How far in the future is this AFL Looking ?


Well-Known Member
Dear Friends,

I am posting below "BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1" AFL. The results obtained by the Automatic Analysis of Ami is giving outstanding results, because of which I feel that this is looking into the future. It may not be true, But if it is , then how many bars is it looking in the future ?

The results obtained when tested on 1 min TF from 2006 to date give a whopping 15000 Nifty points in only 1000 trades.

_SECTION_BEGIN("BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1");
//{BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1} 
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorWhite),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorLightYellow));

x1=5; x2=4; x3=3; x4=2; x5=1; x6=.5; 
//{Lowest price stock <5} 
AA=IIf(C<5,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x1,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x1,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 5 AND 20} 
IIf(C>5 AND C<20,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x2,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x2,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 20 AND 70} 
IIf(C>20 AND C<70,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x3,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x3,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 70 AND 150} 
IIf(C>70 AND C<150,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x4,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x4,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 150 AND 300} 
IIf(C>150 AND C<300,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x5,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x5,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price over 300} 

//{Sell } 
x1=5; x2=4; x3=3; x4=2; x5=1; x6=.5; 
//{Lowest price stock <5} 
BB=IIf(C<5,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x1,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x1,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 5 AND 20} 
IIf(C>5 AND C<20,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x2,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x2,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 20 AND 70} 
IIf(C>20 AND C<70,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x3,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x3,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 70 AND 150} 
IIf(C>70 AND C<150,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x4,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x4,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 150 AND 300} 
IIf(C>150 AND C<300,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x5,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x5,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price over 300} 

///// Trailing Stop Module ///// 

P6=Param("Trailing Stop Risk",2.5,2,3.5,0.1); 
P7=Param("Trailing Stop LookBack",14,5,25,1); 
P8=Param("Trailing Stop PrevLow Switch",0,0,1,1); 
PrevLow=IIf(P8==1, Ref(C,-TroughBars(C,5,1)) ,Null); 

//Position sizing// 
MyTotalPort = Param("MyTotalPort",1000000,10000,10000000,100000); 
AcceptableRisk = Param("AcceptableRisk",0.5,0.1,3,0.1); 
BarsFromStart = BarsSince(Cross(AA,BB)AND Ref(Color,-1)==colorRed) ; 
InitialStopLoss =Ref( H - P6*ATR(P7),-BarsFromStart); 
PositionSizing = 0.01*AcceptableRisk*MyTotalPort/( C - InitialStopLoss ); 

Plot(IIf( HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1) <C ,HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1),Null) ,"",colorBlue,1); 
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Cross(Ref(HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1),-1),C),colorCustom1,0,H,Offset=-43); 
Title=Name()+" "+Date()+" "+EncodeColor(colorBrown)+"BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1+atr+position"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" Vol="+NumToStr(Volume ,1.2)+" "+EncodeColor(1)+"Position Sizing ( " +AcceptableRisk+ "% Risk ) = " + WriteIf(color==colorDarkGreen,NumToStr(PositionSizing ,1.0),"0")+ 
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"\nO="+O+EncodeColor(colorBrown)+" Pk-Tgh Exit"+EncodeColor(colorCustom1)+" ATR Trailing Exit"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" RSI Exit"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" ADX = "+ADX()+EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"\nH="+H+"\nL="+L+"\nClose="+ C+""+"\nchange= "+NumToStr((Ref(C,-1)-Close) ,1.2) + 
" "; 
PlotShapes( AA*shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorCustom12,0,L-0.2); 
PlotShapes( BB*shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle,colorCustom12,0,H+0.2); 

PlotShapes( IIf( AA, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlack, layer = 0, yposition = L, offset = -15  ); 
PlotShapes( IIf( BB, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlack, layer = 0, yposition = H, offset = -15  );

dist = 0.5*ATR(20);

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( AA[i] ) PlotText( "      Buy\n@ " + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorBlack ); 
if( BB[i] ) PlotText( "  Sell        \n@" + C[ i ], i, H[ i ]+dist[i], colorBlack ); 

GfxSelectPen( colorBlack, 1, 0) ;
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorPink ); 
GfxRoundRect( 3, 3, 250, 65, 9, 9 ) ;
GfxSelectFont("Courier New", 9, 700 ); 

GfxTextOut("      B   O   O   N  ", 25, 10);
//GfxTextOut((WriteIf(Buy ,  "Last Buy Trigger at  : "+C+" ", "")), 25, 45);
//GfxTextOut((WriteIf(Sell ,  "Last Sell Trigger at  : "+C+" ", "")), 25, 45);
GfxTextOut("Current Price         : " + C, 25, 25);
GfxTextOut("    " +Date() , 25, 45);



_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorWhite, styleThick ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorWhite, styleThick ); 


Well-Known Member

It looks till certain % has moved, it could happen in 2 days or may take 15days. It doesn,t look fixed period rather it keeps looking until condition met


Dear Friends,

I am posting below "BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1" AFL. The results obtained by the Automatic Analysis of Ami is giving outstanding results, because of which I feel that this is looking into the future. It may not be true, But if it is , then how many bars is it looking in the future ?

The results obtained when tested on 1 min TF from 2006 to date give a whopping 15000 Nifty points in only 1000 trades.

