Fixed Deposits - ICICI


Active Member

ICICI is offering good rates on FDs - just saw an email from them - 11% and additional 0.25% for seniors for amounts under 10lakhs. Those rates are higher than whats being offered at similar banks outside (similar rate for HDFCBank is 10.5%). I wonder why the rate difference - does ICICI have shortage of funds?

I am thinking that interest rates are probably going to be topping out, and this may be a good time to get in those. Any thoughts are most welcome.


-- Milind


Well-Known Member
Share prices of icici and hdfcbank were 1200+ last Dec. hdfc bank still quotes at 1000+ icici is at about 500.

What gives is anyone's guess.


Active Member
ICICI is aggressive in nature therefore more prone to both high profit & high loss. Same thing happened to all these big invest bankers liker lehmen etc.
HDFC is more on balanced in nature.

just a thought....

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