
hello to fellow members and thanks to cooltetra for providing these tools

i am new to the TA and trying to learn, i have downloaded all files and studying them. first file (gapana) is working fine except N/a's in some script ( that is due to change in the name of script or no buyer/seller i guess )

how to use 2nd file (coolintra)? first sheet is fine but in 2nd sheet i have changed the date to 16-dec-2009 and tried to prepare sheet but it says some unspecified error, i have deleted and re-downloaded the file but not working

ppl who r using these files, pls help.....


Active Member
I am also in the same problem. Preveously it was working fine. Recently due to change in NSE system it is unable to down load the EOD file. Coolworks is not responding and also his worksheet is password protected. He himself can modify his system. Pl.send mail to him, if he wants, he can help us. I have tried, no response.
Hi All

I have got some very valuable inputs from a respectable border to enhance the excel sheet. And I am currently working on implementing the same.

Some of the features you can expect in the next versions are
1. For preparation work for the next day...
Facility to scan and select scrip that meet your requirement on the basis of
i. Last traded price greater (to disqualify the penny stocks or the elephants :D)
ii. Total traded value (to avoid the ones which are traded less)
iii. Others, which my non trading mind can think of.
This aims at reducing the watch list and the downloads.
2. The features of intraday support and resistance levels. I plan to use the Woodies pivots for the same.
3. Additional color coding to indicate the current position of the scrip regarding its intraday support or resistance.(This will be using the pivots for the coloring)
4. Grouping of the scrip on weather they are range bound, above the R1/R2 level or S1/S2 level.
5. Parameters like %Change
6. We will be using the NSE bhav copy for the preparation so as to have the closing price.

And other ideas which you may think of sharing

192 views, 49 downloads and 2 comments :(.
Didn't we have any compatibility issue either?

With best regards
Hi cooltetra,

I also would like to do development in the same way you started, I'll try to contibute to your code. Pls. let me know if you agree and share password at [email protected]



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