_SECTION_BEGIN("BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1");
//{BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1} 
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorWhite),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorLightYellow));

x1=5; x2=4; x3=3; x4=2; x5=1; x6=.5; 
//{Lowest price stock <5} 
AA=IIf(C<5,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x1,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x1,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 5 AND 20} 
IIf(C>5 AND C<20,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x2,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x2,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 20 AND 70} 
IIf(C>20 AND C<70,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x3,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x3,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 70 AND 150} 
IIf(C>70 AND C<150,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x4,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x4,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price between 150 AND 300} 
IIf(C>150 AND C<300,Cross(C,ValueWhen(Peak(H,x5,1) !=Ref(Peak(H,x5,1),-1),H,1)), 
//{Price over 300} 

//{Sell } 
x1=5; x2=4; x3=3; x4=2; x5=1; x6=.5; 
//{Lowest price stock <5} 
BB=IIf(C<5,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x1,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x1,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 5 AND 20} 
IIf(C>5 AND C<20,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x2,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x2,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 20 AND 70} 
IIf(C>20 AND C<70,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x3,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x3,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 70 AND 150} 
IIf(C>70 AND C<150,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x4,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x4,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price between 150 AND 300} 
IIf(C>150 AND C<300,Cross(ValueWhen(Trough(L,x5,1) !=Ref(Trough(L,x5,1),-1),L,1),C), 
//{Price over 300} 

///// Trailing Stop Module ///// 

P6=Param("Trailing Stop Risk",2.5,2,3.5,0.1); 
P7=Param("Trailing Stop LookBack",14,5,25,1); 
P8=Param("Trailing Stop PrevLow Switch",0,0,1,1); 
PrevLow=IIf(P8==1, Ref(C,-TroughBars(C,5,1)) ,Null); 

//Position sizing// 
MyTotalPort = Param("MyTotalPort",1000000,10000,10000000,100000); 
AcceptableRisk = Param("AcceptableRisk",0.5,0.1,3,0.1); 
BarsFromStart = BarsSince(Cross(AA,BB)AND Ref(Color,-1)==colorRed) ; 
InitialStopLoss =Ref( H - P6*ATR(P7),-BarsFromStart); 
PositionSizing = 0.01*AcceptableRisk*MyTotalPort/( C - InitialStopLoss ); 

Plot(IIf( HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1) <C ,HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1),Null) ,"",colorBlue,1); 
PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Cross(Ref(HHV(H - P6*ATR(P7),BarsFromStart+1),-1),C),colorCustom1,0,H,Offset=-43); 
Title=Name()+" "+Date()+" "+EncodeColor(colorBrown)+"BoonC Peak 'n Trough V 1.1+atr+position"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" Vol="+NumToStr(Volume ,1.2)+" "+EncodeColor(1)+"Position Sizing ( " +AcceptableRisk+ "% Risk ) = " + WriteIf(color==colorDarkGreen,NumToStr(PositionSizing ,1.0),"0")+ 
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"\nO="+O+EncodeColor(colorBrown)+" Pk-Tgh Exit"+EncodeColor(colorCustom1)+" ATR Trailing Exit"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" RSI Exit"+EncodeColor(colorBlack)+" ADX = "+ADX()+EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"\nH="+H+"\nL="+L+"\nClose="+ C+""+"\nchange= "+NumToStr((Ref(C,-1)-Close) ,1.2) + 
" "; 
PlotShapes( AA*shapeSmallUpTriangle,colorCustom12,0,L-0.2); 
PlotShapes( BB*shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle,colorCustom12,0,H+0.2); 

PlotShapes( IIf( AA, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlack, layer = 0, yposition = L, offset = -15  ); 
PlotShapes( IIf( BB, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ), colorBlack, layer = 0, yposition = H, offset = -15  );

dist = 0.5*ATR(20);

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( AA[i] ) PlotText( "      Buy\n@ " + C[ i ], i, L[ i ]-dist[i], colorBlack ); 
if( BB[i] ) PlotText( "  Sell        \n@" + C[ i ], i, H[ i ]+dist[i], colorBlack ); 

GfxSelectPen( colorBlack, 1, 0) ;
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorPink ); 
GfxRoundRect( 3, 3, 250, 65, 9, 9 ) ;
GfxSelectFont("Courier New", 9, 700 ); 

GfxTextOut("      B   O   O   N  ", 25, 10);
//GfxTextOut((WriteIf(Buy ,  "Last Buy Trigger at  : "+C+" ", "")), 25, 45);
//GfxTextOut((WriteIf(Sell ,  "Last Sell Trigger at  : "+C+" ", "")), 25, 45);
GfxTextOut("Current Price         : " + C, 25, 25);
GfxTextOut("    " +Date() , 25, 45);



_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 100, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorWhite, styleThick ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), colorWhite, styleThick ); 


Well-Known Member

It looks till certain % has moved, it could happen in 2 days or may take 15days. It doesn,t look fixed period rather it keeps looking until condition met

I have been observing the generation of the signals in real time. Till now didn't find any instance , where the signal has been generated depending on the performance of the future bars. If it looks for a couple of bars in the future it is ok . Since on a 1 min TF 2 to 3 min waiting for consolidation of the signal is not a problem . But it becomes a problem when the next day is Gap up/down day. And the signal is generated next day on the 3:2x bar.

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