Day Trading Stocks & Futures


Well-Known Member
I too was doing the same thing..Entire 2017 I was shorting.But since last 4 months I consciously changed myself and started working both long and short.Today i made money in both long and short.Just wait and see what the market is conveying. My simple system to go short in NF is below RSI 60 and in BNF below RSI 50.Similiarly on the longside.
This is so true with everyone. One look at the option chain will tell us how deep rooted this is. The premiums on a put option will generally be higher than a corresponding call option. :D
Putting a trade and sleeping is different.I forgot to remove the Sl and the market reversed and took the trade in the opposite side.
You are lucky...whenever I make any such mistake, market always punishes me by losses.....never gives me money on my mistake....;):)


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