Help needed to understand this AFL


can some one help me to understand this afl and how to use it effectivily:p

Dedicated to Obrolan Bandar & AmiBroker Indonesia
By Timur Langit......
May 2010
Dibantu oleh Eko Widjajanto dan Irwan 
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates );

_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Buaya Lucu & Seru Timur Langit");

//SetChartBkGradientFill( colorWhite,colorWhite,colorWhite); 

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Close %g {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

PriceStyle = GetPriceStyle();

PriceStyleOpt = ParamStyle("Price Style")|PriceStyle;

if (PriceStyle==styleCandle)
Plot( C, "Buaya Lucu & Seru Timur Langit", colorAqua, PriceStyleOpt); 
Plot( C, "Buaya Lucu & Seru Timur Langit", IIf( Close >= Ref(C, -1), colorBrightGreen, colorRed ),

percentChange = 3;
ZZ = Zig(C,LastValue(PercentChange)) ; 

Plot(ZZ,"", colorBlue,styleLine|styleThick| styleNoLabel);
Plot(ZZ*0.9997,"", colorBlue,styleLine|styleThick| styleNoLabel);
Plot(ZZ*1.0003,"", colorBlue,styleLine|styleThick| styleNoLabel);
PivotLow = Ref(IIf(Ref(ROC(ZZ,1),-1) < 0 AND ROC(ZZ,1) > 0, 1, Null),1);
PivotHigh = Ref(IIf(Ref(ROC(ZZ,1),-1) > 0 AND ROC(ZZ,1) < 0, 1, Null),1);
PlotShapes( IIf(PivotLow,shapeCircle,0) ,colorBlue, 0, L,-12);
PlotShapes( IIf(PivotHigh,shapeCircle,0) ,colorCustom12, 0, H,12);
zbuy = pivotlow;
zsell= pivothigh;

//Plot( EMA( C, 100 ), "EMA100", colorOrange, styleThick); 
//Plot( EMA( C, 200 ), "EMA200", colorCustom12, styleThick); 
//Plot( 0.999*EMA( C, 100 ), "", colorOrange, styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
//Plot( 0.999*EMA( C, 200 ), "", colorCustom12, styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
//Plot( 1.001*EMA( C, 100 ), "", colorOrange, styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
//Plot( 1.001*EMA( C, 200 ), "", colorCustom12, styleThick | styleNoLabel); 

A = (H+L)/2;

SlowMA=MA( A,34);
FastMA=MA( A,5);
UpColor=AO >= Ref(AO,-1);
DnColor=AO < Ref(AO,-1);

UpFractal= ValueWhen(
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -4)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -3)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -1)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > H), Ref(H,-2));

DownFractal= ValueWhen(
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -4)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -3)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -1)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= L), Ref(L,-2));

UpFractalMax = Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2));
DownFractalMin = Min(LLV(L,3),Ref(DownFractal,2));
Plot(UpFractalMax, "BF" ,33, styleThick);
Plot(DownFractalMin, "SF",11, styleThick);

PlotShapes( IIf(DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorBlue, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
j50 = DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1); // tambah luagi
j51 = AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1) OR AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1) ;

AlertIf( DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1), "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Copet.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1) OR AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1), "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\AmbilUntung.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

AlligatorJaw = Ref(Wilders(A,13),-8);
AlligatorTeeth = Ref(Wilders(A,8), -5);
AlligatorLips = Ref(Wilders(A,5), -3);

Plot(AlligatorJaw, "", colorBlue, styleThick | styleNoLabel);
Plot(AlligatorTeeth,"", colorRed, styleThick | styleNoLabel);
Plot(AlligatorLips, "", colorDarkGreen,styleThick | styleNoLabel);

PlotOHLC( C,C,AlligatorLips,AlligatorLips, "", IIf(C>AlligatorLips,colorLime,colorRed), styleCloud| styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC( AlligatorLips,AlligatorLips,AlligatorJaw,Alligator Jaw, "", IIf(AlligatorLips>AlligatorJaw,colorYellow,colorPi nk), styleCloud| styleNoLabel);
Buy= Cross(C,AlligatorLips);

myStochD=StochD( 14 , 34, 8 );
myStochK=StochK( 14 , 34);
BuySto = Cross(myStochK, myStochD );
SellSto = Cross( myStochD, myStochK );
r1 = Param( "Fast avg", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow avg", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal avg", 9, 2, 200, 1 );
r4 = Param( "Wk slow", 8, 2, 200, 1 );
r5 = Param( "Wk fast", 17, 2, 200, 1 );

