coding help

i got the solution from another forum.
here is the code
// Note that if you get a sell within the reject period of the Buy

// it will be missed the first time. To fix this you have to modify

// the SayNotTooOften function.

function SayNotTooOften( text, Minperiod )


elapsed = GetPerformanceCounter() / 1000;

Lastelapsed = Nz( StaticVarGet( "lastsaytime" ) );

if ( elapsed - Lastelapsed > Minperiod )


StaticVarSet( "lastsaytime", elapsed );

Say( text );



// system source unknown…

Buy = Cross( MA( C, 13 ), MA( C, 15 ) );

Sell = Cross( MA( C, 15 ), MA( C, 13 ) );

Plot( MA( C, 13 ), "Fast 13 Periods MA", 2, 1 ); // White

Plot( MA( C, 15 ), "Slow 15 Periods MA", 4, 1 ); // Red

Plot( C, "", 1, styleCandle );

ManualBuy = ParamTrigger( "Manual Buy", "NOW" );

LastBuy = LastValue( Buy ) OR MAnualBuy;

if ( LastBuy )

SayNotTooOften( "Buy", 5 ); // Will not repeat voice output faster than once in 5-seconds

ManualSell = ParamTrigger( "Manual Sell", "NOW" );

LastSell = LastValue( Sell ) OR MAnualSell;

if ( LastSell )

SayNotTooOften( "Sell", 5 );

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