Can ETFs be shorted for more than one day in India?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it's possible for individuals to 'short' an ETF and carry the position for more than one day? Also is it possible to short it intraday?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if it's possible for individuals to 'short' an ETF and carry the position for more than one day? Also is it possible to short it intraday?
Welcom to Traderji !

ETF's and for that matter anything that does not have a Futures contract cannot be shorted overnight, not even for a day! You shall have to "cover" the short before the close of the market.

You have asked "In India". Wondering, can it be done elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
I know they can be shorted intraday in the US but unsure about overnight.
Actually there is something known as SLBM, which u can hold overnight short positions in cash markets , however it is available only for stocks which are in the derivatives segment. Ask ur broker about it. Not many brokers offer this service since it is not very popular .:)


Well-Known Member
I believe you are talking about the inter-settlement borrowing right? Wherein you can short overnight and have to cover before delivery T+2?

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