M0=IIf(AO<-120,IIf(AO>Ref(AO,-1) AND Ref(AO,-1)<Ref(AO,-2),1,0),0);
PlotShapes( IIf(M0,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(M0,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorDarkGreen, 0, L,-2);
AlertIf( M0, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Copet.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 );

R3a=Cross(m1,s1) AND m1<0;
PlotShapes(IIf(R3a,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(R3a,shapeDigit0 ,Null),colorWhite,0,L,-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(R3a,shapeUpArrow,Null),colorWhite,0 ,L,-15);

PlotShapes(IIf(H1,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(H1,shapeDigit1 ,0) ,colorGold, 0, L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(H1,shapeUpArrow ,0) ,colorGold, 0, L,-30);

PlotShapes( IIf(A00,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(A00,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorDarkGreen, 0, L,-2);
AlertIf( A00, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Copet.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 );

PlotShapes( IIf(Z01,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(Z01,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
AlertIf( Z01, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\AmbilUntung.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

A11=IIf(AO>120,IIf(AO<Ref(AO,-1) AND Ref(AO,-1)>Ref(AO,-2),1,0),0);
PlotShapes( IIf(A11,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(A11,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
AlertIf( A11, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Copet.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 );

I2=Cross(m1,s1) AND m1>0;
PlotShapes(IIf(I2,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(I2,shapeDigit2 ,Null),colorLime,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(I2,shapeUpArrow,Null),colorLime,0,L ,-30);

//Zero crossover down

R3=Cross(s1,m1) AND m1>0;
PlotShapes(IIf(R3,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,25);
PlotShapes(IIf(R3,shapeDigit3 ,Null),colorRed,0,H,25);
PlotShapes(IIf(R3,shapeDownArrow,Null),colorRed,0, H,-10);

// crossover below zero

PlotShapes(IIf(I4,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,30);
PlotShapes(IIf(I4,shapeDigit4 ,Null),colorCustom12,0,H,30);
PlotShapes(IIf(I4,shapeDownArrow,Null),colorCustom 12,0,H,-15);

PlotShapes(IIf(N41,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,45);
PlotShapes(IIf(N41,shapeDigit4 ,0) ,colorCustom12, 0, H,45);
PlotShapes(IIf(N41,shapeDownArrow ,0) ,colorCustom12, 0, H,-30);

AlertIf( FullPosition, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\BeliAwang.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( Copet, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Copet.WAV", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( CashOut, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\Jual.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( TrailingStop, "SOUND C:\\Program Files\\AmiBroker\\RekamSuara\\AmbilUntung.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

//SetChartBkColor( Color00); 
color = IIf( C > AlligatorLips, IIf( C>AlligatorJaw, colorDarkYellow, colorSeaGreen), IIf(AlligatorJaw>AlligatorLips, colorDarkRed, colorTan));
SetChartBkColor( LastValue(color) );


Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Title = SectorID( mode = 1 ) + " - " +Name() + " " + EncodeColor(2) + Date() +EncodeColor(11)+ " ~TI~ " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
//EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(O,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ WriteIf(O==L,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),WriteIf (O==H,EncodeColor(colorRed),EncodeColor(colorWhite )))+ WriteVal(O,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteVal(H,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(L,format=1.0) + 
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colo rRed))+ WriteVal(C,format=1.0)+ 
EncodeColor(55)+ " Change: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colo rRed))+ WriteVal(ROC(C,1),format=1.2)+ "%"+

// EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(V,1)
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ WriteIf(V>Ref(V,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(color Red))+ WriteVal(V,1)


+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorCustom11)+"Buaya Lucu-Lucuan"
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+"by Timur Langit"


+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 0: " + WriteIf(R3a,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Bearish crossover below zero",WriteIf(M0,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<-120",""))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 1: " + WriteIf(H1,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"AO crossup zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 2: " + WriteIf(I2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish crossover above zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 3: " + WriteIf(R3,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"Bearish crossover above zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 4: " + WriteIf(I4,EncodeColor(colorPink)+"MACD cross below zero", WriteIf(N41,EncodeColor(colorPink)+"AO crossdown zero",""))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Awesome: " + WriteIf(M0,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<-120",WriteIf(j00,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<0",Wr iteIf(j01,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO>0",WriteIf(j 11,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO>120",""))))


