can spark a moment, One FLOWER can wake the dream
One TREE can start a forest, One BIRD can herald spring

One SMILE begins a friendship, One HANDCLASP lifts a soul
One STAR can guide a ship at sea, One WORD can frame the goal

One VOTE can change a nation, One SUNBEAM lights a room
One CANDLE wipes out darkness, One LAUGH will conquer gloom

One STEP must start each journey, One WORD must start a prayer
One HOPE will raise our spirits, One TOUCH can show you care

One VOICE can speak with wisdom, One HEART can know what is true
It takes only One LIFE - yours, that can make a difference.
--Author Unknown


To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and to endure the betrayal
of false friends;
To appreciate beauty; to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better whether by a healthy child, a garden
patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This
is to have succeeded."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Time is too slow for those who wait,
too swift for those who fear,
too long for those who grieve,
too short for those who rejoice,
but for those who love,
time is eternity.
--Henry Van Dyke


Well-Known Member
Once upon a time, when God had finished making the world, he wanted to leave behind a piece of His own divinity, a spark of His essence, a promise to man of what he could become, with effort. He looked for a place to hide this precious gift because, He explained, what man could find too easily would never be valued by him.
"Then you must hide this gift on the highest mountain peak on earth," said one of His counselors.

God shook His head, "No, for man is an adventuresome creature and he will soon enough learn to climb the highest mountain peaks."

"Hide it then, My Lord, in the depths of the earth."

"I think not," said God. "for man will one day discover that he can dig into the deepest parts of the earth."

"In the middle of the ocean then, God?"

God shook His head. "I have given man a brain, you see, and one day he will learn to build ships and cross the mightiest oceans."

"Where then, My Lord?" cried His counselors.

God smiled, "I will hide it where every man and woman will be able to find it if they look sincerely and deeply enough. I will hide it in their heart, because that's the place where LOVE resides..." :)
Once upon a time, when God had finished making the world, he wanted to leave behind a piece of His own divinity, a spark of His essence, a promise to man of what he could become, with effort. He looked for a place to hide this precious gift because, He explained, what man could find too easily would never be valued by him.
"Then you must hide this gift on the highest mountain peak on earth," said one of His counselors.

God shook His head, "No, for man is an adventuresome creature and he will soon enough learn to climb the highest mountain peaks."

"Hide it then, My Lord, in the depths of the earth."

"I think not," said God. "for man will one day discover that he can dig into the deepest parts of the earth."

"In the middle of the ocean then, God?"

God shook His head. "I have given man a brain, you see, and one day he will learn to build ships and cross the mightiest oceans."

"Where then, My Lord?" cried His counselors.

God smiled, "I will hide it where every man and woman will be able to find it if they look sincerely and deeply enough. I will hide it in their heart, because that's the place where LOVE resides..." :)
This is such a good saying man!
I don’t have any inspirational story but would like to share something which is everyone should wait for their time, what is meant for them they will automatically receive it.

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