How can I fix this chart"amibroker"

x0AH1 = starthitimeH;
x1BH2 = secondhitimeH ;
y0AH1  = RRR[AH1] ;
y1BH2 = RRR[BH2];
//Plot( LineArray( x0AH1, y0AH1, x1BH2  ,y1BH2, True , True ), "", colorGrey40 , styleDashed| styleNoLabel);

x0BH2 =secondhitimeH ;
x1CH3 = thirdhitimeH;
y0BH2  = RRR[BH2] ;
y1CH3 = RRR[CH3];
//Plot( LineArray(x0BH2, y0BH2 , x1CH3  ,y1CH3 , True , True ), "", colorGrey40 , styleDashed| styleNoLabel);

When I delete the trend, the chart changes how to make it steady

٢٠١٨-٠٩-٠٢ at ٢٠-٠٠-١٥.png

When I re-draw the trend the problem returns

٢٠١٨-٠٩-٠٢ at ٢٠-٠٢-٥١.png

Thank you

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