+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"[:::]Buaya Bilang: " + WriteIf(R3a,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Udah Boleh Nyopet",WriteIf(H1,EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+" Udah Boleh Beli",
WriteIf(I2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Boleh Beli Lagi",WriteIf(R3,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Kalo mau TP dulu silahkan",WriteIf(I4,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"H arus Clear Position nih",
WriteIf(N41,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"Harus Clear Position nih",WriteIf(j50,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Tuambah Lagi",WriteIf(j51,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Hati-hati",
WriteIf(zbuy,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Udah Boleh Beli",WriteIf(zsell,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"TP sudah tercapai","Neutral")))))))))) 
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"==================== ====";


Well-Known Member

can some one help me to understand this afl and how to use it effectivily:p
The main portion is William's Alligator System with fractal, making it very colorful & fanciful. Adding unnecessary ZigZag
Copy from and mix and match.
Adding Alligator Oscillator, MACD Stoch buy sell condition

To trade it effectively, go to read Bill William's Books. And Study how the Alligator/Buaya/Crocodile behavior, Jaw, Teeth & Lips work.

Here is my Modification:

Dedicated to Obrolan Bandar & AmiBroker Indonesia
By Timur Langit......
May 2010
Dibantu oleh Eko Widjajanto dan Irwan 

SoundAlertPath ="SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\";

_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Price Chart");

SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates );
//SetChartBkGradientFill( colorWhite,colorWhite,colorWhite); 
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Close %g {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));

PriceStyle = GetPriceStyle();
PriceStyleOpt = ParamStyle("Price Style")|PriceStyle;

    clr =colorBlack;
    clr = IIf (Close >= Ref(C, -1), colorBrightGreen, colorRed);

Plot( C, "Price", clr, PriceStyleOpt); 



bShowZZLine = ParamToggle("Show ZigZag Line", "No|Yes", 1);
bShowZZSym = ParamToggle("ShowZigZag High/Low Symbol", "No|Yes", 1);

percentChange = 3;
ZZ = Zig(C,LastValue(PercentChange)) ; 

Pivotlow = Ref(IIf(Ref(ROC(ZZ,1),-1) < 0 AND ROC(ZZ,1) > 0, 1, Null),1);
PivotHigh = Ref(IIf(Ref(ROC(ZZ,1),-1) > 0 AND ROC(ZZ,1) < 0, 1, Null),1);

if (bShowZZLine)
Plot(ZZ,"", colorBlue,styleThick|styleNoLabel);

if (bShowZZSym)
PlotShapes( IIf(PivotLow,shapeCircle,0) ,colorBlue, 0, L,-12);
PlotShapes( IIf(PivotHigh,shapeCircle,0) ,ColorRGB(255,0,255), 0, H,12);


_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Alligator");

bShowAlligator = ParamList("Show BW", "Off|Alligator|Alligator++|All", 3);
switch (bShowAlligator)
  case "All": bShow=3; break;
  case "Alligator": bShow=1; break;
  case "Alligator++": bShow=2; break;
//-- Copy from

MP = (H+L)/2;
AlligatorJaw = Ref(Wilders(MP,13),-8);
AlligatorTeeth = Ref(Wilders(MP,8), -5);
AlligatorLips = Ref(Wilders(MP,5), -3);

if ( bShow&1)
Plot(AlligatorJaw, "", colorBlue, styleThick | styleNoLabel);
Plot(AlligatorTeeth,"", colorRed, styleThick | styleNoLabel);
Plot(AlligatorLips, "", colorDarkGreen,styleThick | styleNoLabel);

//-- Make it Fanciful & colorful onto the BW Alligator
if ( bShow&2)
PlotOHLC( C,C,AlligatorLips,AlligatorLips, "", IIf(C>AlligatorLips,colorLime,colorRed), styleCloud| styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC( AlligatorLips,AlligatorLips,AlligatorJaw,AlligatorJaw, "", IIf(AlligatorLips>AlligatorJaw,colorYellow,colorPink), styleCloud| styleNoLabel);

