How do I make AD Line and Trin in Amibroker?


Well-Known Member
How do I make AD Line and Trin in Amibroker? I have ^NSEI as nifty index and i download the data from nse website. How do i calculate A/D...can i use addtocomposite? if so can anyone tell me how to do it?
How do I make AD Line and Trin in Amibroker? I have ^NSEI as nifty index and i download the data from nse website. How do i calculate A/D...can i use addtocomposite? if so can anyone tell me how to do it?

Both are right there under Workspace -> Charts -> Indicators. Just double click them or, drag and drop them in the chart. (For drag and drop, make sure you set the style to "OwnScale".)



Well-Known Member
dear prveen,

i had tried it the first thing... being a ami pro u must be aware that i have to define the index and calculate composites...after doing that i get a straight line for AD line...any idea? btw i use Ownscale

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