Backtest condition to renew indicator per day


Active Member

I am doing backtest on 1 min data of 1 year and stucked at one place.

If any trade is Open, closed it at 3.29. i.e If Buy generated before market hrs the close with SELL signal. If Shorted then COVER.

I was able to do so by writing Buy = xyz or timeNum() >=152900

However, this last close is taken as an new signal which will get close another day. So, my backtest is having set back.I want 2 eliminate GAPUP DOWN...

Can anyone tell me how to generate the BUY SELL signal for each new trading data ? i.e Yesterday position after closing at 3.29. For today Indicator will generate BUY SELL new signal depending on condition of new candle made today. I am testing on yearly data and having setback for GAPUP or GAP DOWN condition, which I want 2 elminate.

Thanks a lot in advance.