_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Fractals");
//-- Fractal -----
bShowFractals = ParamToggle("Show Fractals Line", "No|Yes", 1);
bShowFractalsSym = ParamToggle("Show Fractals Symbols", "No|Yes", 1);

UpFractal= ValueWhen(
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -4)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -3)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -1)) AND
(Ref(H,-2) > H), Ref(H,-2));

DownFractal= ValueWhen(
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -4)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -3)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -1)) AND
(Ref(L,-2) <= L), Ref(L,-2));

UpFractalMax = Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2));
DownFractalMin = Min(LLV(L,3),Ref(DownFractal,2));

if (bShowFractals)
Plot(UpFractalMax, "BF" ,33, styleThick);
Plot(DownFractalMin, "SF",11, styleThick);

if (bShowFractalsSym)
PlotShapes( IIf(DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorBlue, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);

_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Awesome Oscillator");
//-- AO 
SlowMA=MA( MP,34);
FastMA=MA( MP,5);

PlotShapes( IIf(AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1),shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);

//-- AO & Fractal Alert Setting
j50 = DownFractalMin>Ref(DownFractalMin,-1); 
j51 = AO<0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1) OR AO>0 AND C<Ref(DownFractalMin,-1) ;

AlertIf( j50, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );
AlertIf( j51, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

M0=IIf(AO<-120,IIf(AO>Ref(AO,-1) AND Ref(AO,-1)<Ref(AO,-2),1,0),0);
PlotShapes( IIf(M0,shapeSmallCircle,null) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(M0,shapeHollowCircle,null) ,colorDarkGreen, 0, L,-2);
AlertIf( M0, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );


r1 = Param( "Fast", 12, 2, 200, 1 );
r2 = Param( "Slow", 26, 2, 200, 1 );
r3 = Param( "Signal", 9, 2, 200, 1 );



_SECTION_BEGIN("Stochastic Setting");
st1 = Param( "%K", 14, 2, 200, 1 );
st2 = Param( "Smth(%K)", 34, 2, 200, 1 );
st3 = Param( "%D", 8, 2, 200, 1 );

StoK=StochK( st1 , st2);
StoD=StochD( st1 , st2, st3 );

Sto_Buy =  Cross(StoK, StoD );
Sto_Sell = Cross( StoD, StoK );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Buy/Sell Arrows");

//-- All the Buy/Sell condition from AO, MACD, Stoch

//-- Digit_1: AO Cross Up 0 
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_H1,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_H1,shapeDigit1 ,0) ,colorGold, 0, L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_H1,shapeUpArrow ,0) ,colorGold, 0, L,-30);

//Digit_4: AO Cross Dn 0
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_N41,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,45);
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_N41,shapeDigit4 ,0) ,colorCustom12, 0, H,45);
PlotShapes(IIf(AO_N41,shapeDownArrow ,0) ,colorCustom12, 0, H,-30);

//--Digit_0: MACD Cross Up when Bearish
Macd_R3a=Cross(m1,s1) AND m1<0;
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3a,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3a,shapeDigit0 ,Null),colorWhite,0,L,-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3a,shapeUpArrow,Null),colorWhite,0 ,L,-15);

//Digit 2: MACD Cross up when Bullish
Macd_I2=Cross(m1,s1) AND m1>0;
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_I2,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_I2,shapeDigit2 ,Null),colorLime,0,L,-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_I2,shapeUpArrow,Null),colorLime,0,L ,-30);

//Digit 3: MACD Cross Down when Bullish
Macd_R3=Cross(s1,m1) AND m1>0;
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3,shapeDigit3 ,Null),colorRed,0,H,25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_R3,shapeDownArrow,Null),colorRed,0, H,-10);

//Digit 4: MACD Cross below zero
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_I4,shapeCircle ,Null),colorBlack,0,H,30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Macd_I4,shapeDigit4 ,Null),colorCustom12,0,H,30);

// Check Stoch cross up when AO Bearish
PlotShapes( IIf(A00,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorWhite, 0, L,-2);
PlotShapes( IIf(A00,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorDarkGreen, 0, L,-2);
AlertIf( A00, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

// Check Stoch cross down when AO Bullish
PlotShapes( IIf(Z01,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(Z01,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
AlertIf( Z01, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

