Do you have this Vier 4P Analysis AFL

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This is a very sophisticated price chart that allows you to show and hide a variety of indicators and systems, which includes pivots, bollinger bands, Jimberg and many others.

Here is a screenshot of how the indicator looks:

if you have it , please share it

Thank you
dear tblock thanks for your great help I downloaded the file I started tu use ıt but thıs formula shows me only the price. ıt doesn't show me any buy or sell sıgnal and ıt doesnt look lıke the graph above ıs there anymore thıng that you recommend I sholud do?
dear tblock thanks for your great help I downloaded the file I started tu use ıt but thıs formula shows me only the price. ıt doesn't show me any buy or sell sıgnal and ıt doesnt look lıke the graph above ıs there anymore thıng that you recommend I sholud do?

Look at the parameters!!!

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