A11=IIf(AO>120,IIf(AO<Ref(AO,-1) AND Ref(AO,-1)>Ref(AO,-2),1,0),0);
PlotShapes( IIf(A11,shapeSmallCircle,0) ,colorRed, 0, H,2);
PlotShapes( IIf(A11,shapeHollowCircle,0) ,colorBlack, 0, H,2);
AlertIf( A11, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

AlertIf( BW_Copet, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

AlertIf( BW_FullPosition, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

AlertIf( BW_TrailingStop, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

AlertIf( BW_CashOut, SoundAlertPath + "Ding.wav", "Audio alert", 2 );

//SetChartBkColor( Color00); 
color = IIf( C > AlligatorLips, IIf( C>AlligatorJaw, colorDarkYellow, colorSeaGreen), IIf(AlligatorJaw>AlligatorLips, colorDarkRed, colorTan));
SetChartBkColor( LastValue(color) );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Display Titles");
Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Title = SectorID( mode = 1 ) + " - " +Name() + " " + EncodeColor(2) + Date() +EncodeColor(11)+ " ~TI~ " + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{INTERVAL}} " +
//EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(O,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Open: "+ WriteIf(O==L,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),WriteIf (O==H,EncodeColor(colorRed),EncodeColor(colorWhite )))+ WriteVal(O,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " High: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + WriteVal(H,format=1.0) +
EncodeColor(55)+ " Low: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(L,format=1.0) + 
EncodeColor(55)+ " Close: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(C,format=1.0)+ 
EncodeColor(55)+ " Change: "+ WriteIf(C> Chg,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(ROC(C,1),format=1.2)+ "%"+

// EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ WriteVal(V,1)
EncodeColor(55)+ " Volume: "+ WriteIf(V>Ref(V,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),EncodeColor(colorRed))+ WriteVal(V,1)
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorCustom11)+"BW Alligrator"
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+"by Timur Langit"

+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 0: " + WriteIf(Macd_R3a,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"Bearish crossover below zero",WriteIf(M0,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<-120",""))
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 1: " + WriteIf(AO_H1,EncodeColor(colorBlue)+"AO crossup zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 2: " + WriteIf(Macd_I2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"Bullish crossover above zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 3: " + WriteIf(Macd_R3,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"Bearish crossover above zero","")
+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Digit 4: " + WriteIf(Macd_I4,EncodeColor(colorPink)+"MACD cross below zero", WriteIf(AO_N41,EncodeColor(colorPink)+"AO crossdown zero",""))
//+"\n"+EncodeColor(41)+"Awesome: " + WriteIf(M0,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<-120",WriteIf(j00,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO<0",Wr iteIf(j01,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO>0",WriteIf(j 11,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"AO>120",""))))

//-- Google Translator
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"[:::]Alligator Say: " + WriteIf(Macd_R3a,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Possible Buy Up",WriteIf(AO_H1,EncodeColor(colorLightOrange)+" May Buy Now",
WriteIf(Macd_I2,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+"May Buy Again",WriteIf(Macd_R3,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"Please TP first",WriteIf(Macd_I4,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"Must Clear Position now",
WriteIf(AO_N41,EncodeColor(colorCustom12)+"Must Clear Position Now",WriteIf(j50,EncodeColor(colorWhite)+"Add more",WriteIf(j51,EncodeColor(colorYellow)+"Caution",
WriteIf(PivotLow,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"May Buy Now",WriteIf(PivotHigh,EncodeColor(colorRed)+"TP has been reached","Neutral")))))))))) 
+"\n"+EncodeColor(colorPink)+"==================== ====";

Last edited:
Hi KelvinHand,

I have one query regarding this AFL.
there are some full pink and blue point that change automatically:confused:
i have not seen any pink point that was a sell signal and now after 2-3 days when i open the chart again that sell signal was there...(before 2-3 days)
i am not getting this point, am i missing something...?


Well-Known Member
Hi KelvinHand,

I have one query regarding this AFL.
there are some full pink and blue point that change automatically:confused:
i have not seen any pink point that was a sell signal and now after 2-3 days when i open the chart again that sell signal was there...(before 2-3 days)
i am not getting this point, am i missing something...?
You go and reload the code again, and play with the parameters, turn on turn off the Yes/No to find out what exactly it is belong to before you ask.

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